
Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Just got in a few hours ago and it's a magnificent city.

Some of the women I've seen are truly extraordinarily beautiful. I managed to get a certain lovely to sit down and have a drink with me but it went no further than that. My Japanese was only as good as her English.

Anyone who cares to share, please do so. I'm going to soak up as much as I can here.

Stay tuned...


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Just west of GTA
I lived there in the 90s. Didn't have Internet much then, so I found it difficult to hobby because you have to know where to look for gaijin-friendly SPs or MPs. I had fun trying to find them though. Also, if you have some Japanese ability,you can do well with many of the civilian women - you know, the old fashioned way to get laid. But I was fascinated by the sex industry there - just weird enough to be different. Have fun.


Jan 15, 2004
Not easily navigated and very expensive. I stuck to sightseeing and ended up in the Roppongi area at night. Met a Russian girl but no luck with the locals.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Just west of GTA
You might need to put in some time away from the big areas and bars to meet some local women - I.e. get out into the suburbs or farther, or at least get off the beaten track. Could be time consuming and very hit and miss. You'll either have a memory for life or end up on your own. Like anywhere, try not to look like you're trying.
Roppongi is nuts - very much a foreigner zone, but lots of people there looking to get laid.
Shinjuku - the theatre district side is sleazy and fun, just don't be disappointed when you try to go to a soaplando or fashion massage (or whatever they are called now) and are de-nied. Shibuya was a good place to dance, Ebisu was a good place to drink beer and chill.
My advice is if you are there for a while, pick a major city about an hour or two away, hop on a JR line, and see what happens.


Dec 25, 2012

prob one of the best restos ive ever been to

and there are all kinds of ways to hobby there... if u r on business, the locals can get you into some VERY interesting places ! if on your own, avoid roppongi, it for kids... there are a couple of ex pat bars that are cool, cant recall names, but in the e xpat living area . american club??


New member
Dec 2, 2004
You could pick up a copy of Metropolis magazine ( and check the back pages. It's an English language news magazine, I think it's free. No idea if the ads are legit or bait-and-switch, though.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
The city is magnificent and clearly, there's a million things to do.

One of the members had previously mentioned that he was spoiled for everywhere else now that he had witnesses Japanese Service first hand. Well, I could not agree more. From your little hot towel everywhere you went to have a meal or drink to a girl bowing to you at your basic convenience store, the level of service is incomparable. There is no smoking on city streets but there is a 'designated smoking area' at every intersection and people respect that. Outside buildings or restaurants, there are dozens of bicycles parked completely unlocked. No one touches them. People respect that. Girls and women walking around in full Kimono outfits for no other reason that they want to wear them. They look absolutely lovely and stunning. Kudos to them! The politeness and respect rubs off on you very quickly "ah-ree-gah-toe go-zah-ee-mash-tah" becomes part of your vernacular very quickly.

The women.

The lovely stunning women that populate this city is a wonder to behold. Like anywhere else, many will not give you the time of day but the ones who do will give you every bit of their time, effort and attention.

In my week there I was blessed to be in the company of three beautiful Japanese women.

The first was a surprise, to tell the truth. On my third evening, while in Asakusa district, I was turned away from the first two Hostess Bars due to a 'Japanese Only' rule. At the third bar - Asakusa Asamo Girls Garden - the middle eastern manager spoke excellent English. He emphasized the no 'Gaijin' (foreigner) rule once again. I stated to him that all I wanted was a drink in a good ambiance and I didn't even need to sit with a girl. He agreed so long as I was reserved and polite. No problem from me. Once seated, I noticed all the girls staring at me and all made eye contact with each other. Eventually, a lovely young thing came to ask permission to sit with me and if she might 'practice her English'. By all means. She presented me with a hot towel, she wiped my hands and neck and then poured my drink. At first she was very polite and professional but within an hour her body language was all pressed into mine and she was all smiles. To my surprise (I thought it was just talk) she asked if we could have dinner the following evening which was her night off. We agreed on a place and she was there as she said she would be. I don't know who was more surprised, her or I. After dinner, as she had mentioned she lives with her mother and grandmother, I invited her to my hotel room. She said she could not but she would ride in the taxi with me and see me there. She held my hand all the way in the taxi. Once there, I asked her how much was required for the taxi to continue on and take her home. She said it was too far and she would take the Oedo line (subway) home. It was only two blocks away from my hotel. I paid the taxi and offered my hand to help her out but I didn't let her hand go and (since I have nothing to lose) I just continued into my hotel with her in tow. She never once protested, just a little giggle when she cuddled me in the elevator. We went into my room, I began to kiss her and undress her, she excused herself to the bathroom and came back only in her lingerie and she was mine for the night. At about 4am, she woke up and mentioned she had to go. I offered her taxi money and she said 'Arrigato San' so I gave her 30,000 JPY (about $30 CDN) and off she went. My first Japan tryst was with a polite, sweet semi-pro. No regrets.

