Do You Care That Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot As A MP?

Do You Care That Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot As A MP?

  • Yes, it is against the law.

    Votes: 45 24.6%
  • No, it is no big deal.

    Votes: 138 75.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 6, 2009
i don't care.

a million people smoke pot. it's a plant. it's just a plant, it merely relaxes you.
Just a plant?:confused:. You might want to check that out. Es[ecially spend some time talking to those who suffer psychotic reaction after smoking it. Unless of course ypu are of the mind that the science is bogus.


Apr 27, 2008
I think it is better when members of our parliament obey the law.
He may not agree with it but it is the law.
I do not trust/believe his statements about marijuana being anything more than things to say to get elected prime minister.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Question one has to ask, when that picture was taken, was he a mp, and was he on his own time or not ?

And in reality, that pic looks more like he's sipping than "binge drinking" , the pussy

Excellent points but the obvious distinctions don't matter to MattRoxx since he likes to impugn conservatives.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It's a non issue, but this pissed me off.

You do not meet The Prime Minister dressed like Junior Samples!

He doesn't even remove his hat; however, PM Harper wants to appease the youth of Canada with this promo shot and can't act 'square'.


Active member
Jun 7, 2012
It's a non issue, but this pissed me off.

You do not meet The Prime Minister dressed like Junior Samples!
To be fair it is my understanding he did not know he was going to meet the PM so the dress was not an insult to the office. Also I couldn't care less that Justin smoked up.


Feb 3, 2012
Marijuana can literally change the world, if everyone smoked it, are happy, shared, used hemp as a oil substitute also clothing there would literally be utopia.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Excellent points but the obvious distinctions don't matter to MattRoxx since he likes to impugn conservatives.
Yes I will insult Mackay forever for calling in a military SAR helicopter to pick him up from his fishing party. I understand that Conservatives feel that when in power they can do whatever they want with all of the nation's resources, and that their supporters approve. But it's really insulting to the military and the taxpayers.
Remember, it wasn't bad enough that Mackay did this, he tried to do damage control afterwards by of course...attacking a Liberal.

And because he's just overall, a piece of shit. I was smoking pot when he was still in diapers, he and Harper should have no authority in telling me that I can't light up when I want. And his statement was fucking stupid anyway. "Kids" don't even follow politics, or do anything because a politician does (and if they did we'd have Liberals elected every time). If anyone is playing Trudeau's statement for politics, it's Harper, Mackay and Mulcair. Fortunately it will most likely backfire on them. They are completley out of touch - 65% of Canadians favour decrim or legalization, and only 20% support the current laws.

Report from the Senate Special Committee in 2002 said:
“The continued prohibition of cannabis jeopardizes the health and well-being of Canadians much more than does the substance itself.”
Some say that decriminalization is a step in the right direction, one that gives society time to become accustomed to cannabis, to convince opponents that chaos will not result, to adopt effective preventive measures. We believe however that this approach is in fact the worst case scenario, depriving the State of a necessary regulatory tool for dealing with the entire production, distribution, and consumption network, and delivering hypocritical messages at the same time.

In our opinion, the data we have collected on cannabis and its derivatives provide sufficient grounds for our general conclusion that the regulation of the production, distribution and consumption of cannabis, inasmuch as it is part of an integrated and adaptable public policy, is best able to respond to the principles of autonomy, governance that fosters human responsibility and limitation of penal law to situations where there is demonstrable harm to others.
A regulatory system for cannabis should permit, specifically:

· more effective targeting of illegal traffic and a reduction in the role played by organized crime;

· prevention programs better adapted to the real world and better able to prevent and detect at-risk behaviour;

· enhanced monitoring of products, quality and properties;

· better user information and education; and

· respect for individual and collective freedoms, and legislation more in tune with the behaviour of Canadians.

In our opinion, Canadian society is ready for a responsible policy of cannabis regulation that complies with these basic principles.
Even the so-called 'House of Sober Second Thought' favours the logical and practical approach to pot.

It's about fucking time the government got off our asses and treated us like adults. I cannot understand how Conservatives can claim to be pro-business and in favour of less gov't involvement in people's live, yet do the exact opposite when it comes to cannabis.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Marijuana can literally change the world, if everyone smoked it, are happy, shared, used hemp as a oil substitute also clothing there would literally be utopia.
If you had slaves (or taxpayers) would you rather they smoked weed or drank coffee and work hard?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Just a plant?:confused:. You might want to check that out. Es[ecially spend some time talking to those who suffer psychotic reaction after smoking it. Unless of course ypu are of the mind that the science is bogus.
This is not really a justification for the illegality of cannabis. Me and my friends have smoked pot on and off for over 30 years without that sort of reaction. And alcohol has far more deleterious effects on almost everyone who imbibes. Loss of motor control, loss of judgement, loss of sense of self, throwing up, passing out, becoming violent, hangovers the next day....yet it is perfectly legal. I don't like the effect alcohol has on me, and I really hate being around people who are drunk.
But that's no reason for possession of a mickey of vodka to result in jail time.

