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Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police


New member
Jul 14, 2009
You this it is ok for cops to shoot people who insult them? You think if you get drunk one night and act like an ass it's ok if the cops kill you. You are a bigger danger as a drunk driver then this kid was. Do you think drunk drivers who are mouthy should be shot on the spot?
I think that if I am exposing myself in a streetcar and threaten passengers (and then cops) with the knife, I have pretty much fulfilled my purpose on earth and I am ready to go.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Incredible footage.

It seems that even after the 3 shots and when Sammy was down, I thought I heard the cop yell at the kid to drop the knife, then he shoots him 6 more times to make sure he can't use it. This cop definitely panicked. Those six shots were unwarranted IMHO. The kid may have been paralyzed while he was still clutching the knife. The kid didn't help the situation earlier either. He was almost taunting the cop and didn't look like he was going to back down.
Taunting, threatening, wielding a knife, moving towards the police AFTER being cautioned. The punk wrote his own death warrant.



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Taunting, threatening, wielding a knife, moving towards the police AFTER being cautioned. The punk wrote his own death warrant.


"I'm the only one who closes cases around here!"
-Archie Bunker


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I just love it that the bleeding hearts (on and off this forum) have painted the cops a group of gun slinging thugs, opening fire at poor innocents on their way to Sunday school and Choir practice.:rolleyes::hand:

The cops job is to serve and protect.

The way I see it, a knife wielding lunatic was prevented from harming anyone.

WTF was this guy on the streetcar with a lethal weapon to begin with? :Eek::confused:

Lets not condemn the cop for doing his job, until all the facts are in.
using your words, until all the facts are in, using the word lunatic is premature, of course coming from a smug sanctimonious nob like you, i wouldnt expect much better


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Perp was a waste of sperm and a future drain on society. The cost of 9 bullets is enough.
i can only assume this was written while oxygen was denied access to your brain....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
He is holding a knife (and not dropping it).

Cops are trained to aim at the largest target (which is the chest, not legs).
Not all cops have the aim of Robin Hood.

If the cop misses the leg/head -- where does the bullet go?
Answer: It can ricochet, hit another cop or bystander -- so aim for the chest.

Cops (cannot read minds) do not know if perp will lunge or not.

He is holding a 3" knife, it can do a lot of permanent & fatal damage.

Again, this isn't action movie but real life.
You are entirely correct - but try convincing THIS jury.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I just love it that the right wing gun toting street justice enthusiasts (on and off this forum) have painted the cops a group of terrorized victims unable to defend themselves mean looking kids or elderly unarmed citizens who are in a grouchy mood. Just because they out number a contained threat or there is video of the summary execution of kid that could be taken down by a simple tazer - is no reason to forget that these men have a badge and are licensed to kill anyone who pisses them off. .:rolleyes::hand:

The cops job is to serve and protect and protect applies to themselves - certainly not the people that they serve.

**** I couldn't resist - there are just as many extreme right wing fanatics that seem much more comfortable in police state with roving death squads. The verdict and sentencing without due process is okay as long as the source of the verdict wears a police badge.

Manitoba cops had a guy confined in a bus who beheaded a passenger & eating body parts yet they took him alive without injury. TO cops vastly outnumbering a teenager who harmed no one contained on a streetcar - end up shooting him 9 times - before tasering him ?

That is where the middle of the road guys like myself realize there is a serious problem.

That murdering cannibal was Vince W. Li who was remanded to a high-security mental health facility. The unfortunate victim was Tim McLean. Vince Li was subdued by taser, although he was 'shot' when he tried to flee the bus through a broken window, so not sure if he was still armed. But for TPS to taser Sammy after he's pumped with 9 bullets, it sure will make them look bad!


Jan 31, 2005
I would be interested to know whether all nine rounds were recovered. He was aiming up into a streetcar with lots of glass windows. If he missed pretty easy for one of those rounds to hit a building a half kilometre away.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
You are entirely correct - but try convincing THIS jury.
Not quite correct when 6 more bullets are pumped into the guy after he's fallen down twitching. (The cop still had his gun aimed at the fallen victim demanding he drop his knife but I doubt he was still a threat, yet he pumped double the # of rounds in him).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I would be interested to know whether all nine rounds were recovered. He was aiming up into a streetcar with lots of glass windows. If he missed pretty easy for one of those rounds to hit a building a half kilometre away.
After exiting a window? From a handgun? What type of bullet? Won't most of the lethal energy dissipate half a km away?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Taunting, threatening, wielding a knife, moving towards the police AFTER being cautioned. The punk wrote his own death warrant.

FAR from closed #27 when you consider that six shots were pumped after he was shot 3 times and fell down to be of no threat. They could've even tasered him when he was down after 3 shots IF he was still holding the knife and showing some sign of life, but pumping double the # of bullets after he goes down? NO WAY IS THIS CASE CLOSED.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
May have been covered but why was he tazed AFTER he was shot at nine times? Did they think it works are a defibrillator as well?
My guess was that he was still holding the knife AND that the officer who tasered him maybe didn't know how many hits he took and if he was dead or incapacitated.

It thought I heard the cop still demanding that Sammy drop the knife even after he shot him 3 times.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
After exiting a window? From a handgun? What type of bullet? Won't most of the lethal energy dissipate half a km away?
Lots of factors come into play, but if fired at level, a 'typical' 9mm bullet will travel 2500 metres before hitting the ground. Velocity at impact will still be about 350 ft/sec (vs over 1100 ft/sec as it exits the muzzle). Regardless.... ouch! When fired at an upward angle, it will travel further. Maximum effective range is about 25 - 30 yards, but that is for accuracy, not velocity. All that to say, in an urban setting like this, the bullet could have exited the street car and hit the buildings across the street at a lethal velocity.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
My guess was that he was still holding the knife AND that the officer who tasered him maybe didn't know how many hits he took and if he was dead or incapacitated.

It thought I heard the cop still demanding that Sammy drop the knife even after he shot him 3 times.
But the tazer was never used first before shots were fired? I have to read up on this, I know. I should read before asking what is probably some stupid questions. Sorry.
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