The One Spa

Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine


Mar 21, 2011
The Lisi warrants show Ford meeting with Lisi at parks and other shady places while he was supposed to be at council meetings.

Skipping work to do drugs is grounds for firing.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I'm not just blaming the Liberals on different issues, Ford clearly has an addition problem and should seek help. I was simply asking where all the people who find time to protest against someone who has a seriously fucked up personal life when the Liberals were wasting Billions of taxpayers dollars?
That is an awkward phrased question. However to try to answer: I found time to protest against someone who has a seriously fucked up personal life AND terrible policies AND is a fat fucking asshole who should be in jail, not City Hall.

This was one of my favourite sightings:

I want to go back and chalk in "For someone who hates cyclists Ford is doing a lot of backpeddling these days"

It's funny to see someone ask "Where do people find the time in the middle of the day..." on the Toronto Escort Review Board.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
If I remember correctly, considering how many people showed up at this rally, 100 times more people showed up at Ford Fest in Scarborough in the summer.

To defeat Rob Ford, that is still an uphill climb if just comparing the turnout to the rallies.

Would this crack cocaine admission make any difference?

I am thinking, it could be no. It may not make a difference.

The people who hate Ford, will continue to hate Ford regardless.

It is the family oriented people in Etobicoke, North York, Scarborough, Ford's political base, would they turn against him because of the drugs?

comparing those two events , really has no merit...I dare say that Fordfest mostly attracted mooches looking for free food..


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Funny how people bash his drinking and womanizing as if we live in some Islamic republic.


New member
Dec 30, 2004
I other news....
Billions of dollars have been pissed away on a failed gas plant. No news at 11 because we too busy with what this poor sod does.
Gotta run! Just heard that he farted and it stinks.....and somebody got the hidden video of it....


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Funny how people bash his drinking and womanizing as if we live in some Islamic republic.
Womanizing? This is news! What do you know about this? Are you saying Lisi is Ford's woman? That would explain the obsessive amount of phone calls and late-night rendezvous in gas station toilets!
Or is "womanizing" code for "crack smoking". LOL The only remaining supporters are almost as delusional as the Fords.

I other news....
Billions of dollars have been pissed away on a failed gas plant. No news at 11 because we too busy with what this poor sod does.
Gotta run! Just heard that he farted and it stinks.....and somebody got the hidden video of it....
The gas plant was going to be cancelled no matter which party was in power. Try to keep up with reality.

And today from the National Post:
Rob Ford was NEVER Rob Ford

Rob Ford was always a nice idea: a fiscal hawk who was going to roll up his sleeves and straighten out the city hall of Canada’s biggest city. He would re-invent civic government and watch every dollar, apply common-sense private-sector practices, and shrink Toronto’s administration down to just the right size.
In practice, Rob Ford has done none of this since his election in 2010, but his fervent supporters were so enamored with the idea of Rob Ford that they became complicit in covering up for real-life-Rob-Ford’s failures.
Now that Toronto’s Chief of Police has confirmed that the mayor does indeed appear in a 2013 cell-phone video appearing to smoke crack cocaine, Ford’s defenders are digging trenches. His lawyer says: You can’t prove it’s crack. A woman called my radio station to say that as a sculptor she could understand how someone could fashion a plastic mask to look like the mayor. Many argue they would rather a crack-smoking mayor than any of his sober rivals.

It’s understandable that some conservatives would do what they can to protect Rob Ford. This is a city that votes left. That a right-wing-seeming populist was elected in 2010 was historic. And the ardency of his cult following goes beyond his place on the political spectrum. He’s a Hugo Chavez character: a satisfyingly big finger poked in the eye of the traditional power holders.
But the flesh-and-blood Rob Ford never was the Rob Ford of the conservative imagination.

His fans will rhyme off a list of his accomplishments, which on inspection are not really all that spectacular. He contracted our garbage collection in a city that already had private trash collection. He negotiated a labour deal with a union that agreed in advance to a wage freeze.

There has been no streamlining, and the billions in efficiencies promised by the mayor during his campaign have never materialized

Ford uses voodoo math to insist that he has saved a billion tax dollars. In fact, his most recent budget was $200-million larger than the previous mayor’s last budget. That beats inflation, and is worthy of praise on that basis, but it’s not transformational government.

