Toronto Passions

Unwritten laws of basic courtesy


New member
Sep 8, 2010
What's wrong with that? They want their driveways to be clear when they leave for work in the morning. Besides, the bylaw is that after 11 PM it's disturbing the peace.
I agree about the fireworks though.
What's the problem with shovelling snow at any time of the day or night..unless the ambulance coming to pick up the heart attack victim makes too much noise.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
someone holds the door for you, say thank you.

if you got a cart full of shit at the grocery store and the guy behind you only has 1 item let him pass.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
I hate leaf blowers.
Any time, any place.
Not just the noise, but more than anything it's the very concept of blowing grass, dust, dirt off of the idiot's property and into the general environment / the street.
My lazy ass neighbour hires a lawn mowing service, even though we all have small properties and the 2 mouth-breathers were out there with leaf blowers just blowing the dust and shit into the environment.
How bout a broom?
I don't get too hung up about a working man firing up a skill saw or lawn mower, or jack hammer at 07:30 for that matter. It's gotta be done.
But leaf blowers? Fuck me, I hate them.
Amen to that! An invention of the devil.

Death to the leaf-blower operators! Some of the operators actually have the bare-faced rind to wear ear-muffs while they're working - they do realize how annoying the noise is.

What's the problem with shovelling snow at any time of the day or night..unless the ambulance coming to pick up the heart attack victim makes too much noise.
I think they mean late-night snow-blowers, not snow-shovellers.

if you got a cart full of shit at the grocery store and the guy behind you only has 1 item let him pass.
Fuck that.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Praise that.
his half a minute transaction isn't going to slow you down. you will be unloading for a while then packing back up. i would imagine if someone offered to let you ahead you say thanks and go every time. if you are that against it you should say no thank you and wait.

i do it for people and when i got 1 item and i walk up to the register i always already have the cash in hand to be ready. just a simple thing that doesn't hinder you and helps someone else get alone with their day.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
if you got a cart full of shit at the grocery store and the guy behind you only has 1 item let him pass.
I always do it, and really appreciate it when folk do it for me (which is surprisingly often).

I would like to take a bazooka to the people that go to the express desk with 30 items.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I would like to take a bazooka to the people that go to the express desk with 30 items.
i was at a grocery store and the guy freaked, i mean lost his shit cuz the girl in front of him had 10 items in the express that said 8 items. he followed her out into the parking lot to yell at her more.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Some people also carefully place their empty tin cans or bottles upright on a window ledge or on a sidewalk. I guess if the can's
not on its side it's not littering. :rolleyes:
But it is still not "Upright" behavior :)


New member
Jul 11, 2012
I believe this is indeed a violation of Toronto's noise by-law. Most other municipalities in Ontario share the same core restrictions.

Should not occur before 9AM sundays and statutory holidays in a residential area.

My charming neighbor opted to start cutting his lawn at 8am on a holiday Monday. For others in the immediate neighborhood it could have been a rare chance to grab an extra hour or so of much needed rest in our increasingly hectic lives. Obviously not his problem, so too bad for everyone else.

Don't know what the bylaw time is (will check), maybe he's within his rights. But in my opinion, by the laws of basic courtesy this guy is a douce. You don't start mowing your lawn or working a jackhammer at 8am on a holiday or a weekend.

Any other unwritten laws of basic courtesy that you feel are violated too thoughtlessly by others?


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Dude...try staying at a cottage in the kawartha's on a long weekend...or any weekend for that matter.. all nite drunken bonfire parties, weed eaters, chain saws, lawnmowers, jet skis, all running from dawn til dusk, yappy dogs that never shut the fuck up, idiots cranking their stereos, essentially one huge noise factory...thats why i actually sold the cottage and now stay home on my 60 acres in the's way quieter. so if you have ony one idiot neighbour count yourself lucky. try having an entire lake filled with urban goofballs out enjoying their "wilderness" experience on a lake which essentially, has been rendered a huge amusement pond


New member
Oct 14, 2012
My house in the new sub-division is next to neighbourhood mail boxes. Some of the neighbours would throw their junk mail right next to box; while some others would try to "hide" them in the space between two boxes. I put up a small sign on the mail box asking "to be a god neighbor and not litter the area". The behviour changed and there was less junk mail. Recently the post office has put blue recycle boxes near the mail boxes for people to throw their unwanted mail/ junk mail and so the problem is gone.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I think it's going to be increasingly difficult to avoid these conflicts as more people work staggered hours, shifts work, or live right next to the Gardiner. Getting interrupted is basically unavoidable. If you hate noise at 8am on Sunday, try living near to the airport. Not sure what they did, but in the last 5 years or so there seems to be a huge increase of planes landing at 2 am. There's no sound proofing, booze or drugs strong enough to numb you from that noise.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
What's wrong with that? They want their driveways to be clear when they leave for work in the morning. Besides, the bylaw is that after 11 PM it's disturbing the peace.
I agree about the fireworks though.
I used to have young kids that I put to sleep at 9 PM. I know the bylaw is 11 PM, but even I sleep at 10:30 since I need to wake up at 6 AM.
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Mar 12, 2006
his half a minute transaction isn't going to slow you down. you will be unloading for a while then packing back up. i would imagine if someone offered to let you ahead you say thanks and go every time. if you are that against it you should say no thank you and wait.

i do it for people and when i got 1 item and i walk up to the register i always already have the cash in hand to be ready. just a simple thing that doesn't hinder you and helps someone else get alone with their day.

I would agree with you, it is usually common courtesy. Except when you were at the Metro downtown near Ryerson the other day as I was. A student in the express line buys a single chocolate bar and pays with his card. Card is refused. He used five different cards before one was excepted. Must have taken three minutes. By that time, I was all set to shove his card where the sun don't shine.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
First question: is the 8-am lawn mowing a typical behaviour or just occasionally heard? He may have a full day planned that requires an early start. Bottom line, sucks to be you, but I get the "pleasure" every week from my condo corp, courtesy the lawn maintenance company the board hired. 8 am til noon, at least once a week. Not continuous, just enough that I can't get any sleep during those four hours, no matter what time I might have been working 'til the night before.

Might try to have a pleasant conversation with him later in the week: try to be as positive as possible. Focus on how busy he seems, that he was mowing his lawn so early. Try to understand his motivation and lifestyle; this will take a lot of relaxation on your part. Only mention in passing that you prefer to party later into the night, and would be more likely to be sleeping than working on your lawn at 8am. Leave it to him to figure it out.

If it persists, let him know, again in a pleasant tone, that the night before was one of those nights you were partying, and that when he chose to mow his lawn you had chosen to sleep.

If he doesn't care, then you're out of luck: he's within his rights. But you can give him the "stink eye" before a friendly wave "Hello".

At the end of it all, it's not worth losing a neighbour-friend over a few hours sleep, no matter how pissed off you might be. But he'll know that his choices aren't helping neighbourly relations.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I would agree with you, it is usually common courtesy. Except when you were at the Metro downtown near Ryerson the other day as I was. A student in the express line buys a single chocolate bar and pays with his card. Card is refused. He used five different cards before one was excepted. Must have taken three minutes. By that time, I was all set to shove his card where the sun don't shine.
yeah that would be annoying as fuck. that's why when i am walking up to the counter i pull cash out and be ready. if someone is nice enough to let me jump ahead i got the cash in hand ready to roll. no muss no fuss and no one is delayed.

i would ask who uses a credit card for a chocolate bar but i saw a girl use a card for a pack of gum. it was also declined.
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