Now, if you want to meet people, forget the websites and calculated 'meets' and just head to 'The Hub' which is an English style pub. There's a few of these throughout Tokyo. I went to the one in Shinjuku. Here you'll find all sorts from all over the world but the Japanese that are there, they want to be there. Guys want to talk sports, girls want to talk English and safely flirt. The night went on well as I met two Australian blokes and we pretty much invited any girls we liked to sit and drink with us. There were no refusals but most were just polite, had one drink and excused themselves. After chatting with about 15 girls, along came 'Saki', a dental assistant and cute as a button. The chemistry was there but I had to remember the Japanese rule about politeness. No touching in public, respectful and attentive. Saki took her role seriously. She poured my drinks, wiped my hands, fixed my hair and when she slid her arm around my shoulder and stroked the back of my neck, it was as sure a sign as there is with a Japanese woman. At about 3am, I was ready to go and said so. Saki looked crushed. Immediately, I asked her to come with me in a taxi and I could drop her off. She grabbed her purse and we both headed for the street. In the cab she sat right next to me and I wanted to see how far I could go. I put my hand on her thigh and stroked the inside of it just under her skirt. Not a peep from her. So I showed the cab driver my hotel room key card and pointed to it. He gave me a thumbs up and then Saki just put her head on my shoulder. In 20 minutes, we were in my hotel room where she spent the night and we made plans for the next day.

The following day, on my way to meet Saki, I saw a beautiful girl in full Kimono on the subway. This sweet Kimono-wearing-lovely was called Mizuki and she is originally from Hokkaido now studying English at the University of Tokyo. I simply wanted a picture of her in Kimono and then one of her and I together and that was that. To my surprise, she had no intention of leaving me unless I dismissed her so I asked her to join me for the day. We ended up going to the National Museum and its stunning surrounding grounds with a Public Square that will blow you away in terms of size, scope and beauty. Also, the Museum of Western culture with its Monet water Lilies and Rodin sculptures. Stunning! Mizuki suggested a place for dinner in Shimo-Kitazawa which is the artists' neighborhood and it was great. When I invited Mizuki back to my hotel she just looked shocked and surprised. Didn't say a thing. She did though, get in the cab with me, follow me up to my room and once inside, she took off my shoes and offered to bathe me. It was as traditional a Japanese scene as you can imagine. She drew the bath, prepared the soaps, undressed me and then herself and got in the tub with me. She was completely inexperienced in bed but there for my pleasure. The only words she said to me through the whole evening were: "You have been very kind to me. Thank you." I'm sure Saki hates me.

So, out of all the women I greeted, three did respond. One semi-pro, a Tokyo and a Hokkaido civilian. The difference was palpable between the Tokyo women and the Hokkaido girl. All three though are unforgettable.

Yes, it is a City of Goddesses. Japanese men don't know how good they have it since they see it every day. This does not mean that if you're there you shouldn't go to the Mori Art Museum in Roppongi Hills, do the Shibuya Crossing, shop in Asakusa, visit Sensō-ji Temple and, naturally, go to Mt. Fuji.

And YES, the sushi does taste better. Did I mention the incomparable service level that has spoiled me forever?

So, from Don Draper of Toronto to Tokyo of the East: a most heartfelt 'ah-ree-gah-toe go-zah-ee-mash-tah'.

I will return.
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Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Thanks for the great report

Do you speak Japanese fluently?
No, I don't speak Nihongo nearly as fluently as I would like.

It's another sign of a truly great world class city how many people speak English along with many other foreign languages.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Except for the error in tenses in the first line of your third paragraph, that was a good report. ;)

Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I enjoyed your comments about the civility and style of Tokyo.


