
Two men with cleavers attack a soldier in London and cut his head off


Mar 17, 2003

The guy said: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you...Your people will never be safe.
“In our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe.

CHILLING footage has emerged of a man with bloodied hands armed with knives speaking into a camera phone - just minutes after a soldier was allegedly beheaded.
The tall black man talks brazenly with a London accent to the shocked onlooker who filmed the knifeman making a series of twisted rants after the terrorist attack.

The knifeman and his accomplice are believed to have killed serviceman in the brutal knife attack after ramming the victim - who was wearing a Help For Heroes t-shirt - with a car.
The two suspected terrorists were then shot when cops arrived. They were then taken to hospital, one of them in a serious condition.

Police confirmed one man has died who is believed to be the soldier.
David Cameron vowed Britain would “never buckle” in the face of terrorism and condemned the "absolutely sickening" attack.

In footage, obtained by The Sun, one of the terrorists speaks directly in to the camera bragging about the horrific attack boasting the public and their "children" were targets of extremists.
He says: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you...Your people will never be safe.
“In our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe.

"Remove your governments they don't care about you.
"You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns you think politicians are going to die? No it's going to be the average guy, like you, and your children.

"So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so can all live in peace.”
The victim – who was wearing a Help For Heroes t-shirt – was said to have been attacked by men armed with knives, including a meat cleaver.

Eyewitnesses said the two men - suspected Islamist terrorists - were “hacking” at the victim “like a piece of meat”.
A number of witnesses have told how a blonde woman got out of her car and ran towards the suspects confronting them to stop attacking.
The attackers were then shot after trying to attack police responding to the barbaric incident.
Senior Whitehall sources said the attackers are thought to have tried to film their attack whilst shouting "Allahu Akbar" - God is Great. The men were said to have been of Muslim appearance.

Video included

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
The sad reality is that we`ve become so immune to violence that these events hardly register anymore, it`s a story briefly then forgotton about. Sadly, something else as bad or worse will happen in a few days and take the headlines.

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
au contraire. theres alot of virgins in the pen, and they're all getting their ass raped.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
I wonder if they were inspired by the Boston bombing. I wish the police would have shot them dead, I don't want to hear from them ever again!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I wonder if they were inspired by the Boston bombing. I wish the police would have shot them dead, I don't want to hear from them ever again!
Well is is too bad there is no longer a death penalty in the U.K. However, it is good to be able to interrogate them.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Pretty sure a 9mm with 17 rounds in the magazine would have come in handy in a situation like this...

But hey wtf do i know


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Pretty sure a 9mm with 17 rounds in the magazine would have come in handy in a situation like this...

But hey wtf do i know
A semi-automatic pistol with 10 .45 acp rounds in the magazine would almost certainly have been better.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Pretty sure a 9mm with 17 rounds in the magazine would have come in handy in a situation like this...

But hey wtf do i know
you mean in a situation of being rammed by a car? I dunno whether it makes a lot of sense to have been buying guns and training to shoot them and then to be rammed by a car and never be able to pull one. I'd rather spent time and money on hobbying.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Now some are saying that soldiers, sailors, airmen shouldn't be able to go out in uniform or identifiable clothing. I find it absolutely incredible that it should be said that soldiers who defend the Realm/State should be unable to wear their uniform on the streets of that Realm/State and that it should be unsafe for them to do so!


New member
Sep 5, 2005


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Aardvark, such people are simply looking for the path of least resistance. Keep their heads in the sand and the bogey man will go away. Appeasement is easier - let's just pretend none of this is happening and our lives will continue to be as easy as they have always been. Its weak, and yes it is sad.


Mar 17, 2003
Now some are saying that soldiers, sailors, airmen shouldn't be able to go out in uniform or identifiable clothing. I find it absolutely incredible that it should be said that soldiers who defend the Realm/State should be unable to wear their uniform on the streets of that Realm/State and that it should be unsafe for them to do so!
Now they're banning some english cities from flying the English flag because it offends Muslims, reminds them of the crusades. lmao Has it gone too far or what?

Rural council votes to stop flying flag of St George claiming it is offensive to town's 16 Muslims because of links to CRUSADES

A town has voted not to fly the flag of St George in case it offends Muslims.
Radstock in Somerset has a population of 5,620, 16 of them Muslim, census data shows.
But a Labour councillor said the red and white cross could upset people because of its links to the Crusades.

The council agreed with her proposal not to buy a St George’s flag for the town’s repaired flagpole. A Union Flag will be flown on Armistice Day and there are plans for a flag to be designed for Radstock.
Chairman Lesley Mansell said: ‘We do not have a Union Jack and the discussion was about purchasing one to fly mainly for Armistice Day.
‘The council confirmed its original decision to purchase a Union Jack.’

John Clements, of patriotic group the Royal Society of St George, condemned the council’s decision for ‘censoring’ the national flag, and playing into the hands of the far Right.
Rizwan Ahmed, spokesman for the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, said: ‘To say that Muslims are offended I don’t think is correct.

‘We understand the flag is part of this country’s heritage, and in fact many Muslims identify as being British.’
Radstock resident Irene Burchell, 76, said: ‘The council does not speak for the people of Radstock, and it certainly doesn’t speak for me.
‘I think it is absolute nonsense. The St George’s flag has been adopted by England for centuries.’

Concerns: Labour councillor Eleanor Jackson insisted the flag could still cause upset to Muslims
The rainbow flag of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride movement will also be raised at ‘appropriate’ times of the year.
The council will also be flying the In Bloom flag at the Miners’ Memorial Garden to celebrate the town’s gardening achievements - and there are plans for a specially-designed flag for Radstock.
Muslim Council of Britain spokesman Nasima Begum said her group encouraged the flying of the St George’s flag.
She said: ‘St George needs to take his rightful place as a national symbol of inclusivity rather than a symbol of hatred.
'St George actually lived before the birth of Islam and should not be associated with any hatred of Muslims.’
And Rizwan Ahmed added: ‘It is political correctness going a bit too far.
'Use by the far right is one thing, but to say that Muslims are offended I don’t think is correct.'

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Now some are saying that soldiers, sailors, airmen shouldn't be able to go out in uniform or identifiable clothing. I find it absolutely incredible that it should be said that soldiers who defend the Realm/State should be unable to wear their uniform on the streets of that Realm/State and that it should be unsafe for them to do so!
Get used to a different world. In 2020 the UK will be predominantly muslim, and if it is still a democracy, it will follow that it will have a muslim government, that presumably will send its servicemen to fight against anti-muslim states, or wherever muslims are threatened.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Get used to a different world. In 2020 the UK will be predominantly muslim, and if it is still a democracy, it will follow that it will have a muslim government, that presumably will send its servicemen to fight against anti-muslim states, or wherever muslims are threatened.
Ya. In 2020.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
^^Danmand with all the Polish and Romanian immigrants it may be rather longer than that.

Further the experience of Canada and particularly the U.S. is E pluribus unum - practice your own religion, respect your heritage, but learn about your new nation, speak its language, respect its values. If you are afraid to tell Pakistanis that this is the way it has to be if you are going to live in the U.K. then you may be correct.
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