clients who are resentful

foxxxy lady

Supporting Member
Oct 12, 2009
I was wondering if any other ladies get threatning e-amails from clients who seem to be nice one minute then like turn on you like a light switch. I have seen a client a few times that I meet in the clubs and he knows abit about my personal life.(my past drinking career) I stood him up unintentionaly for my best friend birthday at a swingers club,Its not like your allowed to carry you cell phone in there. I tried to say I was sorry and now almost four months later he sends me an e-mail saying that he is basically going to try and ruin my reputation by bringing uo old reviews some true I was getting caught up in my addiction and some pretty far fetched because I pissed a few people off when I was drinking, I have worked very hard to stay sober for myself. I am not going to let this rent to much space in my head, but I must admit when it was the first e-mail I read this morning it was disappointing. I don't bully and I don't like being bullied. I have never felt better in my life and it takes alot of hard work to kick an addiction I know from my clients I have never looked better in my life and my services are full of energy and drug and disease free. I feel bad that someone who I thought was a friend would send me such nasty hate mail. I hope he too gets the help he needs,but I will not be bullied anymore. I graduated from kindergarten along time ago.
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Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I have seen it happen a lot, and even 4 years later or more. Some people are just like that. Nothing much you can do but stay away and be thankful you do not have to deal with them as a client anymore.

It is sad but it happens. Distance yourself as much as possible. People who really know you, know the real deal and that is all that matters



Well-known member
Dont sweat the small stuff sweety....we all have a past..focus on the present and work towards the future....keep doin what you're doin' and let the past be a distant memory...Your hot!..and he's bitter!!:wink:


Those types of clients are the scariest ones of all because you never know what they are capable of. One minute they are nice, the next they are Anthony Perkins in the Psycho! Please save all threatening correspondence, and if he continues maybe you can do something about it. Just because you do what you do, does not give him or anyone else the right to threaten you in any way.


Just doin' what I do, man
Mar 15, 2002
Miami, you dumbass
He's a total psycho with you - who he has dealt with on a less-than-frequent basis. Imagine what he's like with his

Foxxy Lady - all the good things I've read about're a total pro. And he's not a happy person, and likely will never be.

His loss.


Jun 10, 2012
I was wondering if any other ladies get threatning e-amails from clients who seem to be nice one minute then like turn on you like a light switch. I have seen a client a few times that I meet in the clubs and he knows abit about my personal life.(my past drinking career) I stood him up unintentionaly for my best friend birthday at a swingers club,Its not like your allowed to carry you cell phone in there. I tried to say I was sorry and now almost four months later he sends me an e-mail saying that he is basically going to try and ruin my reputation by bringing uo old reviews some true I was getting caught up in my addiction and some pretty far fetched because I pissed a few people off when I was drinking, I have worked very hard to stay sober for myself. I am not going to let this rent to much space in my head, but I must admit when it was the first e-mail I read this morning it was disappointing. I don't bully and I don't like being bullied. I have never felt better in my life and it takes alot of hard work to kick an addiction I know from my clients I have never looked better in my life and my services are full of energy and drug and disease free. I feel bad that someone who I thought was a friend would send me such nasty hate mail. I hope he too gets the help he needs,but I will not be bullied anymore. I graduated from kindergarten along time ago.
From what I've read about you Amber you're awesome!! I don't think you have anything to worry about. At least your reputation being ruined. Now for safety reasons, you should be extra careful. Put your street smarts in full gear!! Take care.
You have probably already fixed the problem by coming out first. Any bad review now will be treated with suspicion and most probably ignored. You have already earned your great reputation; it would be difficult for any poster to take away something that's been earned over time, through hard work. Just don't read any more of his emails and he can't ruin your day. That's probably all he's looking for as he knows he can't do much else. :)


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2011
I know of an SP in Oshawa, no names mentioned, and she has told me repeated horror stories with johns threatening just about everything

Now I offered several solutions to her, with some including the use of a baseball bat- but she decided not to

the girls provide a service

the johns provide the money

basically both parties are happy and no one should get hurt

if you contact an SP and she does not want to see you, you should be happy with that and go on to the next girl

it is no secret that there are a lot of providers out there, they dont call it the oldest profession for nothing


Dec 15, 2011
Cheer up Amber, just ignore him[/QU
Good call asimca! And remember Amber, from Monty Python "Life of Brian:
Life's a piece of shit
And when you think of it...
Aweways wook on da bwight side of wife
Da doot, da doot, da doot da doot da doot
Aweways wook on da bwight side of wife
Da doot, da doot...


Sweet Heather
Mar 1, 2010
Just keep your head held high beautiful, like we talked about you are a wonderful woman with a great reputation. I know it's difficult when these messages come., they are usually, in my experience, empty threats! We are so lucky to have such a strong community of support here! :happy:


Oct 1, 2004
Durham Region
You want to talk alcoholism? I'm the product of two AA parents. Mom passed away with just over 45 years sobriety and dad is still going strong also. It's always been a fight for them not to take a drink and when I asked them if it got easier as the years went on they would often say no. There would be times when the urge would come up again, parties, weddings, walking to the mailbox...the urge would hit. Anytime anyplace. They found their motivation to not drink, me in their case. For someone to drudge up old memories of a horrific time in someones life is shameful. I don't know you foxxxy, but I'm rooting for ya. From the outside looking it, you need to remind yourself that you've "re-invented" yourself. You are new and improved and the old foxxxy ain't coming back. Sever your ties with the dick head and focus on what keeps you going/moving forward.

Onwards and Upwards.


Just doin' what I do, man
Mar 15, 2002
Miami, you dumbass
You want to talk alcoholism? I'm the product of two AA parents. Mom passed away with just over 45 years sobriety and dad is still going strong also. It's always been a fight for them not to take a drink and when I asked them if it got easier as the years went on they would often say no. There would be times when the urge would come up again, parties, weddings, walking to the mailbox...the urge would hit. Anytime anyplace. They found their motivation to not drink, me in their case. For someone to drudge up old memories of a horrific time in someones life is shameful. I don't know you foxxxy, but I'm rooting for ya. From the outside looking it, you need to remind yourself that you've "re-invented" yourself. You are new and improved and the old foxxxy ain't coming back. Sever your ties with the dick head and focus on what keeps you going/moving forward.

Onwards and Upwards.
+5. Well put.
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