Steeles Royal

Jeremy Scahill...Tells The Truth About US Foreign Policy In Miiddle East


Jul 2, 2011

For those of you with don't have a short attention span, which are obviously few on this site.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
foreign policy is not an excuse. that excuse was not around when Islamic Barbary pirates attacked American ships in the Mediterranian in the late 1700s. that excuse was not used when Islamic Armies attacked Vienna in 1683 and defeated by European Armies. that foreign policy excuse was not used when Islamic Armies of the Umayed Caliphate invaded Spain and France( where they we stopped). that excuse was not around when Islamic Armies Conquered Iran, Afghanistan and that Indus River valley wiping native religions and cultures.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

At first, America tried to buy peace by paying tribute (extortion/bribes) to the Barbary States as many European nations had been doing. Such payments almost broke the bank of the new nation. When Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy to London in 1785, they received this unequivocal response, in Jefferson's words, that appears to be from Al Qaida's playbook:

"It was written in the Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise."


Jul 2, 2011
Christianity has way more bodies under its belt than Islam, fact.

Foreign policy explains the continuing role of the US as an imperial power. The rhetoric on this site that you and a few others seem to spew is very biased and dangerous.
Most if the world sees the US as a threat, finding out why is a big step in preventing terrorism.


Apr 24, 2005
Most if the world sees the US as a threat, finding out why is a big step in preventing terrorism.
Does that include South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, NATO, etc.? Or, are you referring to Iran, North Korea, etc.? Terrorism exist, and more Muslims are killed by other Muslims than by Christians, because some extremist Muslims have a warped interpretation of their religion.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Christianity has way more bodies under its belt than Islam, fact.

Foreign policy explains the continuing role of the US as an imperial power. The rhetoric on this site that you and a few others seem to spew is very biased and dangerous.
Most if the world sees the US as a threat, finding out why is a big step in preventing terrorism.

Islam has been waging war against humanity for 1400 years. islam is the cause. the U.S was attacked by islamic slave rading pirates after the american revolution.

stop this victimology nonsense. more muslims are killed by other muslims in the islamic world


Mar 21, 2011
Islam has been waging war against humanity for 1400 years. islam is the cause. the U.S was attacked by islamic slave rading pirates after the american revolution.

stop this victimology nonsense. more muslims are killed by other muslims in the islamic world

A few facts, from

Western countries invaded, occupied by Muslims, since 1798: Turkey in Cyprus since 1974?

Muslim countries invaded and occupied by Westerners since 1798: what is now Bangladesh (Britain); Egypt (France), much of Indonesia (Dutch); Algeria (France); Senegal, Mali, Niger, Chad (France); Moroccan Sahara, Ceuta (Spain); what is now Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan (Russia); Tunisia (France); Egypt, Sudan (Britain); Morocco (France); Libya (Italy); Palestine and Iraq (Britain); Syria and what is now Lebanon (France); Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain (Britain); Iran (Britain, US, Soviet Union during WW II); Iraq (US 2003-2011)

Number of Westerners killed by Muslim powers since 1798: a few tens of thousands, most in the Ottoman wars in the Balkans and WW I
Number of Muslims killed by Western Powers since 1798: tens of millions


New member
Jan 19, 2006
^two points: Nice arbitrary cut off date so as to deliberately only show one side of the coin. Note that the U.S. appears but once on that list but due to cultural conflict is the "great satan."


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
A few facts, from

Western countries invaded, occupied by Muslims, since 1798: Turkey in Cyprus since 1974?

Muslim countries invaded and occupied by Westerners since 1798: what is now Bangladesh (Britain); Egypt (France), much of Indonesia (Dutch); Algeria (France); Senegal, Mali, Niger, Chad (France); Moroccan Sahara, Ceuta (Spain); what is now Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan (Russia); Tunisia (France); Egypt, Sudan (Britain); Morocco (France); Libya (Italy); Palestine and Iraq (Britain); Syria and what is now Lebanon (France); Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain (Britain); Iran (Britain, US, Soviet Union during WW II); Iraq (US 2003-2011)

Number of Westerners killed by Muslim powers since 1798: a few tens of thousands, most in the Ottoman wars in the Balkans and WW I
Number of Muslims killed by Western Powers since 1798: tens of millions

633: Muslims conquer Syria and Iraq.

