Pack of motorcyclists chase driver in NYC


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Lien, who is reportedly the director of the e-commerce firm, was rushed to Columbia University Medical Center, where he received stitches to his face and chest and had two black eyes, the report said. Jeremiah Mieses, one of the motorcycle riders struck by Lien, may be left a paraplegic, the report said.

“My son just got out of surgery. Now we have to contend with his situation that he will never walk again,” the injured man’s father, Rev. Edwin Mieses posted on Facebook, The Daily News reported.
How can anyone feel sorry for the motorcyclist who got run over. He should be blaming his fellow riders for being complete douchebags IMHO. Especially the guy who pulled in front of the SUV and hit the brakes and the other who tried to open the door which caused the driver to panic and drive away. What did they think was going to happen?

In fact, proof they're idiots, they posted the video on YouTube which will only help convict their biker pal. :confused:



New member
Jul 14, 2009
I'm guessing he pulled off looking for a cop. If he hadn't seen a cop on the highway - he was probably hoping to find one on the city roads.
In hindsight, he should not have left the highway. He should have been doing like 50km/hr or so, on the phone with 911 and driving over whoever was on the way.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
In hindsight, he should not have left the highway. He should have been doing like 50km/hr or so, on the phone with 911 and driving over whoever was on the way.
Yeah, I never would have left the highway. Call 911 and give them play by play of your location until the cops could set up a road block.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
From what I've heard (reports from NYPD), Christopher Cruz was swerving and cut in front of the SUV and then braked hard which caused the SUV to bump him. The SUV stopped as he was supposed to, said gang of motorcyclists started beating on the SUV and cutting the tires. Mr. Lien fearing for the lives of himself and his family attempted to leave, several motorcycles were blocking his path this is when Jeremiah Mieses was struck.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
i wonder if there would be a different reaction if the bikers were white hells angels and the driver was mexican or black...
I don't think so since some of the bikers were White and the man who was viciously assaulted was Asian American.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Run the bastards over. Anytime I get threatened in a car, I will use my car as my fightback weapon. Deal with the consequences later. If someone threatens your life, kill them before they kill you.

This is perhaps why you need a gun in the crazy USA.

I would have shot to kill any mofo who tried to get in my car.

However, didn't the Range Rover cause this in the first place by rear-ending one of the wacko motorcyclists (they're not 'bikers' - let's not give them that higher status)?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This is one of those cases where he would have been better off armed.
I have to agree with you. However, if those bikers were armed too, they would have killed the driver a la mob hit (shot while trapped in car - it's a common method).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How can anyone feel sorry for the motorcyclist who got run over. He should be blaming his fellow riders for being complete douchebags IMHO. Especially the guy who pulled in front of the SUV and hit the brakes and the other who tried to open the door which caused the driver to panic and drive away. What did they think was going to happen?

In fact, proof they're idiots, they posted the video on YouTube which will only help convict their biker pal. :confused:

So a motorcyclist was actually run over, or was it his bike that got run over?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
A lot of people are not paying full attention while driving these days. So I see this incident as a combination of distracted driving causing a near miss, which later caused a collision and altercation that escalated further when the SUV driver freaked out and rammed the bikes. A series of unfortunate events. I don't see it as a completely unprovoked assault. I'm not excusing the bikers, but getting run over by an SUV would inflame anyone.

To me, it seems that many distracted drivers are in luxury SUV's. Just my observations and hardly scientific. On more than one occasion, I've had those types of vehicles not keeping their lane, had their high beams on in my rear-view, driving too slow, etc. No surprise that they are usually texting or talking on the phone. Could be that they don't appreciate how large their vehicle is and how much space it takes up on the road.

This could be a case where the SUV driver accidentally cut a biker off before the start of the video, which inadvertently caused the others to gang up. There definitely were gestures or words between the SUV driver and the biker before the collision. It also looks like the biker and the driver slowed down quite orderly and didn't jam on the brakes until the very last second. You can't really tell since the camera man drives past the scene of the collision. Rear ending the motorcycle was bad enough, but it just got worse when the SUV drove over the bikes. Definitely provoked them further. What I can't understand is why the SUV driver didn't lock his doors after the original entanglement.

Unfortunately, it does look like both parties are equally to blame after the collision. It's not right for bikers to force someone to stop on the highway and damage his car. It's also not right for the SUV driver to intentionally drive over the bikers. Could he not have honked or warned the bikers somehow? At the end of the day, it's one of those situations where we'll never know how to act until we're in this situation. I guess all you can do is lock your doors, invest in a dash cam, stay calm, try not to hit anyone and call the cops.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I see this incident as a combination of distracted driving causing a near miss, which later caused a collision and altercation
NYPD are saying that Christopher Cruz was entirely responsible due to his erratic operation and deliberate slamming on of his brakes.

They have no plans to bring any charges against Mr. Lien.

Further, a second suspect Allen Edwards, has turned himself into police he smashed in the rear seat window next to the two-year old.
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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
NYPD are saying that Christopher Cruz was entirely responsible due to his erratic operation and deliberate slamming on of his brakes.

They have no plans to bring any charges against Mr. Lien.

Further, a second suspect Allen Edwards, has turned himself into police he smashed in to rear seat window next to the two-year old.
I'm glad the punk kid is being charged for doing something really dumb and the other guy had the sense to turn himself in. On the other hand, I don't think they would just randomly choose a car to pick on. Something pissed off the bikers enough to slam on the brakes and box the SUV in.


Jan 31, 2005
I'm glad the punk kid is being charged for doing something really dumb and the other guy had the sense to turn himself in. On the other hand, I don't think they would just randomly choose a car to pick on. Something pissed off the bikers enough to slam on the brakes and box the SUV in.
No doubt some minor traffic incident. People rage out over really stupid things and in group like that pack mentality turns any minor incident into a pissing contest.

I bet some of the bikers are otherwise nice guys who got caught up in the event and can't believe what they have done and are now criminally guilty of.

Mob mentality takes over and feeds on itself.

(Don't think I am justifying it they should all go to jail, just explaining how things escalate to outrageous behavior)


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
No doubt some minor traffic incident. People rage out over really stupid things and in group like that pack mentality turns any minor incident into a pissing contest.

I bet some of the bikers are otherwise nice guys who got caught up in the event and can't believe what they have done and are now criminally guilty of.

Mob mentality takes over and feeds on itself.

(Don't think I am justifying it they should all go to jail, just explaining how things escalate to outrageous behavior)
People are just not considerate of others any more. Could be caused by stress, being self-centred, or just hurrying along and not considering others. Basically, I own the road so get the hell out of the way or you're behind me so who cares. It's amazing how it seems that people are just not taking a second or two to think before they do something so extreme. Paralysis is a huge price to pay for doing something dumb and obnoxious.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
Fuck the bikers, they're lucky more of them aren't hurt or dead. With my kid in the car, I would have used the truck against them. There's no way I'm stopping for them to pull me out and almost kill me.
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