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Rob Ford's buddy and occasional driver arrested.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This is all a big yawn though.

The Red Star looking to sell more newspapers.

Justin Trudeau or Kathleen Wynne admit to smoking weed and it gets no news.

However, the Mayor should disassociate himself with those recently charged.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
This is all a big yawn though.

The Red Star looking to sell more newspapers.

Justin Trudeau or Kathleen Wynne admit to smoking weed and it gets no news.

However, the Mayor should disassociate himself with those recently charged.
“I’m surprised, I’m really surprised,” Ford said at a Esso gas station around the corner from the mayor’s Etobicoke home. “He’s a friend, he’s a good guy, I don’t throw my friends under the bus. He’s straight and narrow, never once seen the guy drink, never seen him once do drugs, so…I’m surprised, I’m actually shocked.”


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
“I’m surprised, I’m really surprised,” Ford said at a Esso gas station around the corner from the mayor’s Etobicoke home. “He’s a friend, he’s a good guy, I don’t throw my friends under the bus. He’s straight and narrow, never once seen the guy drink, never seen him once do drugs, so…I’m surprised, I’m actually shocked.”

At least he doesn't throw friends under the bus. His brother says that Ford doesn't have a driver but that's what only the media says. So he's disassociating himself as far as his office is concerned.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
At least he doesn't throw friends under the bus.
why would Ford (who is not charged yet) throw under a bus his buddy who is charged and can testify or leak info against Ford?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Sure, 'Dave from Scarborough', go ahead and yawn. Smoking dope is fine, selling it from the mayor's transportation not so much. Lisi's buddy got arrested for coke as well, is that ok too? Where do you draw the line?
Well Orville from Oshawa, did it say he was selling it from the Mayors car? Are you willing to just invent facts or do you actually want to wait until the facts are determined. So does your buddy Sid smoke?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Excuse me, what mess?

Things got messy with Miller when we had rat-infested parking lots, tennis and basketball courts filled with piling garbage because Miller doesn't do anything about unions.
You can't possibly equate those items with being associated with criminal elements can you?

Boy I'm glad you don't run the city, you'd sell it out from under us


Nov 11, 2007
Funny how people are drawn to the shiny objects and wont look at the mayors record while in office. Honestly I dont care if he was caught red handed snorting coke off of a hookers breasts while getting head from his press secretary. Mayor ford has reduced spending to the point of zero deficits...something that hasnt been done for years! Cleaned house at the THCB (toronto housing),got rid of their corrupt ways/people, and brought in a top gun from Detroit to turn things around. Apparently things are now being done where before they werent, while being cost effective. He was able to deal with negotiating labour peace with the unions, something Miller et al failed miserably on and then capitulated to their every demand. Streamlined some of the garbage pickup, again saving residents $ while providing a better service (yes less complaints post-union). Bottom line he cares about taxpayers money.....Miller was too busy setting up environment offices overseas and spending on his art projects etc. I am always wondering why people take little to no heed in accumulated debt. Eventually someone has to pay! Not to mention debt service costs that take away from the social program funding that the left love so much.....nuts.....


Mar 21, 2011
Well Orville from Oshawa, did it say he was selling it from the Mayors car? Are you willing to just invent facts or do you actually want to wait until the facts are determined. So does your buddy Sid smoke?
Ok, apparently he didn't sell it from the Mayor's car, the Mayor went to his place 4 times a week to pick it up.
From the maggots at the star:
A neighbour of Sandro Lisi says Mayor Rob Ford has been a regular visitor to the accused drug dealer's house, as many as four times per week.....

Ford’s visits, going back to last winter, stopped after the Star published Lisi's photo in mid August, said Carol Peck, who lives two doors down from the Lisi residence.
Peck says she often saw the mayor park his Escalade in front of Lisi's home on Madill Street in Etobicoke, before Lisi would come out of the house and lean in to the driver's side window for a few minutes.
“There's a side door on the Lisi residence and Lisi comes out, walks across, leans in and back he goes,” Peck told the Star.
She said she mentioned her concerns about the behaviour with a neighbour, who told her that Lisi and Ford were good friends.
“But if you and I were good friends and you were coming to call on me, visit me...would you not pull in to my driveway, knock on my door?”

Sorry about that, Dave, by the way, have the police stopped investigating you, Mr Price?
A recent Star investigation revealed that a special squad of Toronto police was investigating Lisi and Ford associate David Price on allegations they tried to retrieve the crack cocaine video after the Star broke news of its existence.
I only accuse you of being Price because Price has a history of faking identities to make pro-Ford calls on the radio and to the media. Apologies if you're just another unapologetic Ford supporter instead.


