Toronto Escorts

Kelly sunshine


Active member
Jan 5, 2006
I think she was calling herself Donna not too long ago. She was traveling everywhere, started in KW, spent time in St Cath, Burl, and Oakville. Good service but a high volume girl, that isn't very reliable. I have seen reviews, whether it was here or the Blue Board I can't recall.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
I have no information to offer, other than the link I believe is the girl you are asking about. Just trying to preemptively stop all the requests and admonishment for not posting a link.

Kelly Sunshine`s been around forever, lots of reviews, most good -

I`ve seen her, good dfk lotsa tongue, full gfe. Only common complaint seems to be she "rushes" you, tries to get you off quickly (my experience), then out cause she`s on to next guy. That said, she`s cute + I`d repeat


Swollen member
May 31, 2002
In the corner of a round room
I tried to book with her and it was like pulling teeth. I finally got hold of her and set a time and when I arrived and msg'd for the room # it took forever for her to reply. I sent her a msg saying, "I'm here, what room". 15 minutes later she replies with "are you here?". I reply back with, "not any more". And I left. If she is as good as some reviews say, I may give her another shot. The talent pool in Burlington seems to be hit and miss at best lately.


May 20, 2009
Saw her earlier in the week. Not too hard to book. Got to the motel and was told the room number. Got to the door and was greeted by a maid who had finished vacuuming, WTF? Kelly was there on the bed in pajamas and t-shirt as I switched places with the maid...awkward!! The place smelled of thick smoke so if you don't want to come out smelling like cigarettes, I strongly suggest you avoid because she is a chain smoker. Kelly is very young looking, like 18 young! Attractive face and very good body but I was actually a bit worried that she was under age. She seemed a bit out of it too. Quite cute but I had a hard time seeing her through all the pop cans, cigarette butts, junk food rappers and half eaten food all over the place. A real pig sty!! She was very rushed and asked for SOG within 5 minutes of disrobing. I was out in 15 minutes but had paid for 1/2 hour but I just couldn't take the smoke so I didn't complain. Needless to say, I will not be seeing her again

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
Thanks for the info 66. Nothing better than a chain smoking slob who is in a hurry to get you out the door. :frusty:


Still hunting fresh ones!
Jan 23, 2003
Better part of Hamilton
Had the same experience yesterday except I got my 30 mins out of her. When I got there there was a bag of weed on the bed as well as food and clothes. She was spaced out as well. Keeps the place like a shithole.

Saw her earlier in the week. Not too hard to book. Got to the motel and was told the room number. Got to the door and was greeted by a maid who had finished vacuuming, WTF? Kelly was there on the bed in pajamas and t-shirt as I switched places with the maid...awkward!! The place smelled of thick smoke so if you don't want to come out smelling like cigarettes, I strongly suggest you avoid because she is a chain smoker. Kelly is very young looking, like 18 young! Attractive face and very good body but I was actually a bit worried that she was under age. She seemed a bit out of it too. Quite cute but I had a hard time seeing her through all the pop cans, cigarette butts, junk food rappers and half eaten food all over the place. A real pig sty!! She was very rushed and asked for SOG within 5 minutes of disrobing. I was out in 15 minutes but had paid for 1/2 hour but I just couldn't take the smoke so I didn't complain. Needless to say, I will not be seeing her again


New member
May 23, 2008
I saw Kelly last week. It was awful. Within a minute after showering she said time is going to run out. She seems depressed. Her dfk is bad. All tongue no break for you to breath. Cim almost as punishment for the money I wasted. She is cute and has a good body. The room smelled of running shoes. No repeat.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
She was my first zp. She was freshly showerd whe. I saw her was more freaked out about he missing iphone.her kissingwas sloppy and she felt very disintrested could havd bin me.loved ber look and her add was bang on. Because it was my first it kinda turned me off so i have not bin back. Age looks 19-20

Looks 8/10
hygiene 9/10
attitude 4/10
service 5/10 ..only because it was my first and i came .i like girls when they are it
Toronto Escorts