Smart TVs


New member
May 5, 2010
San Jose, CA
I thought I was riding a new wave in HDTV trend, but was quickly disappointed. The Samsung I bought was expensive and 'smart'... which is what I don't like ! It seems to me that all of the smart features are a big inconvenience and the navigation is poor. I mean, who wants to scroll through letters to slowly spell out a search engine. Had apple done this, atleast they would have added Siri... Now, I know Samsung invested heavily into this technology as at the time it seemed like they were the only high quality tv with a large assortment in Smart TV's. but I still am disappointed. I should have just went with a regular 1080P 120hz LED HDTV and saved $500. Then I could have just ran some 'smarts' directly from where it should have come from in the first place- my computer.

Have anyone else experienced this frustration? I feel ripped off.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You were ripped off!

After perusing some tech boards, the consensus there was you are better off getting any highly rated non-smart 1080P 120hz LED HDTV. They agreed ALL so called smart TVs very limited in what they offer. Then just plug your laptop or PC into your new non-smart HDTV, which will transform it into a 'super-smart' TV doing anything your PC/laptop will do. Essentially it becomes a huge PC monitor. I did this and am very happy with the results.....;)


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
Buy a non smart TV and then plug in an Android stick like this in the HDMI port.



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
^^^ Nice option for turning your HDTV into a smart TV if you don't have a laptop.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Have anyone else experienced this frustration? I feel ripped off.
You are at the 'bleeding' edge of the technology curve. I hate dragging a PC to the TV and I bought a media box which is great for playing movies but it relies on the scroll to spell internet / you tube search and is a royal pain in the ass. A smart TV should have a capability for a bluetooth keyboard (I take it yours doesn't) and WiFi capability at a minimum. There are devices coming out now (Galaxy S 4 has it) to allow direct remote imaging from cell phones in remote locations. Both Apple and Samsung are well on their way to developing the capability in tying all your devices together. I think no one is quite there yet.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
You are at the 'bleeding' edge of the technology curve. I hate dragging a PC to the TV and I bought a media box which is great for playing movies but it relies on the scroll to spell internet / you tube search and is a royal pain in the ass.
This is why I like plugging a laptop into the HDTV. Laptop has a real keyboard and is under the TV attached with a 6' HDMI cable. This way a keyboard can easily be used the little it is needed. A wireless mouse contols ~95% of the HDTV from an easy chair or sofa several feet away. Wireless mouse even works from the kitchen 15'-20' away! In fact a wireless mouse works better controlling both TV and laptop because it doesn't use an infrared signal like the TV remote, that can easily be blocked by anyone getting in the way. This way you can rely on what's in your browser history and bookmarks to get around quite effortlessly surfing around for sites to see on the HDTV from the comfort of your easy chair....;)

'Bleeding' edge technology is great if you know how to utilize it.....:thumb:
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