It is estimated that 1.5 million Canadians smoke pot 'recreationally', and that over 25 million Americans have smoked in the past year. If cannabis use caused real health problems there would be huge line-ups at every hospital of pot smokers waiting to be treated.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
If you had slaves (or taxpayers) would you rather they smoked weed or drank coffee and work hard?
You forgot the Utopian (or reasonable) option:
Drink coffee in the morning, work hard, and then relax in the evening with a bit of weed.
edit: there are many who think that hard physical repetitive labour (tree planting, harvesting), is aided by getting a bit of a buzz on.

I don't understand why the gov't makes such a huge distinction whether I choose to have a joint or a drink after work, it doesn't really affect anyone else.
The "literal Utopia" would come from governments that decided policy based on treating voters as responsible adults and actual research, not that we are children who need to be protected from ourselves, and policies based on nothing but ideology that borders on religious faith.
There are so many more dangerous and legal things we can do that are less harmful than cannabis, the continued laws against it make no sense at all.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Just a plant?:confused:. You might want to check that out. Es[ecially spend some time talking to those who suffer psychotic reaction after smoking it. Unless of course ypu are of the mind that the science is bogus.
Well yes it is....just a plant.... " suffer psychotic reaction"?? in my 40+ years of smoking it I never seen that one happen
I seen some real "psychotic reaction" happen on some whiskey a few times but that's about it..that's ok though, it's legal


Jun 6, 2009
This is not really a justification for the illegality of cannabis. Me and my friends have smoked pot on and off for over 30 years without that sort of reaction. And alcohol has far more deleterious effects on almost everyone who imbibes. Loss of motor control, loss of judgement, loss of sense of self, throwing up, passing out, becoming violent, hangovers the next day....yet it is perfectly legal. I don't like the effect alcohol has on me, and I really hate being around people who are drunk.
But that's no reason for possession of a mickey of vodka to result in jail time.

It is estimated that 1.5 million Canadians smoke pot 'recreationally', and that over 25 million Americans have smoked in the past year. If cannabis use caused real health problems there would be huge line-ups at every hospital of pot smokers waiting to be treated.

You and you friends are the lucky not to be in that group, but that you make that claim is indication that you don't understand what does happen. It's not everyone who is affected this, but it is an increasing problem because of the strains being offered and becoming very popular. The strains with the best buzz are also the ones that give rise to problems because of the chemical makeup of those strains. Some members who read your many post might have an argument for the long term affect of using it, but hey. I've had more than one friend who has ended up with psychological problem associated with smoking dope and it was a long road to recovery, but they will never be the same. I also have some friend who use it for medical reasons and their quality of life is/was better because of it. Most of those are unfortunately dead or dieing. I'm not against legalizing it, but no one should refer to it as 'just a plant'.

You draw a parallel with alcohol. If so, are you must be willing to have it heavily taxed and it's sale heavily regulated with respect who can and cannot buy it? Somehow I doubt it. So it's not the same.

Over half a million people in Canada are problem alcoholics and many many more have they lives irrevocably change by it's abuse. That may sound like only a few, especially when you consider that over 10 million Canadians are regular consumers, but it's not to those who lose the life, family, job, and loved ones.


Jun 6, 2009
Well yes it is....just a plant.... " suffer psychotic reaction"?? in my 40+ years of smoking it I never seen that one happen
I seen some real "psychotic reaction" happen on some whiskey a few times but that's about it..that's ok though, it's legal
If you and your friends have not had difficulty then you are truly lucky, or blind because there is mounting evidence that it is a problem, increasing with every study. Of course, if you are of a mind to not believe the research, feel free to call it wrong, bogus, or bought for.

This is only a single summary of some research.

Hey, we are all adults and are supposed to be responsible for our actions and choices, but don't call it just a plant.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
To be fair it is my understanding he did not know he was going to meet the PM so the dress was not an insult to the office. Also I couldn't care less that Justin smoked up.
Once you reach the age of 18 you take responsibility for your actions, there's no excuse. He was at the Gray Cup, it was inevitable that he would be involved in a function where proper attire was required. Irregardless of Harper's motives, he must have been just a little bit peeved. What goes around comes around, he nearly got his ass handed to him by restaurant mogul Keyshawn Johnson, it would have served him right.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
It no more damaging than alcohol, probably less so. It also has many beneficial medicinal properties. Hell eating too much flax seed is probably bad for you as well. As long as Justin doesn't just sit in the Peace Tower, between paid speaking gigs, with his Ipod listening to and endless stream of Pink Floyd I have no problem with it.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
If you and your friends have not had difficulty then you are truly lucky, or blind because there is mounting evidence that it is a problem, . .
There's a problem with almost anything...tobacco, alcohol, living beside a nuke plant, as adults we have a choice. I admit some have a different reaction than others, that's the same for every food, plant, the air we breath, everything.. shit they set up places for the needle freaks to go, if I want to sit in my home, listening to my music and smoke a joint, you see a problem?
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