Vaughan Spa

Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Was the Star involved in the release of the crack video story on Gawker from the beginning?
Of course they were. The Star was being accused of a Ford witch hunt, so they passed their story on to a secondary source (like Gawker). It would also be a lot harder for Ford to potentially sue Gawker because they're located in US


Apr 24, 2005
The Star was being accused of a Ford witch hunt, so they passed their story on to a secondary source (like Gawker).
The Star is the worse example of gutter journalism. Wouldn't surprise me if they also tried to hack the Fords' cellphones. The Star and their supporters are a perfect example of why I hope Brian Burke wins his lawsuit. Nobody should be allowed to defame another person without consequences.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Innocent? Guilty? At this point it really is a moot point. The Fords are done like dinner.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Of course they were. The Star was being accused of a Ford witch hunt, so they passed their story on to a secondary source (like Gawker). It would also be a lot harder for Ford to potentially sue Gawker because they're located in US
And, your source for this intel is?


Aug 19, 2001
Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs or religious doctrine. Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct knowledge, and so cannot directly testify to truth or accuracy.

As long as we're re-reading definitions, which did you have in mind?
It was entirely clear that I was referring to hearsay and mistyped. Such is the nature of internet discussion board posts.

If the strength of your argument relies upon nitpicking over a spelling mistake, the reveals the weakness of your position


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs, customs or religious doctrine. Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another person concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct knowledge, and so cannot directly testify to truth or accuracy.

As long as we're re-reading definitions, which did you have in mind?
I suspect you knew the answer before you typed the question.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Former crack user has doubts Ford is a crack addict:

We Spoke to a Former Crack Addict About Rob Ford

As everyone in Toronto (and now the planet) knows, Mayor Rob Ford has been accused of smoking crack cocaine. Apparently there's video evidence of him getting high, while talking shit on Justin Trudeau and immigrants at large. But, the world still hasn’t seen any evidence of the alleged crack smoking and Rob has not officially addresed the issue. To make things crazier, Gawker’s crowdfunded Indiegogo campaign to raise money—so they can buy the iPhone video from some drug dealers—is closing in on their $200,000 goal, but they can’t even find the guys who are holding onto the footage. And on top of all that, Mark Towhey, Robbie’s former chief of staff, has been fired for telling him to “get help.”

With all of this insane bullshit clouding Toronto’s municipal politics, we decided to talk to someone who knows first hand what crack addiction and crack smoking looks like: a former crack addict named Rick. Here’s what he thinks of the allegations against poor ol’ Robbie.

VICE: So Rick, you’ve heard the story of Rob Ford’s crack video, Do you think the mayor could be a crack smoker?
A Former Crack Addict Named Rick: If you’re asking my opinion, I suppose it’s possible, that he might have tried it, but there is no way he is crack addict. I will go out on a limb and say it is impossible to be a crack addict and maintain any kind of lifestyle, let alone be a mayor. I doubt if he’s even a drug addict at all. Or has anything like that going on.

Can people smoke crack casually?
No. I don’t think so. I’ve never heard of a casual crack smoker. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but I’ve never heard of it.

Would crack ever be the first drug people use?
[Laughs] No. Absolutely not. Usually people don’t move right to crack cocaine. People like the mayor don’t decide to have a glass of wine with dinner and then go buy a bag of crack. It doesn’t usually go that way. I know it’s readily available and cheap, but you aren’t just trying it with your friends out of nowhere when you’ve never touched another drug.

So do you think it’s safe to say that the mayor, if he has smoked crack, would have problems with drugs before this?
Yes. I mean, I can’t say for sure, because I don’t know the guy, but it’s very likely that there would be a history of drug abuse.

How would someone on crack behave?
Crack makes you extremely paranoid. In no way do I believe the mayor is leaving City Hall and going into the garage and looking over his shoulders and smoking crack [laughs]. It’s just not happening. There is honestly, very severe paranoia associated to being high on crack—and the more you smoke, the more paranoid you get. To me, it just doesn’t seem like he is walking around like he’s paranoid, if anything he walks around pretty calm.

I’ve never smoked crack, what’s it like?
Well immediately, you are super alert and super anxious. You’re off your chair and you’re walking around, you’re not leaning back in it. You’re paranoid. Someone who has just smoked crack is not relaxing in any chair. Trust me, it never happens like that.

So you’re not calm and talking coolly about life?
[Laughs] No.

Is it possible that someone could smoke crack and then engage in a conversation about things like political figures or sports teams?
Absolutely not. For a while after, you’re not saying anything. Maybe forty minutes or an hour later, but not right away. You aren’t saying anything when you first smoke. You’re silent. If they are saying Ford was holding the pipe and talking about Trudeau, it wasn’t crack in that pipe, maybe it was something else. It’s highly unlikely that it was crack. It’s possible that later on maybe sure, having a couple beers, sure, you can talk about stuff. But it takes time.

