Those Whacky banks!


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Is there anything they can't do? Or won't?

MCARTHUR, Ohio - An Vinton County woman is looking to get her belongings back after a bank incorrectly broke into her house and took them.

Katie Barnett says that the First National Bank in Wellston foreclosed on her house, even though it was not her bank.

“They repossessed my house on accident, thinking it was the house across the street,” Barnett said.

Barnett, who had been away from the house for about two weeks, said she had to crawl through the window of her own house in order to get in after she used her own key that did not work.

Some of the items in her house had been hauled away, others were sold, given away and trashed.

It turns out the bank sent someone to repossess the house located across the street from Barnett’s house, but by mistake broke into hers instead.

“They told me that the GPS led them to my house,” Barnett said. “My grass hadn’t been mowed and they just assumed.”

She called the McArthur Police about the incident, but weeks later, the chief announced the case was closed....
more here...


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
have them charged with theft- they might be willing to pay then


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
have them charged with theft- they might be willing to pay then
Alas, the police have already closed the case. Barnett's only hope is that the publicity will shame the bank into doing the right thing, but I ain't holding my breath or nothin'.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
What does that have to do with banks though? The repo company effed up from what it sounds like.
Who foreclosed on the house across the street?
The bank.
Who commissioned the repo company to collect/sell/dispose of the contents of the house?
The bank.
The president of what company is such a sack of shit that he won't even reimburse Ms. Barnett?
The bank.

Tell me again that the bank has nothing to do with this.


Feb 20, 2010
Who foreclosed on the house across the street?
The bank.
Who commissioned the repo company to collect/sell/dispose of the contents of the house?
The bank.
The president of what company is such a sack of shit that he won't even reimburse Ms. Barnett?
The bank.

Tell me again that the bank has nothing to do with this.
Pretty sure they don't. They sent some retard to the right address and that person had his/hers wires crossed. Why would they pay for that?


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Pretty sure they don't. They sent some retard to the right address and that person had his/hers wires crossed. Why would they pay for that?
IT doesn't matter whether they hired flying monkeys or Dog the Bounty Hunter, the Bank fucking hired them. The bank has (or sold, or destroyed) her shit. Just because the goddamned bank president didn't personally march into her house and take her wide screen TV, doesn't mean the bank is not responsible. Hell, the motherfucking bank as much as admitted culpability, but refuses to "pay retail".

You still gonna tell me the fecking bank has nothing to do with it?


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
And just in case you thought this was a rare anecdotal example of an otherwise above-board system...

on FLorida's "rocket docket"...
Their stated mission isn't to decide right and wrong, but to clear cases and blast human beings out of their homes with ultimate velocity. They certainly have no incentive to penetrate the profound criminal mysteries of the great American mortgage bubble of the 2000s, perhaps the most complex Ponzi scheme in human history — an epic mountain range of corporate fraud in which Wall Street megabanks conspired first to collect huge numbers of subprime mortgages, then to unload them on unsuspecting third parties like pensions, trade unions and insurance companies (and, ultimately, you and me, as taxpayers) in the guise of AAA-rated investments. Selling lead as gold, shit as Chanel No. 5, was the essence of the booming international fraud scheme that created most all of these now-failing home mortgages.

The rocket docket wasn't created to investigate any of that. It exists to launder the crime and bury the evidence by speeding thousands of fraudulent and predatory loans to the ends of their life cycles, so that the houses attached to them can be sold again with clean paperwork.

Thousands of Arizona families have lost their homes in illegal foreclosures.

Illegal foreclosures are based on forged or phony documents manufactured to push people out of their homes.

Banks and processing companies agreed to pay billions of dollars in settlements to the states.

While they did not admit any wrongdoing, they pledged to stop using forged documents to foreclose.

The ABC15 Investigators found more than a year after that settlement, little has changed.

Nearly 15,000 people in Wisconsin will each receive about $1,400 each in settlement money for having had their homes illegally foreclosed on.

The nation’s biggest banks wrongfully foreclosed on more than 700 military members during the housing crisis and seized homes from roughly two dozen other borrowers who were current on their mortgage payments

military families even! Stay classy, banks.


Feb 20, 2010
IT doesn't matter whether they hired flying monkeys or Dog the Bounty Hunter, the Bank fucking hired them. The bank has (or sold, or destroyed) her shit. Just because the goddamned bank president didn't personally march into her house and take her wide screen TV, doesn't mean the bank is not responsible. Hell, the motherfucking bank as much as admitted culpability, but refuses to "pay retail".

You still gonna tell me the fecking bank has nothing to do with it?
What's with you and the f-word? Tone it down dude.
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