Pistorius, the blade runner, shot his girlfriend?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
This piece of garbage is as guilty as hell ! Whoever believes this killer's story would have to be a complete moron with an IQ of zero !!! Don't insult my intelligence folks - it is what it is - GUILTY as charged !!! Bring back the death penalty !!!
+++1 hang the murderer and burn his blades


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I just heard on CNN from a lawyer that they found Reeva in her clothes in the bathroom. Did anyone else hear or read that? This is hard to believe, but if true then that should be a slam dunk against Pisto. He said she was sleeping in her bed but if she died with clothes on, then......... he's finished.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I just heard on CNN from a lawyer that they found Reeva in her clothes in the bathroom. Did anyone else hear or read that? This is hard to believe, but if true then that should be a slam dunk against Pisto. He said she was sleeping in her bed but if she died with clothes on, then......... he's finished.
The prosecution also said that a neighbour heard arguing. Turns out that the "neighbour" was 300 yards away and couldn't identify the voices. The prosecution also said they found steroids on syringes. Err, not. When I hear this said - credibly - in court, then I believe it.


Apr 24, 2005
If he walks (and he might) this would be great jurisprudence for guys who want to kill their GF or wife. I heard a noise in the basement and thought it was a burglar so I grabbed my AR-15 and blasted the basement. I heard a noise in the garage and thought it was a burglar so I grabbed my AR-15 and blasted the garage.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
If I awake at 3am and hear a "strange noise" coming from my washroom I would grab my gun (if I owned one) then I would laydown on the floor in front of my bed training the gun barrel at the washroom door doorknob height. I would never just shoot through the door blindly without identifying who the perp might be. I'd have to at least see his/her silhouette before opening fire.

I'd look at it as if I have all the advantage over a burglar in this situation since a) I know the layout of my house better them him b) My eyes are already fully adjusted to the darkness in my room c) I have a fully loaded glock aimed at the door. By the time a burglar walks through the door he now has to find me in the room then approach me to hurt me. By the time he process all of this I would've unloaded several rounds into his centre mass and from such close distance I wouldn't miss. He would have no chance

Of course I would yell STOP first

All the advantage in on my side


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I'm still trying to get my head around his motive if this was premeditated. He is rich, famous, and despite his missing legs he has no trouble getting hot g/fs. He isn't married or engaged to the girl, and has no financial duty to her if she dumped him. According to her posts online she was happy with him and didn't want to leave him. Even if she did, he wouldn't have much trouble getting another hot g/f. So why plan in advance to kill her on Valentine's Day? Why subject himself to the risk, embarrassment, cost and legal scrutiny? If he was really pissed at her, show her the door. Costs nothing. If he really loved her and didn't want to break up and she was dumping him, well, that sucks, but how can one kill someone one loves? If he didn't love her, not worth the trouble to kill her; if he did love her, he couldn't kill her as he loved her.

If it was an accident like he claims, my problem is he is sharing a bed with a girl, yet when he wakes up and thinks someone is in the bathroom his first reaction is to blast away with a 9mm through the door? WTF? I would assume it was the other person in the bed using the john until I checked otherwise. He says he yelled a warning? Why didn't she yell back "Its me, don't shoot?" If he had a panic button that gets armed mercenaries on site in 90 seconds, why not push it if he thought it was a burglar? Would a burglar lock himself in the john and make noises in their when robbing an occupied house? When shooting through the door, why aim for the toilet? If a burglar was in the bathroom - would he be sitting on the toilet? Would he not, when getting the gun from the bed, notice that his g/f wasn't in the bed?


Jan 31, 2005
[size=+3]Bring on the clowns!!![/size]


The lead investigator in the murder case against Oscar Pistorius faces attempted murder charges himself over a 2011 shooting, police said Thursday.

The prosecution said they were unaware of the charges against the detective when they put him on the stand in court to explain why Pistorius should not be given bail.

Police Brig. Neville Malila told The Associated Press that detective Hilton Botha — who gave testimony in the Pistorius bail hearing on Wednesday — is scheduled to appear in court in May on seven counts of attempted murder. The charges relate to an incident in October 2011, when Botha and two other police officers fired shots at a minibus, Malila said.

Malila said police learned Wednesday, the same day that Botha appeared in court to oppose Pistorius' bail application, that the charges against Botha and the two others had been reinstated by the Director of Public Prosecutions. They were initially dropped following the shooting incident.

Malila said police were waiting for details from the Botha case file from the prosecutor.



Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
And who locks the bathroom door when they piss in the middle of the night in a home they share only with their SO?
and even if he thought it was an intruder in the toilet room, what kind of burglar locks himself in a bathroom door when they broke into the house for the purpose of stealing anything valuable? I read that every burglar, and there are many in that culture, all carry a gun. There are many home invasions and most end in someone getting shot because both the home owner and burglar have a gun. Makes no sense that a burglar has a gun and would lock himself in a toilet room.

Logically, Pisto is a guilty man, but he might get off because the prosecution team is so inept and are quickly losing credibility.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
A crime of passion. He kills her on Valentine's day. He took the time to put his feet on in order to shoot her, I'm guessing that's time enough to figure that it was her in the bathroom, since she wasn't in bed with him. Who shoots without calling out inside your home?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Turns out that the "neighbour" was 300 yards away and couldn't identify the voices.
I've heard my neighbours arguing two doors down late one summer night. I can't pick out who the voices were or write down what they were saying but there was no problem in figuring out that a yelling match was in progress. My immediate neighbour told me that her neighbour was fighting with her girlfriend and tossed her out that night. Also many people reported hearing screams through the night air the night Manson's family killed Sharon Tate.

It's like hearing a neighbour's TV - it doesn't mean you can make out what the content is but you know it's on. I think it is perfectly reasonable and less likely the neighbour just made it up.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Looks like he has a leg up on the prosecution


Dec 11, 2011
this case is so weak theres no way the prosecution can prove their case. the only smoking gun would be the supposed neighbour who heard yelling but apparently he was pretty far away. remember there is no jury, so judge in this case could be just as stupid as the prosecution this may go to the supreme court. regarding south africas police? blame affirmative action. I have no idea whether he is guilty or not, I give him the benefit of the doubt he very well could have made just a very stupid mistake. If he attacked her before he shot her the autopsy should reveal that.


Apr 24, 2005
This reminds me a bit of what happened to Natalie Wood. It is possible that Robert Wagner beat the crap out of her and then tossed her into the ocean. Apparently, there were many bruises on her body but Wagner or his entourage said that it was because her body constantly hit the rocks in the water.

BTW: Heard on the radio that the bastard had to climb over her side of the bed to get to the bathroom. Did he not notice that she wasn't lying in bed? His story is so implausible that only a brain damaged person (or his entourage or judge) would find it believable.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Prosecutors said they were unaware of the 7 attempted murder charges against veteran detective Hilton Botha when they put him on the stand in court to explain why Pistorius should not be given bail in the Valentine’s Day shooting death of his girlfriend.:D

lol - between the prosecutors and the detectives this is starting to play like a comedy, especially since everytime anybody says anything in court the defendant seems to start crying loudly.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
this case is so weak theres no way the prosecution can prove their case.
You weren't on the O.J. jury, were you ?

According to his sworn affidavit, Pistorius thought Steenkamp was sleeping in his bed as he took a gun stored near the bed and went down to confront an intruder who was hiding in the bathroom. Although he repeated called out to Steenkamp to call 911 - he apparently could not hear even a muffled voice coming from the bathroom door.

Steenkamp was fully clothed in the bathroom behind a locked door - which the defense suggest isn't significant. Two options: 1) Steenkamp is very shy about her bathroom visits and gets up out of bed, gets fully clothed and locks the bathroom door from the paranoia of being discovered. Pistorius being a sound sleeper was not aware of this habit from her previous visits.

2) Steenkamp was fully clothed because she was trying to get away from Pistorius that night. She was locked the bathroom door to keep Pistorius out as he was obviously awake and her escape route was blocked trapping her in the bathroom. Pistorius enraged that he could not get access to the bathroom and frustrated that this girl was trying to leave him - shot through the bathroom door knowing full well that the constraints of the bathroom would make a hit as easy as shooting fish in a bowl.

Hang the bastard !


Dec 11, 2011
I have no faith that anybody in South Africa can do a proper autopsy or do anything competently for that matter. It is a totally screwed up country.
they havnt even established a possible motive. this whole case has been the media leaking supposed rumours. anyway, as of now hes not guilty in my books.


New member
Sep 6, 2012
they havnt even established a possible motive. this whole case has been the media leaking supposed rumours. anyway, as of now hes not guilty in my books.
The case has not gone to trial yet, blood, DNA and autopsy results are not in. As for 'affirmative action' does the name Botha sound black to you ? Anyway most of us know not to expect intelligent commentary from you.

Hopefully the new lead investigator will put the case back on track. Pisto is guilty.
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