And then the girls will realize that in fact you have no established clientele and they will leaveFollow these steps:
- offer flexibility, training & safe environment to work in
- find a location and advertise everywhere..newspaper, craigslist, kijiji, terb, etc
- hire a receptionist and female spa manager
- mention the investment in a high quality clean facility
- advertise that you have an established professional clientele
- advertise that you can make $$$ to $$$$ per week
That's pretty much about it!
Welcome to entrepreneurship.Unless you can find a manager who you can trust youll be there 24/7. Not easy to do.
That's not always true, but too often true. I've been lucky enough to find a couple people who work hard because they want to be good at what they do, rather than solely to make a paycheck. The problem is finding people like that and retaining them.Hiring management, like all business is a pain too. No one does the job like you would simply because no one is financially invested like you are. They don't care. [/COLOR]