Jun 30, 2013
Japanese women are fake and will play you 100 times over. Dont be fooled. Look around - 3rd biggest economy with very few foreigners - less than 2% of the population. Translation: They hate outsiders. Yeah, sure, a JP girl will fuck you out of interest, but dont expect anything of substance.
Aug 20, 2007
You're my hero Don :)
Great report! Last time I was in Tokyo was with a former SO, so not quite as adventurous.
Hearing all that makes me want to pop back across the pond.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
No, I don't speak Nihongo nearly as fluently as I would like.

It's another sign of a truly great world class city how many people speak English along with many other foreign languages.
I love Tokyo but they generally spoke so little English that I (seriously) couldn't order a coffee without them drowning it in sugar.

In terms of hobbying, I was in an area called something like Ikebakuru (that's probably wrong) in what I was told was the financial district of Tokyo, behind the main street, where all the pachinko arcades are (as an aside, so fuckin weird...), there were MPs galore, sampled a couple and they were totally legit, with great service at what worked out to about $45.00 CAD.

The only people who actually spoke English were the bouncers outside strip clubs. What they said to me was that, depending on the place and for in between $180 and $350, you a get entrance, a drink and 2 hours of free for all in a private room in the club. Didn't partake in that though so I can't verify.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Nice post, sorry I don't believe it. I have been living in Roppongi for almost 2 years, previous to that, I was over here 15 times in 4 years for work, and lived here 8 years ago for a year and a half. I love the company supplied living space, hate the area for all the foreign douchebags hitting the area every night, thinking they are going to get laid just by being non-Japanese. Hate to tell you this, but of the tiny percentage of Japanese girls who are into white guys here, 99% of them are quite plain, or very homely. The 1% who are quite attractive, are gold diggers to the highest degree, with standards towards appearance that Brad Pitt who have trouble meeting. The only way around that, is throwing around a lot, and I mean thousands of Canadian dollars for a day out shopping, or double that for an evening out. I rarely see women under 50 wearing kimonos for daily wear, and most of them are wearing yukatas, not kimonos. I will see younger women wearing yukatas during the summer for fireworks or during festivals, but not for daily use.
Almost all Japanese, especially women, are quite reserved or shy in public. I don't believe that a university student, even one studying English, would attempt to converse with a Japanese male stranger in English on the subway. Now telling me that she was was talking to a gaijan stranger in English on the subway, sorry that won't happen unless you had her at gunpoint. A person from Hokkaido would probably not even speak to a Japanese stranger in Japanese, because they are so worried about their accent coming through and labeling them a hick. Also Todai doesn't offer an English language graduate course. They offer undergrad and grad courses taught in English, but not an English course.
Every Hub in Japan is full of ex-pats whining about how much they hate Japan, the rules, how they are treated as outsiders, etc. and they have all been living here for 3 plus years. They go there to watch soccer or rugby, talk about how great life was back home, but they still stay in Japan, usually teaching English, because they shunned back home, and at least being shunned here has some sort of twisted appeal to them. There are a fair amount of tourists in them at times, usually wondering why all the non-Japanese guys are giving them the "I'm so much better than you because I live here" vibe, and wondering where all the hot Japanese girls are. I can tell you where they don't hang out, at a Hub.
I haven't been on here for quite a while, since I was back in Toronto, but a friend told me to come on and check out the post and have a laugh. I didn't laugh, maybe everything posted by the original poster is 100% true, I could be completely wrong, I'm just stating my opinion on the matter. One las thing, if you are walking by a peeler joint or any sex related club, and the guys outside speak English, stay away. They are all scam joints. Just my two cents, and don't ask me if it cost me $400 and a beat down in an alley by 5 Nigerians.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
I love Tokyo but they generally spoke so little English that I (seriously) couldn't order a coffee without them drowning it in sugar.
I had the same experience as slider22 above. No one speaks English, in a beautiful but cold country. Then again, I am not Don Draper.
I wonder why there are so many varied comments (here and in the non-TERB world) about Japanese people not speaking English?

Is that really a surprise? It's not an English speaking country, clearly.

I asked as much as I could with my limited, broken Nihongo and Japanese people reciprocated with their limited English. Some spoke better than average. The communication efforts were mutually respected and appreciated.

It worked out and it was quite touching to see them make such an effort.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
Just my two cents, and don't ask me if it cost me $400 and a beat down in an alley by 5 Nigerians.
Did you try telling the Nigerians that you are holding money in an account for someone who has the same last name as one of them?
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