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Hong Kong Woman Berating / slapping boyfriend


New member
Dec 23, 2005
The question remains though:


Why is this guy taking this like a spineless worm? He's not even a man. His balls must have fallen off years ago!
I think there is a history here we simply are not aware of , I don't think he's scared so much as he's at his wits end and doesn't know what to do with her, and her friend seems scared of her too.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
I think there is a history here we simply are not aware of , I don't think he's scared so much as he's at his wits end and doesn't know what to do with her, and her friend seems scared of her too.
There's no excuse for either of these reasons in this scenario or any other in any city, race or culture. If this woman (or any other) is this fraught with issues of dysfunction, moreso the cause to remove yourself from her and her life as much as possible. She's a pox upon herself and any others in her circle.

Why a man would be so useless, so utterly and shamefully spineless as this man is both reprehensible and disgusting.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I think we are all trying to look for logical reasons for their actions , but if this relationship has truly been that abusive for that long, I don't think logic can enter into it at this point, they are both trapped and both need help. I've never been in an abusive relationship so I cannot speak from experience, but I would imagine it's a hell of a lot easier to sit on the outside and say "dump her and move on" than to actually do it.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
I just don't understand how a man could humiliate himself like that in public, kneeling down in front of her like she's a God, and then continue to kneel down while she slaps him silly. He could've stood up and walked away and/or dealt with this issue in private. He also has a right to defend himself against physical abuse.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
I just don't understand how a man could humiliate himself like that in public, kneeling down in front of her like she's a God, and then continue to kneel down while she slaps him silly. He could've stood up and walked away and/or dealt with this issue in private. He also has a right to defend himself against physical abuse.
Not sure if it's a cultural thing but very few chinese I've met have the concept of self esteem.


Feb 3, 2012
In my honest opinion, its not SPINELESS. Spineless would mean he ran away when she confronted him with her cousin. Spineless would mean a person runs away while his loved ones are being violently attacked. Spineless would mean staying in your normal life rather than venture the unknown and getting out of your comfort zone. Every man in his life has probably had his heart broken due to some crazy egotistical bitch, I have. Yet life goes on, you learn from your mistakes, not keep harboring them. In his case, I can feel that he is "weak", but getting down on his knees in the streets of hong kong would not be tempted by any man, unless he is proposing of course. One day he might be a pick up artist god, and have more abundancy than you could imagine. Mistakes changes lives, and his will forever be changed after this video went viral.
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