Pistorius, the blade runner, shot his girlfriend?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
He thought Steenkamp was still asleep in bed, and called out to her, telling her to phone police.....He collected a pistol he kept under the bed. He approached the bathroom door. Having given the first warning, he began firing through it.
But in the article it says that people don't usually call the police; they hit the 'panic button' and have a neighbourhood armed guard there within 90 seconds. You'd think that would be the first reaction, and then get your gun / phone police.

Would be nice to find a diagram of the layout of the house because Pistorius' version of what happened is really hard to believe.


Apr 8, 2004
But in the article it says that people don't usually call the police; they hit the 'panic button' and have a neighbourhood armed guard there within 90 seconds. You'd think that would be the first reaction, and then get your gun / phone police.

Would be nice to find a diagram of the layout of the house because Pistorius' version of what happened is really hard to believe.
Part of the floor plan @ 10:51 mark


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
A Rape door in the bedroom???

Wow, this bail hearing is more intense than our court cases.

Cathal Kelly of the Star predicts that Pistorius will walk in today's article because of his experience with a rape door while in South Africa. South Africans are paranoid about their home security.


I can understand this security paranoia culture, but there still are some holes in Pistorius' defense that Cathal hasn't explained:

1. PIstorius wakes up 3:00 am to close a patio door and hears a noise in the bathroom, about 20 feet from the bedroom. Does someone wake up in the middle of the night to close a patio door?

2. Pistorius filled with horror rushed back into the bedroom and got a pistol from under the bed. WTF, can't you see then that your girlfriend is not in the bed? Maybe it's her in the bathroom?

3. Pistorius approached the bathroom screaming a warning. Wouldn't his girlfriend now wake up due to his screaming? Wouldn't she ask what's wrong if he's screaming?

4. PIstorius then called back to his girlfriend to call the police. Didn't he realize something was wrong when she didn't respond to his calling? But he shoots anyway.
Also, don't Africans push a panic button and not call the police if there's a thief in the house?
5. Pistorius said it didn't occur to him than Steenkamp might be inside the bathroom. Lol, right, didn't notice her in bed, she didn't respond to his calling, and she didn't wake up when he was screaming his warnings. Sure thing, sounds like a pretty weak argument to me.

He might still get off and will forever be known as African's version of O.J.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
i don't think his defense has a leg to stand on, but his lawyer thinks they will have them stumped


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005


Apr 24, 2005
If that was the case wouldn't Reeva scream back from behind the bathroom door saying it's me not an intruder???
As soon as Reeva confirmed it was her and not an intruder, he fired 4 shots through the door. What a bastard. BTW: He's not a bad looking dude (no homo), no wonder he attracts women (maybe even more now that he has been arrested for murdering a woman).

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
A Toronto Star opinion piece:

Oscar Pistorius will likely get off because fear animates much of South African lives

A great many South Africans will believe the general gist of Pistorius’s story, enough to arouse reasonable doubt, and certainly enough to convince them there was no premeditation, Cathal Kelly writes.

On my first night in Johannesburg, I accidentally shut the rape door behind me, trapping myself in the bedroom.

Most middle-class homes in South Africa feature ‘rape doors’ — sliding jail doors that compartmentalize a house so that no intruder can get at you if — and this is the phrase commonly used — “your perimeter is breached.”

It was funny for a minute. Then I realized that since all the windows in the bedroom were barred, I had no way to get out in case of a fire.

We phoned the couple we’d rented our pleasant bungalow from and explained the situation. The owner laughed a long time, and then said he’d be by in the morning to release me.

Many factors can still queer this storyline, one that will only ever be presented from one side of things — the shooter’s.

If it turns out that Pistorius was routinely violent with women, or that he threatened Steenkamp publicly, or that she told a friend she feared for her safety. All that puts Pistorius’s story in doubt.

There is also the wrinkle that South Africa has no jury system for murder trials. Pistorius’ case, still months away, will be heard by a judge, assisted by two “assessors.”

There may still be forensic evidence that disputes his story. And there is also the chance that it really happened this way. It’s just foolish and tragic enough to be true.

But if this is all there is to it — the word of the killer in a country filled with potential judges who also feel threatened in their homes — Pistorius is about to become the Afrikaans O.J.

I have friends from SA. And they all tell a similar tale. Despite Canada's winters, they all love it here because of exactly what you posted above.

According to my one female SA friend, "Rape is a sport in South Africa"

My male SA friend has personally killed 2 guys on 2 separate occasions who were trying to rob and (presumably kill) him. (Top that.) My friend is quite the marksman and is rather matter of fact about shooting and killing 2 people. (Blows my mind though.) The bottom line in SA is that violent crime is absolutely and utterly out of control in South Africa.

Now I'm not saying that Pistorius didn't blow his GF away on purpose. Most likely, that is the case. I'm saying that South Africa is THEE most insane place in the world to live (or one of them - take your pick in Africa) and that his defence might just work.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I have friends from SA. And they all tell a similar tale. Despite Canada's winters, they all love it here because of exactly what you posted above.

According to my one female SA friend, "Rape is a sport in South Africa"

My male SA friend has personally killed 2 guys on 2 separate occasions who were trying to rob and (presumably kill) him. (Top that.) My friend is quite the marksman and is rather matter of fact about shooting and killing 2 people. (Blows my mind though.) The bottom line in SA is that violent crime is absolutely and utterly out of control in South Africa.

thats true. everyone i know from south africa has suffered a home invasion and over 50% of them have shot someone


Apr 24, 2005
The bottom line in SA is that violent crime is absolutely and utterly out of control in South Africa.
I'm saying that South Africa is THEE most insane place in the world to live (or one of them - take your pick in Africa)
This will really piss off Blackrock (where is he?). He thinks that post-apartheid South Africa is paradise and will accuse you of racism.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
thats true. everyone i know from south africa has suffered a home invasion and over 50% of them have shot someone

A lot of U.S. gun nuts would consider a vacation there to finally get some use out of their home defence arsenal!


Dec 11, 2011
he could be telling the truth, just bc hes a track star it doesnt mean he isnt an idiot. but logic says if you know you don;t live alone, you dont riddle a closed bathroom with bullets without making sure it isnt your gf in there. how do you not notice if shes in the bed or not. The prosecution hasnt even given a motive yet.the case for PREMEDITATED murder is very weak. How did he not shout " who are you, reeva is that you" if he had done that she would have told him she was in there, if he was planning on killing her it wouldnt have mattered.


Aug 6, 2006
They found testosterone in his residence.

Is it used for sport enhancement?
Does it cause impotence?

If so, then I would image his girlfriend mocking him or something, thus being shot... :(


Jan 31, 2005
They found testosterone in his residence.

Is it used for sport enhancement?
Does it cause impotence?

If so, then I would image his girlfriend mocking him or something, thus being shot... :(
It is also used to increase female sex drive... Maybe evidence that there were problems in the sack.


Oct 29, 2003
This piece of garbage is as guilty as hell ! Whoever believes this killer's story would have to be a complete moron with an IQ of zero !!! Don't insult my intelligence folks - it is what it is - GUILTY as charged !!! Bring back the death penalty !!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Three items of interest from the Bail Hearing:

The testifying detective has recanted his testosterone etc. . . testimony saying that tests on the syringes and needles still need to be done.

The lead detective when asked if there was anything in the evidence that conflicted with the narrative presented by Pistorius instead of punting the ball ("I am not completely familiar with what Mr. Pistorius has said") said flat out no there wasn't.

And, there has been no evidence at all about the Cricket bat - so that may have been a red herring.

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Also I hear that in South Africa the conviction rate in murder trials hovers around ten percent.
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