Man with knife on streetcar at Dundas and Grace, shot by police


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Which means he will be confined in a max security nut house indefinitely, instead of prison. The law has ALWAYS been that those who are totally, delusionally psychotic are not found guilty, but rather are hospitalized. It goes back to the old days when murderers were hanged and the judges balked at hanging a person who was so mentally ill that he could not have realized what he had done.
I believe the controversy with Kachkar is that some investigators thought he was faking his mental condition. We also have to consider the difference between jail and mental hospital. The latter is meant for treatment and not so much carrying out a punishment. I also wonder how "maximum security" works at a mental hospital vs jail. Theoretically, once Kachkar is deemed sane by the psychiatrists he could be set free and potentially re-offend. I wouldn't say that the law always considers delusionally psychotic people not guilty and are hospitalized. I hope that our justice system is not that broken and that all the circumstances are considered before sending someone to jail or mental hospital.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Well if the front line officers were allowed to carry tasers this most likely wouldn't have been the outcome
Front line officers do carry tasers:

Cop threatened to Taser suspects' testicles

A Toronto Police officer admitted he threatened to use a Taser on the testicles of two prisoners to force them to help him catch a suspect.

Const. Christopher Hominuk, 37, pleaded guilty to one count of threatening bodily harm in a May 24, 2010, incident involving two suspects.

Both victims were handcuffed and sitting alone in different police cruisers.

Hominuk's actions were captured on the in-cruiser video cameras, which revealed him slapping Robert James Bolgan, 47, in the face and forcing him to lay down on the back seat.

The video was played in open court before Justice Hugh Fraser Monday.

As soon as Hominuk opened the cruiser door, he pushed his Taser into Bolgan's genital area.

Crown attorney Philip Perlmutter said Hominuk demanded to know from Bolgan the identity of a missing suspect. Bolgan replied he didn't know.

"I'll f---ing Taser. If you are lying to me, when I get back to the station, I'm Tasering you in the f---ing nuts," Hominuk barked at Bolgan.

Bolgan had redness on the side of his forehead where he was struck.

Hominuk then confronted his second victim, Roger William Bradshaw, 39, who was lying in the back seat of a nearby cruiser.

Hominuk pressed his Taser onto Bradshaw's neck and repeated his demand for the identity of the fugitive. When Bradshaw insisted he didn't know him, Hominuk snarled: "If I find out you're lying, I'm going to f---ing Taser you in the nuts."

Bradshaw was unharmed. The Taser was never activated or used on either man.

A sentencing hearing for Hominuk, 37, is scheduled for June 14.

Hominuk and other officers were investigating a break-in at some tractor trailers in the west end when police arrested the pair and another individual.

Court heard that neither victim was intimidated or physically injured. Neither complained about the threats or treatment and Hominuk's Taser was never used.

Hominuk's misconduct was discovered while police viewed the in-camera video for an unrelated purpose.

Hominuk, a 14-year officer with an exemplary record, was a probationary sergeant at the time. He's married and has two children, said his lawyer Peter Brauti.

Brauti told court "there will be medical evidence that will be an extenuating circumstance" at the sentencing hearing.

Hominuk lost his probationary rank and could lose his job if he's sentenced to a custodial or conditional sentence, said Brauti.

Hominuk was suspended with pay since being charged in June last year


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
While its nice to have the police represented on this board, don't you think you should wait until the SIU investigation is complete, officer, before you declare innocence?
It is a shame commies are represented anywhere.
Don't you think you should wait until the SIU investigation is complete, fool, before you declare guilty?


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
While its nice to have the police represented on this board, don't you think you should wait until the SIU investigation is complete, officer, before you declare innocence?
Your sarcasm has been noted and judged amusing. As many on this board will be able to attest, I'm not LE. I have, however, trained with police in the past, one of my sensei's most notably. He drilled into us the importance of this process because, in his words: "I better not be called to stand at court for you troublemakers without you being able to cover your own asses."

I've been fairly critical of the TO police in the past, especially during the G20. But I will not condemn them for doing their job, like a bunch of armchair analysts are doing in this thread. I'd love to see you in the same situation and how you'd react.


Apr 24, 2005
Which means he will be confined in a max security nut house indefinitely, instead of prison.
Sure, just like the head chopper, Vincent Li, eh. Just don't sit next to him on on a streetcar in case he goes all mental again.
Oh, and James Holmes claims he was also insane.


Mar 21, 2011
Your sarcasm has been noted and judged amusing. As many on this board will be able to attest, I'm not LE. I have, however, trained with police in the past, one of my sensei's most notably. He drilled into us the importance of this process because, in his words: "I better not be called to stand at court for you troublemakers without you being able to cover your own asses."

I've been fairly critical of the TO police in the past, especially during the G20. But I will not condemn them for doing their job, like a bunch of armchair analysts are doing in this thread. I'd love to see you in the same situation and how you'd react.
I am glad to have amused you officer, sorry not-officer dreamblade.
I'm not declaring guilt or innocence and in fact was calling you out for the appearance of declaring the cops innocent before the investigation is complete.
All I said was that the man was reported to be alone on the streetcar when shot and that it looks like making a case that the officer(s) who shot believed they were in mortal danger could be hard if the man was still on the streetcar while the officers were on the street.
But who knows, maybe he had a much longer reach, a set of darts, throwing knives or some other weapon then the 4-5" blade reported.

Quite probably the guy was messed up, either on drugs or mentally but in either case with no other citizens in danger on the empty streetcar at the very least the police failed to deescalate the situation. Whether they killed the man with justification won't be known until the SIU investigation is complete.


Jan 31, 2005
If he were in the entrance of the streetcar ready to jump at them from there he could easily cover ten or fifteen feet in a couple of seconds and might be hard to shoot once in motion.

Result could easily be dead cop.

Cannot see from the video if anything like that was possible so who knows.


Oct 29, 2003
A knife is a lethal weapon my friends. I'm on the Toronto Police side on this one. If he was given directions to drop the knife, and he didn't, shoot to kill !


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You've been watching too many Hollywood movies I think. This situation reminds me of a Flashpoint episode (they need to bring that show back) that dealt with this exact subject.

I'd like to know the criminal history of the man in question and what exactly happened i.e. how did the police get involved if the streetcar was empty? Did the man threaten the driver with the knife or someone outside the streetcar? Lots of questions that the SIU will investigate.

I believe dreamblade is right in that once the cops exhaust all other options, they have to use lethal force so shooting someone in the leg is not an option.
I did not.think up the bomb scenario. If someone can build a think a dead man switch is hard to do?


Jan 31, 2005
I did not.think up the bomb scenario. If someone can build a think a dead man switch is hard to do?
If he had a bomb with a dead man switch and he was isolated inside a streetcar seems like a good opportunity to take him out. Better he blew up a streetcar than a cop.

However the report is he had a knife not a bomb.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
They would not even know how to move the streetcar, there is a safety switch and it can only travel on the tracks. You guys are thoughtless
Taking that streetcar for a spin is about as plausible as nottyboi's "dead man switch"


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
A knife is a lethal weapon my friends. I'm on the Toronto Police side on this one. If he was given directions to drop the knife, and he didn't, shoot to kill !
Agree. The punk deserved it.
I have no sympathy for anyone brandishing a knife and threatening to use it. Good riddance.

Man dies in street showdown with police

Sammy Yatim, 18, is identified by friends as the person slain after late-night knife confrontation.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Not really. If the knife-welder was still standing after the first outburst or the second (and was still holding the knife)
How did you know he was a welder by profession?? There's no evidence of that
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