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Do You Care That Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot As A MP?

Do You Care That Justin Trudeau Smoked Pot As A MP?

  • Yes, it is against the law.

    Votes: 45 24.6%
  • No, it is no big deal.

    Votes: 138 75.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

pipe man

New member
Oct 8, 2012
So he smoked a bit of pot I do not care it is only pot how many more M.P.s have smoked pot I would say a few of them at least he owned up to it

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Harper's comment on the matter was almost a no comment.

I'm sure he sparked a few off that firewall he was building. To be honest Harper has been a better PM than McGuinty was a Premier, will Ontario ever get good government?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
In an interview, NDP justice critic Françoise Boivin suggested elected officials should uphold the law rather than admit to flouting it.

"I'm sure there will be kids saying, 'Hey if he does it, we can do it.'"
What kids would say something that?! Such a ridiculous statement.

As for Harpo, let's not forget the surge in children getting wasted after Harper sang this tune written by well known pot smokers, about getting stoned:



Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Harper's comment on the matter was almost a no comment.

I'm sure he sparked a few off that firewall he was building. To be honest Harper has been a better PM than McGuinty was a Premier, will Ontario ever get good government?
I've known people with asthma who said that smoking pot eased their condition, so Harper claiming he's never smoked because of asthma is absurd.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I would live to know how many of those who voted do care, don't care that Rob Ford smokes crack.
Any hypocrisy would more likely be the other way around given the usual Liberal mentality here ( its absolutely wrong unless a Liberal did it- see any thread on senators expenses or poroguing). I would guess that many would vote for Justin and against Ford. Sadly no videos for either.:biggrin1:

I smoke(d) pot myself so why would I hold this against Trudeau - besides there is so much better material to use against him.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I care (at least a little bit) not because I think smoking pot should be illegal but because he's in a position of importance in which he should know better. Things are different when you've been given great responsibility (with authority comes responsibility) so to have someone in a position of power flaunting the law, IMO, is a problem because it undermines the legal system.

If you don't agree that smoking pot should be illegal, then work to change the laws. Hell, he'd garner HUGE support among the younger generations by doing so. It would also reinforce his "progressive" image.

But no, I cannot condone members of Parliament acting illegally. If anyone should know better, they should.


Jun 6, 2009
Any hypocrisy would more likely be the other way around given the usual Liberal mentality here ( its absolutely wrong unless a Liberal did it- see any thread on senators expenses or poroguing). I would guess that many would vote for Justin and against Ford. Sadly no videos for either.:biggrin1:

I smoke(d) pot myself so why would I hold this against Trudeau - besides there is so much better material to use against him.
you really are trying tp hard t0 find fault here with anything or anyone you can label as Liberal, It's near tragic. Harper's dug this hole all on his own. He hasn't needed help from anyone. His comment when ask about the revelations was truly one a leader could be proud of, cough.

“For Mr. Trudeau, I think those actions speak for themselves and I don’t have anything to add


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
you really are trying tp hard t0 find fault here with anything or anyone you can label as Liberal, It's near tragic. Harper's dug this hole all on his own. He hasn't needed help from anyone. His comment when ask about the revelations was truly one a leader could be proud of, cough.

Wow! in point.


Jan 31, 2005
If you don't agree that smoking pot should be illegal, then work to change the laws.
He is.

And I think the strategy he is following to reinvent the party is to say all the things everybody knows are true, that everybody says at the pub, but nobody said at the political level before. Like, "almost everybody in Canada has smoked pot at least once".

I think it is a good strategy.


Jun 6, 2009
0 in point.

Using the DM gambit I see. Can't say anything sensible so you babble on. It's already been shown you put labels on things out of reflex, not facts.

What exactly did I post that was wrong, not hat I expect a legitimate answer?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
As much as I don't want this guy to be our PM (he's not like his father, and many would say his dad ruined this country by expanding the social welfare state and debt levels) nor do I support the Liberals, I don't care as long as he's not doing it when working or enough to affect his work.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
He is Canadian...He is of the age....He is his father....He spoke the truth..
As for the tape of Harper singing, I remember seeing it before and smiling and feeling proud of our leader...


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
He is Canadian...He is of the age....He is his father....He spoke the truth..
As for the tape of Harper singing, I remember seeing it before and smiling and feeling proud of our leader...

Justin is NO P.E.T.!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I care (at least a little bit) not because I think smoking pot should be illegal but because he's in a position of importance in which he should know better. Things are different when you've been given great responsibility (with authority comes responsibility) so to have someone in a position of power flaunting the law, IMO, is a problem because it undermines the legal system.

If you don't agree that smoking pot should be illegal, then work to change the laws. Hell, he'd garner HUGE support among the younger generations by doing so. It would also reinforce his "progressive" image.

But no, I cannot condone members of Parliament acting illegally. If anyone should know better, they should.

i would rather politicians were honest and not act as hypocritical lying bastards who say one thing and do another. so i admire the honesty part of it.

if someone in this day and age says they never tried it, i don't believe them or i think they are very weird.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
In the future when I am elected to the parliament do I have to confess to the public
my weekly visit to local AMPs for therapeutic relief? Legalizing prostitution will be
on my agenda and I want to be an honest politician.


New member
May 19, 2012
I care (at least a little bit) not because I think smoking pot should be illegal but because he's in a position of importance in which he should know better. Things are different when you've been given great responsibility (with authority comes responsibility) so to have someone in a position of power flaunting the law, IMO, is a problem because it undermines the legal system.

If you don't agree that smoking pot should be illegal, then work to change the laws. Hell, he'd garner HUGE support among the younger generations by doing so. It would also reinforce his "progressive" image.

But no, I cannot condone members of Parliament acting illegally. If anyone should know better, they should.
All good points, I don't consider myself liberal or conservative although I have voted liberal many more times than I have voted conservative. I have nothing against pot, smoked it many times in my teens and twenties. I don't expect politicians to be holier than though, they're human. I do have a little, and I stress little, problem with a member of parliament openly talking about breaking the law. He will get lots of kudos from young pot smoking people but that doesn't make it right. Some things are better left unsaid.


Jun 6, 2009
All good points, I don't consider myself liberal or conservative although I have voted liberal many more times than I have voted conservative. I have nothing against pot, smoked it many times in my teens and twenties. I don't expect politicians to be holier than though, they're human. I do have a little, and I stress little, problem with a member of parliament openly talking about breaking the law. He will get lots of kudos from young pot smoking people but that doesn't make it right. Some things are better left unsaid.
Don't let PT and Train hear you say that, they'll never believe you or it won't register.

Maybe someone should ask McKay if he's ever broken the law. Then we all have a good laugh at the answer.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
My favourite part of this so far:
The Globe and Mail printed:
Justice Minister Peter MacKay said Mr. Trudeau showed a "profound lack of judgement."
(In case you've forgotten, he's another Wallinesque Harper appointee who believes he is entitled to everything he can get away with, such as having a military search-and-rescue helicopter come and pick him up from a fishing trip.)

and about 10 seconds later....

Question one has to ask, when that picture was taken, was he a mp, and was he on his own time or not ?

And in reality, that pic looks more like he's sipping than "binge drinking" , the pussy


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Justin Trudeau was a massage provider???? :confused:

I would have thought that would be more news worthy than whether or not he smoked weed! :Eek:



Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It's a non issue, but this pissed me off.

You do not meet The Prime Minister dressed like Junior Samples!
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