Jan 31, 2005


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
That's just another Ford lie.
Fell for that one as well as the multiple other lies, did you?
You don't happen to work in garbage collection do you Orville ?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
Funny how people are drawn to the shiny objects and wont look at the mayors record while in office. Honestly I dont care if he was caught red handed snorting coke off of a hookers breasts while getting head from his press secretary. Mayor ford has reduced spending to the point of zero deficits...something that hasnt been done for years! Cleaned house at the THCB (toronto housing),got rid of their corrupt ways/people, and brought in a top gun from Detroit to turn things around. Apparently things are now being done where before they werent, while being cost effective. He was able to deal with negotiating labour peace with the unions, something Miller et al failed miserably on and then capitulated to their every demand. Streamlined some of the garbage pickup, again saving residents $ while providing a better service (yes less complaints post-union). Bottom line he cares about taxpayers money.....Miller was too busy setting up environment offices overseas and spending on his art projects etc. I am always wondering why people take little to no heed in accumulated debt. Eventually someone has to pay! Not to mention debt service costs that take away from the social program funding that the left love so much.....nuts.....
Denial isn't just a river in Egypt


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You can't possibly equate those items with being associated with criminal elements can you?

Boy I'm glad you don't run the city, you'd sell it out from under us
Some might argue that unions are 'legitimized extortionists' (yes, the ones that Miller didn't oppose).

So what if the Mayor has friends, past or present, who are alleged criminals or who may get into trouble with the law (from minor matters it seems)?

How has it affected his management of the city? How has it affected his mandate to get the best value for taxpayers' dollars?

If you're looking for corruption at a mayor's office, you should check out Montreal.

And you don't know me from Adam, so speak for yourself.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Some might argue that unions are 'legitimized extortionists' (yes, the ones that Miller didn't oppose).

So what if the Mayor has friends, past or present, who are alleged criminals or who may get into trouble with the law (from minor matters it seems)?

How has it affected his management of the city? How has it affected his mandate to get the best value for taxpayers' dollars?

If you're looking for corruption at a mayor's office, you should check out Montreal.

And you don't know me from Adam, so speak for yourself.
Hahaha. Minor matters like drug trafficking. LOLOL.


Mar 21, 2011
Some might argue that unions are 'legitimized extortionists' (yes, the ones that Miller didn't oppose).

So what if the Mayor has friends, past or present, who are alleged criminals or who may get into trouble with the law (from minor matters it seems)?

How has it affected his management of the city? How has it affected his mandate to get the best value for taxpayers' dollars?

If you're looking for corruption at a mayor's office, you should check out Montreal.

And you don't know me from Adam, so speak for yourself.
The studies show that countries with strong unions have happier citizens, and I belong to none and work with some of the strongest.

Meanwhile, the comparison to Montreal is interesting. Ford's friends are no cleaner then the Montreal folk, they are just, much, much, much more inept.
They all seem to still live in their parents basements, and without a ride on Ford's personal gravy train, they'd probably still be down in those basements playing video games, fantasy football and trying to score something for the weekend.
I'm just surprised you think those are the sort who should run the biggest city in the country.

Fred Zed

Dec 31, 1969
There is much more to this investigation than the charges laid:

This is all a big yawn though.

The Red Star looking to sell more newspapers. ???

Justin Trudeau or Kathleen Wynne admit to smoking weed and it gets no news.

However, the Mayor should disassociate himself with those recently charged.

Chris Murphy, a Toronto criminal defence lawyer and former federal prosecutor who oversaw many illegal drug cases, said he had never heard of homicide detectives overseeing a marijuana raid, and that the involvement of Detectives Giroux and Schertzer suggested that there is much more to this investigation than the charges laid Wednesday morning.

Homicide detectives are generally considered the “best of the best,” Mr. Murphy said. “Why are you putting your best investigators on this case?... You don’t have two homicide detectives on the scene of a marijuana drug bust. It’s completely unheard of.”

Garry Clement, a former RCMP superintendent and former chief of police of the eastern Ontario town of Cobourg, said that, based on his experience overseeing several sensitive investigations, Toronto police would want some of their most experienced investigators on this case for one reason – the force’s connections to the mayor.

From a law enforcement perspective, you’ve got your ultimate boss...the mayor being implicated or being dragged into a group of people that are clearly, now, through the allegations that are going before the court, in the criminal milieu – associating more than just casually with them. So you’ve got an obligation to investigate.”
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