My lawn is starting to get over run with creeping charlie.Anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this stuff? The old Killex used to work.The newer stuff doesn't work at all.I know they still sell the good Killex in the US. Any suggestions?
My lawn is starting to get over run with creeping charlie.Anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this stuff? The old Killex used to work.The newer stuff doesn't work at all.I know they still sell the good Killex in the US. Any suggestions?
Give Borax a shot. It worked pretty well. Unfortunately, I can't say it completely eliminated Charlie because I completely re-sodded the whole yard the next year. Note: I did not re-sod because of Charlie.
Last year I completely burned out my backyard and re-sodded it this year. As most of the grass was already gone it seemed the easier way.
That said, I have smaller areas of charlie and violets. A friend swears by Ortho® Weed-B-Gon® Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Killer which is available in the US. You need something with Triclopyr if you want to kill the weeds and spare the grass. Even if you use that product it will only work in the spring and fall and with multiple applications in the right temperature. Tough weeds those.........
painstaking but you can pull the weed from the lawn "paint or dip the leaves" with roundup and lay them on paper or something till they dry.
If you pull out creeping charlie , I'm told it sends out up to 4 shoots, so it's a loosing proposition.
a professional gardener once told me with respect to creeping charlie, you have a war, one of you will win.