The streets of Toronto are no cleaner and no less congested. Services and employees that should have been shed are still on the books. There has been no streamlining, and the billions in efficiencies promised by the mayor during his campaign have never materialized.

Callers to my radio station will frequently say “I don’t care if he smokes crack so long as he keeps my taxes low.” But even the mayor’s reputation on taxes falls short. He canceled one and raised others to pay for an ill-conceived transit plan. He has reduced the city’s payroll through attrition to the point where services are now falling short, and he left the city on the hook for millions in penalties for projects he delayed or cancelled.

The real Rob Ford has proven to be a policy improviser who arrives late in the morning for work and spends hours off the clock wandering through public housing and in shadowy meetings with an accused drug dealer. On many occasions he demonstrates an alarming lack of knowledge of the city and how it works.
Is this a man conservatives want to claim for their own?
The notion that Toronto is going to descend into wanton socialism without Rob Ford at the helm is ridiculous. There are plenty of worthy candidates to carry on a campaign of fiscal probity and smaller government. And frankly, there are plenty of liberals who would vote for them, too.


Apr 11, 2002
After seeing his mom & big sister on TV and having to live with that thug Doug by his shoulder, I almost feel sorry for the guy. As Jimmy Kimmel said last night, all his Mom had to say to the world is that he is fat, boy I bet he was glad to hear that. I bet he's been pummelled by that since he was a kid. As an alcoholic, I can usually tell another one, and Ford is a mean loud mouth drunk and reviewing the Ford family, it seems that their mission is to put the WHITE back into TRASH, and are having a ton of success


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I other news....
Billions of dollars have been pissed away on a failed gas plant. No news at 11 because we too busy with what this poor sod does.
Gotta run! Just heard that he farted and it stinks.....and somebody got the hidden video of it....
How much you think The Star will pay for it?

It stinks so it gotta cost more than $5,000.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Ford is an embarrassment and has to go!

The bigger problem is, who we gonna get to replace him? :frusty:


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Ford is an embarrassment and has to go!

The bigger problem is, who we gonna get to replace him? [stupid emoticon removed]
Given the number of folks who've declared all pols to be lying scum, and all government a useless, wasteful activity private business could do better, who's going to step forward?

Perhaps we could tempt them by admitting it's a damn difficult and thankless job, and accepting that no one can ever do it perfectly or without making some serious mistakes. But that if they treated us openly, honestly, as if they thought we could understand more than three word sentences, we'd give them a fair chance at the job.

All the above, of course, actually requires that we voters can understand sentences of more than three words. And that we pick pols who can speak them. Who's deep thoughts take more than three words to express goes without saying, as does our responsibility to look past the three-word soundbites when picking the next victim.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I other news....
Billions of dollars have been pissed away on a failed gas plant. No news at 11 because we too busy with what this poor sod does.
Gotta run! Just heard that he farted and it stinks.....and somebody got the hidden video of it....
Maybe Rob should step aside and get help. Then the news would be able to focus on other stories.


Apr 24, 2005
Mohamed Farah (check spelling) said that he wanted to sell the video as a "public service". What a nice guy, eh?


Jan 31, 2005
Mohamed Farah (check spelling) said that he wanted to sell the video as a "public service". What a nice guy, eh?
The guy is a scumbag criminal. The question is how fucked up do you have to be to wind up with that kind of drinking buddy?

Ford is trying to play this as the effects of alcohol, but really he could have gotten drunk with a higher class of drinking buddy. There are lots of alcoholics in the city he could have hooked up with who don't belong to drug gangs.

He is associated with some fucked up people.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
its hilarious to see the hypocrite cons on TERB backtrack like lil bitches...forced to defend their boy Robbie ... if we were talking about a crack video with former mayor miller...all of you , acutus ,Fmahlovich etc would be calling for an execution...keep posting guys, i love watching you cons defend a crackhead!
Seriously! I never agreed with Miller but these Ford apologists defend an admitted crackhead who intentionally deceived a city, broke the law WHILE on city time, associated with criminals and uses his office for reprehensible behaviour. But MILLER is the bad guy? Do these people read the bullshit they write?
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