From your experience, if someone is smoking crack, how is their behaviour changed and how will it affect their life?
Eventually you will lose everything, your family, your friends, your job. Everything. You will sell everything, lose all your money, for sure. Nothing else matters but the drug. You become a totally different person. You lose everything. Guaranteed. That’s the nature of a crack addiction.

How quickly could this change in a person start to occur?
Crack addiction happens pretty fast. If someone has started smoking crack, it won’t be long before everyone around them is aware this person has become completely different. Lying, sneaking around, stealing. It’s not an addiction that you can maintain without people noticing… not for long anyways.

What are some telltale signs that people could look for if they suspect someone is smoking crack?
Well, there are lots of things. Showing up late, being unreliable, lying. But the only real, and truly physical sign that someone is smoking crack, is a total loss of weight. Crack will make you lose weight, guaranteed. I joke now with my friends that when I smoked crack, I never had a potbelly [laughs].

If you could say anything to Mayor Ford right now, what would it be?
I couldn’t say much. Like everyone else, I really don’t have enough information. We don’t know if it was crack or if it was even Ford. I think we should really all be sticking to the golden rule: innocent until proven guilty


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Christie Blatchford in The National Post in the context of a larger piece on journalist ethics quotes a reader:

I got a smart email from a reader in Quebec named Charles Bogue, and who has given me the green light to quote from it.

"My understanding,” he wrote, “is that one of the most fundamental rules of good journalism is to always — always — obtain a corroborating source for any material allegation before a story is published.”

“Furthermore, when someone’s personal reputation is at stake, simple human decency if not journalistic professionalism, ought to dictate particular care in sourcing any allegations, since informants may have many and diverse motives other than a pristine dedication to the truth for feeding a juicy story to a journalist.

“The Star has very conspicuously run, without any form of corroboration, a story it obtained from a couple of professional criminals, and unless I am missing something, I find it appalling that such a practice can be passed off as good journalism.”

As Mr. Bogue points out, these folks “have an obvious motive for concocting a real whopper, to wit: The market value of a video that purportedly shows Rob Ford smoking crack will be considerably higher than that of a video showing him smoking some less noxious substance; and the market value of a video determined to be fraudulent will be zero…

“The Star is acting a bit like the person who buys ‘an authentic Rolex’ from some guy who sells it out of the trunk of his car for $500. “ ‘Nice chap; didn’t quite catch his name, but he assured me himself that the watch is authentic.’ ”

It seems to me that Mr. Bogue puts it very well.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You can get sued for libel (see Brian Burke).

A retired cop just called into Ford's radio show, says he worked in drug squad from 1975 to 1987 and he never heard of the Ford brothers selling drugs during this time period


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
A former police officer who worked the drug squad in the time period that Doug Ford is accused of being one just came on the radio show. He specifically worked in the neoghbourhood. He has stated that the Ford name NEVER came up as part of any investigation. EVER.

So who do you believe....unnamed sources or Named police officers who specifically worked the drug beat?

I needed to have better sources for my essays in high school than these hackes are allowed to print.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
If I lived in Toronto, I would not care so much about Ford being a buffoon. The infantile media and witch hunt left would irritate.

What I would be proud of is last years record tourism Toronto had. Also, more cranes in the air than other NAmerican cities is surely a plus.

Just because a casino does not come in is a non issue. Ford Nation has that city rockn!


Apr 24, 2005
"My understanding,” he wrote, “is that one of the most fundamental rules of good journalism is to always — always — obtain a corroborating source for any material allegation before a story is published.”

“Furthermore, when someone’s personal reputation is at stake, simple human decency if not journalistic professionalism, ought to dictate particular care in sourcing any allegations,
But, the Toronto Star and that clown Jon Stewart don't have to worry about journalistic integrity nor human decency.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
He's exhibited quite a few of those symptoms.
Twitchy behaviour - leaving a meeting to go put magnets on cars, ass grabbing and mugging, running into cameras...
paranoid - continually claiming the media are out to get him
unreliable hours - check
All someone has to do is read your posts about the Middle East to get the same impression.............


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
He's exhibited quite a few of those symptoms.
Twitchy behaviour - leaving a meeting to go put magnets on cars, ass grabbing and mugging, running into cameras...
paranoid - continually claiming the media are out to get him
unreliable hours - check
Give it a rest will you
You are bent on discrediting this man because he does not buy into your ultra left view of the world.
Given such a juicy scandal, you are hoping , prying and willing it to be true.
Well, it appears this story is starting to unravel

Did he smoke rock ?
No one can prove that at this particular moment.
In Canada you are innocent until proven guilty
Despite the fact you obviously loath and despise Ford, show some class, sound judgement and common sense and patiently wait until this story can be properly verified.

You have next to zero credibility here, are you so hell bent on seeing Fords destruction that you want to drive that credibility to zero?
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