The website is posting profiles for girls without their permission!!
I have been trying to get my own profile taken off the site since i found it over a week ago, with no such luck.
Not only does this site post misinformation about the girls for whom it has unauthorized profiles, but many of them also have a button on them that links to a page where a potential client can PAY THE WEBSITE TO BOOK A SESSION WITH YOU!!! Obviously once the fee is paid, the website owner has no intention of contacting anyone to try and arrange the appointment, if he isn't even informing the girls that their profiles are ON THE SITE.
If you are a paid advertiser on this site, PLEASE DO NOT RENEW YOUR AD
If you are not, I suggest you check to make sure there is not already a profile for you on the website. If there is, you can contact them to have it removed, but like I said, I had no such luck. In fact, after contacting them to have it removed, they even moved my profile to a banner ad on the main page!!
Everyone else: please just stay away from the site. The last thing they need is more hits to keep the site going....
Hopefully if everyone boycotts this website, the asshole running it will give up and shut it down
I have been trying to get my own profile taken off the site since i found it over a week ago, with no such luck.
Not only does this site post misinformation about the girls for whom it has unauthorized profiles, but many of them also have a button on them that links to a page where a potential client can PAY THE WEBSITE TO BOOK A SESSION WITH YOU!!! Obviously once the fee is paid, the website owner has no intention of contacting anyone to try and arrange the appointment, if he isn't even informing the girls that their profiles are ON THE SITE.
If you are a paid advertiser on this site, PLEASE DO NOT RENEW YOUR AD
If you are not, I suggest you check to make sure there is not already a profile for you on the website. If there is, you can contact them to have it removed, but like I said, I had no such luck. In fact, after contacting them to have it removed, they even moved my profile to a banner ad on the main page!!
Everyone else: please just stay away from the site. The last thing they need is more hits to keep the site going....
Hopefully if everyone boycotts this website, the asshole running it will give up and shut it down