634: Victory against the Byzantines in Palestine (Ajnadayn).

634-644: Umar (c. 591-644) reigns as the second caliph. The Muslims subjugate Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia. Garrisons established in the conquered lands, and the Muslim rulers begin to take control of financial organisation.

635: Muslims begin the conquest of Persia and Syria.

635: Arab Muslims capture the city of Damascus from the Byzantines.

August 20, 636: Battle of Yarmuk (also: Yarmuq, Hieromyax): Following the Muslim capture of Damascus and Edessa, Byzantine Emperor Heraclius organizes a large army which manages to take back control of those cities. However, Byzantine commander, Baänes is soundly defeated by Muslim forces under Khalid ibn Walid in a battle in the valley of the Yarmuk River outside Damascus. This leaves all of Syria open to Arab domination.

636 (?): The Arabs under Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas defeat a Sasanian army in the battle of Qadisiyya (near Hira), gaining Iraq west of the Tigris. A second victory follows at Jalula, near Ctesiphon.

637: The Arabs occupy the Persian capital of Ctesiphon. By 651, the entire Persian realm would come under the rule of Islam and continued its westward expansion.

637: Syria is conquered by Muslim forces.

637: Jerusalem falls to invading Muslim forces.

638: Caliph Umar I enters Jerusalem.

639-42: Conquest of Egypt (642 taking of Alexandria) by 'Amr ibn al-'As. Muslims capture the sea port of Caesarea in Palestine, marking end of the Byzantine presence in Syria.

641: Islam spreads into Egypt. The Catholic Archbishop invites Muslims to help free Egypt from Roman oppressors.

641: Under the leadership of Abd-al-Rahman, Muslims conquer southern areas of Azerbaijan, Daghestan, Georgia, and Armenia.

641/2: Under the leadership of Amr ibn al-As, Muslims conquer the Byzantine city of Alexandria in Egypt. Amr forbids the looting of the city and proclaims freedom of worship for all. According to some accounts, he also has what was left of the Great Library burned the following year. Al-As creates the first Muslim city in Egypt, al-Fustat, and builds there the first mosque in Egypt.

644: Muslim leader Umar dies and is succeeded by Caliph Uthman, a member of the Umayyad family that had rejected Muhammad's prophesies. Rallies arise to support Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, as caliph. Uthman launches invasions to the west into North Africa.

649: Muawiya I, a member of the Umayyad family, leads a raid against Cyprus, sacking the capital Salamis-Constantia after a short siege and pillaging the rest of the island.

652: Sicily is attacked by Muslims coming out of Tunisia (named Ifriqiya by the Muslims, a name later given to the entire continent of Africa).

653: Muawiya I leads a raid against Rhodes, taking the remaining pieces of the Colossus of Rhodes (one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world) and shipping it back to Syria to be sold as scrap metal.

654: Muawiya I conquers Cyprus and stations a large garrison there. The island would remain in Muslim hands until 0966.

669: The Muslim conquest reaches to Morocco in North Africa. The region would be open to the rule of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates until 800.

672: Muslims under Mauwiya I capture the island of Rhodes.

672: Beginning of the 'seven year' Arab siege of Constantinople.

674: Arab conquest reaches the Indus River.

698: Muslims capture Carthage in North Africa.

700: Muslims from Pamntelleria raid the island of Sicily.

711: With the further conquest of Egypt, Spain and North Africa, Islam included all of the Persian empire and most of the old Roman world under Islamic rule. Muslims began the conquest of Sindh in Afghanistan.


