Ahhhh.... Rob Ford the crack fiend....


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Where dat video at.....


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Where dat video at.....
I bet Ford bought it recently, that is why he saved his denial until he knew he had the vid.......but of course the crack dealers might be smart enuf to have many digital copies and can now double their money or continually blackmail the fat guy...cash for life!


Jan 31, 2005
I bet Ford bought it recently, that is why he saved his denial until he knew he had the vid.......but of course the crack dealers might be smart enuf to have many digital copies and can now double their money or continually blackmail the fat guy...cash for life!
If Ford is smart, he has sent the crack dealers on a long vacation to Mexico, in the company of one of his aids, to sit on a beach and sip margarita's until this all blows over. Somewhere there's no cellphone or internet access.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Holey fuck. Gryf posts something NOT about Israel. We should have a party.
That is a good suggestion.

There may be some difficulty in deciding where to hold it.

Tribe Intellectual would like to dance on Ford's political corpse.

While Tribe Ford Nation would like to dance on a few Toronto Star newspapers spread out on the ground, sort of like what they do to certain flags of various counties in some places in the world.

Terb? Think people here prefer the limba.



Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
That is a good suggestion.

There may be some difficulty in deciding where to hold it.

Tribe Intellectual would like to dance on Ford's political corpse.

While Tribe Ford Nation would like to dance on a few Toronto Star newspapers spread out on the ground, sort of like what they do to certain flags of various counties in some places in the world.

Terb? Think people here prefer the limba.

What is the opposite of tribe intellectual? Tribe dumbass? It is pathetic to see people like Obama try and sound stupid just because he thinks it will sell his man of the people image. Talk about devo.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
This worked for me:


Still time for you to donate!

If you donate money to fund a drug dealer just to get rid of RobFord ...You are the most incredible stupid person. You realized raising money for a drug dealer will come back to haunt anyone who donated to this dumb campaign..How do you know if the drug dealer will not use some of the $200,000 buy more crack? He moves to Calgary or Vancouver or another city then .... he pissed of another drug gangs because he just intrude on their drug turf. A gang war started then an Innocent bystander get killed. News media finds out that this person was from Toronto and that he got $200,000 from gawker.com. The family of the innocent bystander that get kills find out where the money came from. The victim family start a lawsuit and against gawkers and all the donors who donated the money to buy that video. Demand the IP address and name of all donors from gawker who donated. Basically money was used from this gawker campagin to fund illegal activities for this somali drug dealer which resulted that got an innocent bystander killed. Then criminal charges can arises because of rising money to fund a drug dealer illegal activites. PS Rob Ford is only a Mayor of Toronto. If you dont like him vote him out on the next election. Help or raising money to give a drug dealer that showed to carry guns and commits violences is not smart move.. Use some common sense for christ sake. Personally no matter how much I hate a politicans ( I really hate smitherman)... ...I will not donate a single penny to a drug dealer to kick or shame then out a politicans from office. PPS I hope Rob Ford win the next Mayor Election and I hope he stay in office until he finished the term. He still the best politican in Ontario as compared to the scumballl McGuinty and Smitherman and Miller who waste billions of dollar of my tax money.
Last edited:


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
What a ridiculous post. I am right wing and have a doctoral degree.

I'm right wing because I believe socialism reduces everyone to the lowest common denominator. I am right wing because I believe the left kills productivity, ingenuity and individuality. I am right wing because I believe in giving people a hand up and not a hand out. I'm right wing because I don't believe government should ever be a growth industry. I'm right wing because I believe people should be able to keep the majority of the fruit of their labour rather than giving it to irresponsible governments who squander, boondoggle and steal it.

I'm right wing because I believe socialists are leaches and hemerhoids on the ass of the earth. Clear enough for you, you pompous latte sipping twit?
It is possible to be smart AND gullible.
Then which party do you support because it can't be the Conserivatives. Harper loves doling out corporate welfare to leeches and hemorrioids who don't even need it.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was at the Ford Motor Co. plant in Oakville, Ont. today to announce the renewal of a fund to stimulate research and innovation in Canada's automotive industry.

The fund was first established in 2008 as part of efforts to bail out Canada's struggling automotive industry early in the last recession.

Under the original fund, the federal government contributed repayable loans to four companies, providing up to:

$80 million to Ford
to establish a flexible engine assembly plant and an advanced powertrain research centre in Windsor, Ont.
$54.8 million to Linamar Corporation, to develop advanced components for transmissions, engines and drivelines.
$70.8 million to Toyota Canada to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles, including electric vehicles.
$21.7 million to Magna International to develop energy-efficient components for vehicles and powertrain components for next-generation vehicles.
This is all bullshit - Toyota doesn't need or deserve a handout from taxapyers. Toyota and Ford aren't developing or designing anything in Canada! This is money that likely goes towards paying executives and lobbyists big bonuses as a reward for getting the money from Ottawa.

