DATY Risks

dr tongue

Oct 28, 2001
My personal experience : One of my favourite things to do, never had an STD in 10 years of seeing escorts and mpa's.
Been hobbying since the 70's when I had to floss afterwards, and have never had anything other than the odd fishy smell and taste which could have used some tartar sauce.


Jul 27, 2011
Been hobbying since the 70's when I had to floss afterwards, and have never had anything other than the odd fishy smell and taste which could have used some tartar sauce.
wow you could patent your detection technique and make a fortune.

If you had read the links I posted you would see that 1/10 do not even know they are infected when you add up all the STD numbers.

By the way HPV death rates in men are making HIV look benign :)


Apr 25, 2013
The risks of contracting an STI from DATY is very low, unless there are other circumstances involved. If you have a cut in your mouth, then the risk factor has increased. The Herpes virus also carries a little higher risk, but that goes both ways...If you have a cold sore, you can pass it on to her. As far as HPV, the research shows that a good percentage of the population carry the HPV virus, some simply remain carriers and will never experience symptoms.

It is much easier for someone to contract an STI from BBBJ than DATY and even that risk is relatively low. I have asked many health care providers about the risks involved with oral sex, both BBBJ and DATY. (I worked at a sexual heath clinic for a few years) They have ALL told me the same thing: They have not seen one single confirmed case of anyone contracting an STI from DATY.

Hope this helps
I feel so much better reading this post!


Jan 30, 2013

I pretty much always thought the same thing. To me you seem to just play men like a consummate player. You give desperate guys some attention and pretend you care about them and they become your little puppies. You used the entire sweet thing like a trade mark.

I also think your little "oh DATY has no risks" is done deliberately to get more business and keep the business you have. I feel it also shows how much you really care about your clients.

I do not know if it fair to fault you. I guess if I was an SP and your age I would be willing to do things like that as well.

But so far I cannot imagine ever accusing you of being too honest.

And I have no personal information regarding your jowls or butter face but I do admire your skills in training the puppies to attack the other men who make negative comments about you :)
sooo true


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Read post 12...then read post 15. Jeez
Post 12

The risks of contracting an STI from DATY is very low, unless there are other circumstances involved. If you have a cut in your mouth, then the risk factor has increased. The Herpes virus also carries a little higher risk, but that goes both ways...If you have a cold sore, you can pass it on to her. As far as HPV, the research shows that a good percentage of the population carry the HPV virus, some simply remain carriers and will never experience symptoms.

It is much easier for someone to contract an STI from BBBJ than DATY and even that risk is relatively low. I have asked many health care providers about the risks involved with oral sex, both BBBJ and DATY. (I worked at a sexual heath clinic for a few years) They have ALL told me the same thing: They have not seen one single confirmed case of anyone contracting an STI from DATY.

Hope this helps

I did. I still do not see where if anywhere it is says that "DATY has NO RISKS"

I see low risks being said. I see where there is no confirmed reports, but I do not see where it is said NO RISKS, nor do I see SPJ saying that. I see her confirming that her doctor told her the same as the doctors told likeafinewine.

If you can see where it is said to be NO risk and that is posted by SPJ, then I apologize. Or should simply not care to point it out, that is fine too. I would and could understand that.
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2011
I feel so much better reading this post!
I could spend the rest of the week pulling out stats on each STD to show why you should not just take advice from cyber experts unless you check their data.

Lets just do one, OK?


"HPV infections have been found to cause cancer of the oropharynx, which is the middle part of the throat including the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils. In the United States, more than half of the cancers diagnosed in the oropharynx are linked to HPV-16 "

from http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/HPV

Same place will provide links that warn you the risk of it is soon going to exceed the risk from smoking for hetero sexual men. Between 1992 and 2001 – in the most recent data available – oral cancer ranked as the seventh most common cancer among men

Translation.... Do you think smoking a pack a day is safe? A pack a day has a lower risk of killing you.

Where do you the the HPV that infects the throat comes from? Licking the side walk? And only sidewalks that women as a group avoid, sine there is no increase in our risks of it.

I really am sorry if I sound pissed off. I just cannot believe given the information on HPV and all the other STDs anyone can be relieved that someone posts a "Oh it does not happen" story without any facts attached.


Jul 27, 2011
Post 12

I did. I still do not see where if anywhere it is says that "DATY has NO RISKS"

I see low risks being said. I see where there is no confirmed reports, but I do not see where it is said NO RISKS, nor do I see SPJ saying that. I see her confirming that her doctor told her the same as the doctors told likeafinewine.

If you can see where it is said to be NO risk and that is posted by SPJ, then I apologize. Or should simply not care to point it out, that is fine too. I would and could understand that.

no cases means no risk. both untrue statement (well mostly untrue. there is a study saying that for HIV. But it is far from the #1 killer STD among hetero males now days, and is only one of the STDs)


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011

no cases means no risk. both untrue statement (well mostly untrue. there is a study saying that for HIV. But it is far from the #1 killer STD among hetero males now days, and is only one of the STDs)
No it doesn't. It means the doctor does not know of any CONFIRMED cases at that time. That is all. Nothing more or less.

However, please and only if you think it is worthy, hope on Google and find where no cases means no risks.

As a side note, since when does a lower case google get a spell check error? Because Google is a name? For the grammar police, if I say " i would be happy to google that for you" instead of search that, do I still need to make it a capital?


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
You are an ugly man in drag, right?
Oh Loki, stop looking in the mirror sweetie :wink:

I know JT's new song is popular and all, but you don't actually have to look in the mirror if you don't want to. It is ok......

Gtg for now. So have fun and get your last word in. I would hate for you to lose that which you strive so hard for on a daily basis.


Jul 27, 2011
Oh Loki, stop looking in the mirror sweetie :wink:

I know JT's new song is popular and all, but you don't actually have to look in the mirror if you don't want to. It is ok......
well you are a master of deflecting the conversation.... but... none the less

You fabricated a quote from me, and I called you on it. Until you apologize or show me where I said it, I will refrain from taking anything you say seriously.

The guy comment was based on someone who posted your description before he got banned.


Dec 12, 2012
Post 12

I did. I still do not see where if anywhere it is says that "DATY has NO RISKS"

I see low risks being said. I see where there is no confirmed reports, but I do not see where it is said NO RISKS, nor do I see SPJ saying that. I see her confirming that her doctor told her the same as the doctors told likeafinewine.

If you can see where it is said to be NO risk and that is posted by SPJ, then I apologize. Or should simply not care to point it out, that is fine too. I would and could understand that.
But I'm sure that you knew what she was referring to. Or did you need directions on how to follow the thread? You don't seem that obtuse.


Dec 12, 2012
can you quote me saying those words? you can't .. because I didn't ever say them. Please read the thread. I did not say
"daty has no risks" anywhere. Thank you.
1. I wasn't speaking to you
2. I never said that you said those words
3. I was trying to to point out the post that was actually being referred to, which should have been obvious

Thank you.


Jul 27, 2011
quote me saying "daty has no risks" or SHUT THE FUCK UP

I didn't even read past that line.. you're wasting your breath lol

You appear to be right. You imply it has very low risk but you never said 'no risk'.

I guess you just do not have the knowledge to evaluate the risk but at least know it is not 'no risk'

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