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Universities Schedule; SPs Gone Missing?

nut goodie

New member
Jan 15, 2004
Beyond Belief
I am wondering when the end of the current semester is for colleges in TO? I am a returning visitor to Toronto (think indy April Diamond, Aspen at Allison's Angels. It has been that long ago!).

A lady that I am attempting to book at the beginning of June has gone off the grid about two weeks ago, and we had been in touch earlier this month. Her profile appears to be active. She is attending college; I do not know the school, FWIW. She does seem to come and go throughout the year.

Another provider, Kat K. recently posted an ad stating she was in need of a diversion from studying.

So, this ad made me wonder if the end of the semester is a reason why my lady of interest has gone incommunicado of late. Thanks for any insight.



Dec 25, 2012
Back to the OP, there is a natural ebb and flow to the comings and goings of our SP friends . Annually there are rhythms, like the one you notice, but i find that one to be as many show up here as go away as local ladies without parental support need to make tuition. In the fall when girls are making money to save up for sunny vacations . Even on a monthly basis you can see increased activity near the end of month when bills need to be paid.

Anyhow it seems to me that there is an abundance of terrific ladies at all times of the year and month.

nut goodie

New member
Jan 15, 2004
Beyond Belief
Thanks everyone for the insight. @ Yolosohobby: it's understood, the ebb and flow of this business. Perhaps I will end up seeing the lady after all; if not, on to the next lady on the list. That's the vagaries of being a "from away" hobbyist.

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