Anger management


Jul 27, 2011
You weren't required to submit proof you completed the course? If not, I don't know how they can prove you did or didn't complete it.

No idea about Canada. In some jurisdictions if it was a court ordered course the attendance sheet is submitted by the course provider and as a VERY low priority it is checked. Might never have time to check, might get lost, might take 5 years, might take 20.

Every once in a while someone gets all motivated to collect old fines, court costs, etc and the find and issue nasty legal stuff.

Given how nice Canadians are probably never happen.


Jan 4, 2009
Why are you still concerned 10 years after the fact?
He has to, cuz if you don't have a clean criminal record you might have a hard time crossing the US border or when you are applying for a certain type of employment.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Why are you still concerned 10 years after the fact?
As I age travel is harder, the 5 0r 6 hour plane rides, last trip took me 12 hours to get home, it getting to be too much for me, never traveled in the States, might become a lot easier on me, was looking into applying for a pardon or waiver.......this prob comes to mind


Feb 20, 2010
He has to, cuz if you don't have a clean criminal record you might have a hard time crossing the US border and when you are applying for some kind of employment.
That's exactly what I meant. Is there an actual reason for this concern right now? If it came up in one of those situations, it's best to get it sorted out and live peacefully ever after.


Jan 4, 2009
In US they called it Expungement of criminal records. In Canada they call it Pardon Canada I believe. My best advice is talk to Pardon society of Canada or Express Pardon Canada and they willl be able to guide you to a proper solution. You can google them in youtube and there are lots in there.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
You say this with knowledge or opinion??
with knowledge
basically your probation officer should have breached you back then; if he/she didn't care to do it, it would seem like your probation is long over and done with. If you were stopped by the police in the last 5 years and checked (i.e. any traffic stop) and not arrested, you are free as a bird.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Well, just take another class and get this over with. I understand you're looking for a peace of mind. Nothing will solve that better than a complete resolution.
It's not just a class, can't remember for sure but I think it was 16 weeks or something, was to cost me 600 or 800 bucks,,,,maybe even as much as 32 weeks??? can't remember..
What sentence did you get from the judge?

Conditional Discharge I am guessing.
That I can't answer, I was arrested in my driveway, 3 days in the super jail in Lindsey, released the Monday morning, go to trial, plead years probation, stay out of certain area. so many feet from ex, anger management course......I don't think I even had a fine to pay..


Jan 4, 2009
It's not just a class, can't remember for sure but I think it was 16 weeks or something, was to cost me 600 or 800 bucks,,,,maybe even as much as 32 weeks??? can't remember..

That I can't answer, I was arrested in my driveway, 3 days in the super jail in Lindsey, released the Monday morning, go to trial, plead years probation, stay out of certain area. so many feet from ex, anger management course......I don't think I even had a fine to pay..
Did you recall signing a "peace bond"? If so. just carry the Peace bond paper with you whenever you travel to US and you should be fine. And then again it all depends on the officer at the border.


Jul 27, 2011
with knowledge
basically your probation officer should have breached you back then; if he/she didn't care to do it, it would seem like your probation is long over and done with. If you were stopped by the police in the last 5 years and checked (i.e. any traffic stop) and not arrested, you are free as a bird.
I was under the impression that if some enterprising summer student clearing files in 20 years discovers the class list, and sees you skipped out, they basically say oh look someone who did not serve his sentence. And poof next stop after that you are dragged in.

Is that not the way it works in Canada ? The warrant is issued upon discovery?


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
with knowledge
basically your probation officer should have breached you back then; if he/she didn't care to do it, it would seem like your probation is long over and done with. If you were stopped by the police in the last 5 years and checked (i.e. any traffic stop) and not arrested, you are free as a bird.
I didn't even start the classes, or had just started, and my probation period of 1 year was up.....might add that I also, along with the probation officer who got me in front of the judge, asked the judge to let me off of the anger classes, I remember how much he freaked when I told him why I plead quilty...I blew it there. LOL

not sure about my name being run in last 5 years, don't think so, have recieved a ticket or two, but I dought a criminal record is run for that??
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