The Harper gov't is cutting funding to science and so is doing the opposite of promoting ingenuity and individuality. And the Orwellian 'Office of Religious Freedom' is designed to give handouts to Christians.

I believe people should be able to keep the majority of the fruit of their labour rather than giving it to irresponsible governments who squander, boondoggle and steal it.
You must really hate the Cons in Canada, then. They have 'misplaced' over $3 billion, they were dead set on overpaying on fighter jets until the uproar over that shitty deal was deafening, and of course the G20 boondoggle that was obviously used as a slush fund:
Government records show that hundreds of suppliers secured contracts for services rendered for the June summits, held in Toronto and Huntsville, Ont., including a $334,000 bill for sun screen, bug spray and hand sanitizer.

The government has estimated the total summit tab to be just over $1 billion and the newly released documents detail contract spending for about one-quarter of the overall bill.

The contracts provide an inside look at spending for the international gatherings, which were dubbed by the political opposition as the most expensive three days in Canadian history.

Almost 30 page of records show that a hundred dollars here and another million dollars there added up to spending of about $222 million for the Public Works Department and the RCMP alone, two of the several entities involved in the two summits.

For the two summits combined, Public Works shelled out about $132 million for contracts and the RCMP spent another $90 million.

Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and RCMP staffing costs, which consumed a significant portion of the total summit bill, were not included in the documents.

The records show the government paid $4.4 million for a summit security fence, tens of millions in accommodation at dozens of hotels, millions more for food and rental vehicles, and that at least 100 contracts were awarded to supply a vast array of communications and security equipment.

Some of the most expensive items included almost $12 million to lease the Toronto airport, $5 million to lease the Sheraton Toronto Centre, $3.7 million for the Westin Harbour Castle and $3.6 million for the Fairmont Royal York. Canada Catering Co. secured $2.5 million to supply box lunches at the Muskoka airport.

On the other end of the spectrum, Mountain Equipment Co-op provided $14,000 in "bug jackets."


Liberal MP Dan McTeague, however, condemned the spending.

"It's an outrageous amount of money, most of it sole-sourced," he said Thursday. "The government appears to have taken the approach that money is of no object."

McTeague singled out a few items in the spending records, including a bill for $85,000 for snacks at Hyatt Regency Hotel and $2.2 million for car rentals for one day.
You must hate these irresponsible, lying, cheating, free-spending Cons almost as much as me! Oh yeah let's not forget the EAP ads which are orders of magnitude worse than Adscam. Such as the most recent bullshit:
The Harper government is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising a program that does not yet exist.
Prime-time ads began airing this week during NHL playoff games — currently the priciest advertising real estate on the dial — that tout a new federal Canada Jobs Grant for training workers.
The trouble is, the freshly announced program is at present little more than a concept that has yet to be negotiated with provincial governments, and requires buy-in from employers as well.
Peter Van Loan, the Conservative government House leader, described the Canada Jobs Grant last week as a “proposal that needs to be fleshed out and developed fully.”

“What we’ve announced is a concept of how it could work,”
Van Loan said in Toronto as the government began what it calls roundtable consultations on the proposal.
The concept requires that Ottawa, the province and the employer kick in up to $5,000 each toward the training of a worker.
Legislation to create the federal training grant is still months away from even being considered by Parliament — which is why the TV ads note in fine print that the program is “subject to parliamentary approval.”
They're wasting your (and my) hard earned tax dollars to pretend to promote a program that doesn't exist and might never exist.

What political party does a right winger back when the Conservatives are a pack of money-wasting, lying con men.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
No one is more gullible than you Matt so don't be insulting other members with your lame diatribe.

As far as the people who have contributed money, my goodness you aren't very bright. You almost deserve to be taken by this scam. Whatever damage is to be done has already happened.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Seems those behind this smear campaign have won. There is no video and I'm willing to bet one is never produced. But the damage has been done. If you're going into politics this is the kind of shit you sometimes have to deal with. If Ford goes down I hope he at least has the guts to fight back and try the same shit on whatever left wing mayor you guys end up with. Sounds like Ford and his family have plenty of connections to fuck up Chow or Vaughn or whoever becomes your next mayor. I only hobby in Toronto, my mayor isn't a bumbler like Ford, he's just a arrogant prick who runs Hamilton like he owns it.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
By the way Jennifer, we may not be alike politically but I still hope to meet you someday. You sound like an intelligent woman and I bet you would be a neat person to converse with.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
So much hated our mayor is that loathing of him from the
world's oldest profession could even pump up their business.


Mar 21, 2011
Ford claimed there was no video on radio today.
I suspect that this means he bought it.
Toronto Escorts