Mar 21, 2011
633: Muslims conquer Syria and Iraq.

711: With the further conquest of Egypt, Spain and North Africa, Islam included all of the Persian empire and most of the old Roman world under Islamic rule. Muslims began the conquest of Sindh in Afghanistan.
Thanks for helping to make the case.
You have to go back 1200 years to find those ones.
Whereas it looks like in the last 300 years its pretty clear that Muslims have not been that aggressive in comparison to Western Countries.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
715: By this year just about all of Spain is in Muslim hands. The Muslim conquest of Spain only took around three years but the Christian reconquest would require around 460 years (it might have gone faster had the various Christian kingdoms not been at each other' throats much of the time). Musa's son, Abd el-Aziz, is left in charge and makes his capital the city of Seville, where he married Egilona, widow of king Rodrigo. Caliph Suleiman, a paranoid ruler, would have el-Aziz assassinated and sends Musa into exile in his native Yemen village to live out his days as a beggar.

716: Lisbon is captured by Muslims.

717: Cordova (Qurtuba) becomes the capital of Muslim holdings in Andalusia (Spain).

719: Muslims attack Septimania in southern France (so named because it was the base of operations for Rome's Seventh Legion) and become established in the region known as Languedoc, made famous several hundred years later as the center of the Cathar heresy.

July 09, 721: A Muslim army under the command of Al-Semah and that had crossed the Pyrenees is defeated by the Franks near Toulouse. Al-Semah is killed and his remaining forces, which had previously conquered Narbonne, are forced back across the Pyrenees into Spain.

722: Battle of Covadonga: Pelayo, (690-737) Visigoth noble who had been elected the first King of Asturias (718-0737), defeats a Muslim army at Alcama near Covadonga. This is generally regarded as the first real Christian victory over the Muslims in the Reconquista.

June 827: Sicily is invaded by Muslims who, this time, are looking to take control of the island rather than simply taking away booty. They are initially aided by Euphemius, a Byzantine naval commander who is rebelling against the Emperor. Conquest of the island would require 75 years of hard fighting.

831: Muslim invaders capture the Sicilian city of Palermo and make it their capital.

869: Arabs capture the island of Malta.

902: The Muslim conquest of Sicily is completed when the last Christian stronghold, the city of Taorminia, is captured. Muslim rule of Sicily would last for 264 years.

911: Muslims control all the passes in the Alps between France and Italy, cutting off passage between the two countries.

916: A combined force of Greek and German emperors and Italian city-states defeat Muslim invaders at Garigliano, putting Muslim raids in Italy to an end.

939: Madrid is recaptured from Muslim forces.

more here


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Thanks for helping to make the case.
You have to go back 1200 years to find those ones.
Whereas it looks like in the last 300 years its pretty clear that Muslims have not been that aggressive in comparison to Western Countries.

2013.05.26 (Damascus, Syria) - A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.26 (Zherook, Afghanistan) - A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 (Abdisugow, Kenya) - A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.25 (Samarrah, Iraq) - Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 (Makhachkala, Dagestan) - Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Islam has been waging war against humanity for 1400 years. islam is the cause. the U.S was attacked by islamic slave rading pirates after the american revolution.

stop this victimology nonsense. more muslims are killed by other muslims in the islamic world
notice he he avoids mention of the Crusades?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario's for the idiot who filled this thread with examples of Muslim violence.
muslims are known to voilence and terrorism check the bbc, al jazeera, read online newspapers


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Jerusalem and other Christian sites in the region were overunned by Muslim armies, preventing Christians from doing pilgrimages. claiming muslim armies as victims doesn't change history.


Mar 21, 2011
2013.05.26 (Damascus, Syria) - A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.26 (Zherook, Afghanistan) - A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 (Abdisugow, Kenya) - A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.25 (Samarrah, Iraq) - Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 (Makhachkala, Dagestan) - Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.
That's the best you've got?
I give you a list of countries invaded and you find a few isolated incidents?
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