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Hypocrite of the century’


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Hypocrite of the century’: Irish MP blasts US president’s G8 visit

Published time: June 26, 2013 08:05
Edited time: June 26, 2013 12:44

Barack Obama is a “war criminal” and a “hypocrite,” an Irish politician has said in a damning attack on the US president. The MP slammed the Irish treatment of Obama during his G8 visit as akin to ‘prostituting’ Ireland for a “pat on the head.”

Irish MP Clare Daly took no prisoners in her heated attack on the visit of the Obama family to Ireland during this year’s G8 summit, which was held in the five-star resort of Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.

During a session of the Irish parliament last Tuesday, Daly slammed media coverage of the visit as tantamount to "a nation of pimps, prostituting ourselves in return for a pat on the head."

“It’s hard to know which is worse, whether it’s the outpourings of the Obamas themselves, or the sycophantic fawning over them by sections of the media and the political establishment,” said Daly, saying that the Irish nation had been subjected to “unprecedented slobbering” over the presidential family.

Rounding on the president, she condemned his speech to children in Northern Ireland about the peace process as the “biggest irony of all.” Citing Obama’s decision to supply the Syrian opposition with arms, she asked: “Is person going for the hypocrite of the century award?”

“By any serious examination this man is a war criminal,”said Daly, accusing the Obama administration of purposely stalling the Geneva talks by increasing their backing for the Syrian opposition and undermining secularism in the region as a whole.

She called on the Irish government to take steps to “ensure no weapons go through Shannon [Airport] to Syria in breach of the international laws”

Letting rip on the on Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, she said there was speculation "whether the Taoiseach [PM] was going to deck the cabinet out in leprechaun hats decorated with a bit of stars and stripes to really mark abject humiliation."

Clare Daly’s comments were condemned as “disgraceful” by Kenny, who debated with the MP following her initial speech. He said her comment were a “do-down” to Irish people living throughout the world. Addressing, Daly’s words on Syria, Kenny said that she seemed to have a very “biased” view on the “wanton slaughter of the Syrian people” by the regime of President Bashar Assad.

Daly later questioned what was so “outrageous” about her comments in a column in the Irish examiner, stressing the “unquestionable adoration of the Obamas is ludicrous.”

“Of course the Obamas, like anyone else, have a right to visit our country and enjoy the benefits we have to offer. However, we cannot afford to let a sideshow develop whereby the situation becomes completely depoliticized,” Daly wrote.

Barack Obama, his wife and two daughters touched down in Belfast for the G8 summit on June 17. While the president attended high-level meetings as part of the summit, his family toured the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Then again from your previous posts you believe George Galloway is an important statesman.

For those who do not know, Ms. Daly is one of the two co-founders of the United Left Party, she resigned from the Irish Socialist Party last August under less than happy terms having been elected to the Dáil two year's ago.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Why is some nutbar Irish MP's opinion worthy of note?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I thought Obama was gonna bring world peace. What happened?
At least he should have the decency to return the Nobel Peace Prize, or give the money to a worthwhile cause, may I suggest Wikileaks.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Obama is a light weight, almost as light as his predecessor.

I have been watching world events off and on for the past several years, and this Obama fellow does not seem that remarkable. No explanation for the hype that surrounds him.

Very average.

Usually when you are in power for a length of time, he will leave a legacy.

George W Bush, pointless wars that cost too much money, for example.

PM Harper, revival of the national PC party, the further marginaise of Quebec, okay governance.

Mayor David Miller. Cater to special interest groups. Loved streetcars on St.Clair. A complete nutbar with the spending saddling the City of Toronto in debt that which will require a federal forgiveness bailout.

Obama. Seems to me his only enduring legacy is the 1984 stealth survellience state.

Big Brother really is watching you. Err .. I mean, us!


Apr 24, 2005
Obama. Seems to me his only enduring legacy is the 1984 stealth survellience state.
He might kill Keystone XL. The Jackie Robinson of the American presidency. Ended the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Took care of Osama bin Laden. Saved the U.S. financial system.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Let me re-phrase that. Obama broke the colour barrier of the American presidency. Query: When will the U.S. elect an openly gay president?
After a Woman and before Canada....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Let me re-phrase that. Obama broke the colour barrier of the American presidency. Query: When will the U.S. elect an openly gay president?
That I suppose depends upon what you mean by "openly gay": everyone knows that they are in a Civil Partnership/marriage, or that they have certain mannerisms? I'm sure the former well before the later.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Obama is a light weight, almost as light as his predecessor.

I have been watching world events off and on for the past several years, and this Obama fellow does not seem that remarkable. No explanation for the hype that surrounds him.
Two main reasons on why the hype:
-He followed George W Bush. Anyone was gonna look good after him
-He is a visible minority - specifically black. It was a big milestone. Many got caught up in that one. Heck, many Canadians got caught up in too. Comments like "if there was a time I wish I was American, it is now". Lame.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
At least he should have the decency to return the Nobel Peace Prize, or give the money to a worthwhile cause, may I suggest Wikileaks.
I thought you would want him to give the money to the men you admire in the Taliban.

But you are right Wikileaks is almost bankrupt. Oh well.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I thought you would want him to give the money to the men you admire in the Taliban.

But you are right Wikileaks is almost bankrupt. Oh well.
You truly are an idiot.
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