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Howard Stern


New member
May 19, 2012
Well, sort of. It's arguable whether he took anything back or not. He totally backpedaled and tried to the point of being obvious to avoid calling her "fat" although eventually it became unavoidable (since she brought it up).
I listened to the interview with her and I don't believe he took anything back. Yes, he was very complimentary when talking to her but even when she brought up the fat comment he didn't deny saying it or apologize for saying it.

Did he honestly have a change in heart? Maybe. Or maybe he got scared about pissing off Perez Hilton (who was mad about his comments) and was afraid of getting in a pissing match with someone who may well have dirt on his own private life. Like whether or not Stern is really bald and wearing a wig. Or whether he's cheated on Beth or his ex-wife. Or countless other things that most people are scared to bring up around Stern (except in a joking manner) but Perez may have no problem engaging in open warfare with him.
Scared of Perez Hilton? Are you serious? Not sure how much you follow him but I'm 99% certain that is his hair and I seriously doubt Perez has any dirt on him that other people don't. If he had skeletons in his closet I doubt Perez would have an exclusive.

I'm 50/50 on either but it is REALLY strange the complete 180 he did, but particularly the backpedaling he did about her being fat. Especially when confronted by her on it. Normally he's more honest about a person being fat but this time he completely tried to downplay/avoid what he said earlier. Noticeably so.
Again, he didn't backpedal, listen to the interview. He did suck up to her when she was on his show but he didn't deny anything he said, including her being fat and he didn't apologize for anything he said.

Regardless of all that, the show has really taken a fall over the past few years and is but a shadow of its former self. Saying Stern is "mailing it in" wouldn't be much of an exaggeration.
Ok lets end on a positive note :) I agree the show isn't what it used to be. I think the Stern show was at it's best when Artie Lange was there.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I don't think the average listener would agree with you that Howard didn't back pedal. He didn't completely cave but it was a noticeable reversal in his original position and how he treated her. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so since many of his listeners agree with me.


New member
May 19, 2012
I don't think the average listener would agree with you that Howard didn't back pedal. He didn't completely cave but it was a noticeable reversal in his original position and how he treated her. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so since many of his listeners agree with me.
How do you know many of his listeners agree with you?


New member
May 19, 2012
I'm not sure why I;m wasting time defending the guy. But I listened to all of the shows, the one where he criticized Lena and her show, the one where he said he changed his mind about her and the show and the one where he interviewed Lena. He did change his mind about the show and her, if that's what you mean by cave then I guess he caved. But the idea that he criticized her and caved because she won a Golden Globe is just not true.

I'm not talking about his integrity, I'm talking about what actually happened.


New member
Feb 15, 2012
its howard stern, he knows that the controversy will bring more attention and listeners, he is just playing the game. you assume nothing he says on the show reflects his own thoughts, its all about listeners and money and other motives.

i wasnt a huge fan of artie and less so of jackie. the show has totally changed since the old days of nbc etc....
best part of todays show is the in depth interviews he does, when he is able to get a good guest.


Apr 24, 2005
its howard stern, he knows that the controversy will bring more attention and listeners, he is just playing the game.
Agree, this is the bottom line. I remember a serious journalist like Brian Williams saying that these folks are just comedians trying their most outrageous to attract an audience.


New member
Feb 15, 2012
haha i like that, but not quite entirely true. sure those questions come up but to be fair he does gain some in-depth insight where others fail.
of course its all low-brow humor and good for a laugh and if thats what im craving then i tune in.
i am not saying he is a pulitzer worthy journalist when it comes to his interviews/show at all.
if i truly wanted an erudite educational academic discussion on an important topic i would go elsewhere...

re the artie chair, i would guess that the stern show altogether is close to calling it quits, i would think it unlikely that they would go through the effort to fill the spot at this point. just stick with the current format until the sirius contract expires?


Oct 4, 2005
I have been a long time listener of Howard Stern, He has had some awesome interviews over the years, I especially enjoy his musical guests..was never a Billy Joel fan at all but hearing Billy talk about having Paul Mccartney over for lunch was priceless radio...Howard's interview with Roger Waters..I learned shit about Floyd that could only be told via Stern...His Billy Corrigan interview was insane with info for us fans... some of the musical performances over the years have never been matched on Leno or Letterman etc...combined.
Howard does interviews that the 15 second attention span generation does not understand...oh and yes Howards "doodie" and "gay" jokes still make me laugh..especially when George Takei is guest hosting.



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2019
Agree, this is the bottom line. I remember a serious journalist like Brian Williams saying that these folks are just comedians trying their most outrageous to attract an audience.
This post sure flipped based on "serious journalist" Brian Williams war stories


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2014
This guy makes like $100 million a year and is a complete waste of oxygen. A useless contributor to society. His latest fiasco is calling Lena Howard "fatgirl". Totally unnecessary and uncalled for.
Howard Stern is popular with omega males. (Omega males are below beta males in terms of social dominance)

Fun For All

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2014
2021 and he is still lurking lol

I seriously wonder what he is doing at this point
Maybe in 5 more years another post is on the way?
Wow, you brought this thread back after 8 years just to zing a guy...

When you post something wrong we only have to wait 5-10 minutes to prove how wrong you are.

Bbw hunter

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
I used to really love Howard but now he has become too respectable and is kind of dull.
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