Asia Studios Massage

The dark side of hobbying


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Cat, well said. I think more of the younger girls would benefit from having someone perhaps like you guiding them rather than a predator. Maybe the landscape will change enough for this to happen and others can benefit from your experience.

PS- Your still tops in my books as far as service and chat..
Aug 1, 2006
Okay this post may make me unpopular but I always believed in freedom of speech and having the right to have an opinion and express it too.

I will be the one ho will oppose legalization of prostitution and pimping because I believe it will result in more dark sides of prostitution like human trafficking, forced prostitution etc. What we have now in Holland is exactly that. There are by far more girls trafficked in Holland than the nearby Sweden or Norway because in Sweden they have tough laws against prostitution and it is relaxed in Holland. I don't personaly agree with Swedish model of prostitution law because it regards all types of prostitution as violence against women not just the forced ones. The voluntery prostitution by those willing to be a sex worker as a profession should remain legal as no harm is done to anyone and anyhow it is the (oldest) profession. But forced prostitution should become illegal and those engaged in forcing them by any means (deceiving or beating up) should receive harsh punishments (generally speaking most of pimps are adults CA maybe not in this particular case).

I do believe that the modified status quo where living off the avails of prostitution for body guards and drivers (NOT pimps) should become legal as well as organized clean incalls (so called bawdy houses) where a few sex workers can work together. I have always promoted this version of status quo.

I'm assuming you live in Canada CH? If you do darling, here is a little update concerning the facts you seemed to have missed...

Yes, you are absolutely entitled to your opinion in this fine country but you should really check your FACTS before you post an opinion, otherwise your opinion could indicate a level of intelligence that may be misleading to those reading it.

There are already laws on our books dealing with these issues that have the teeth to get the job done.



The laws in Europe are as disempowering to sex workers as the laws in North America and imo shouldn't even be discussed as a viable option. The only places that really have a good working model is New Zealand and Australia. There is already an inherently dark side to this industry, the same as there is in any cash business. Decriminalizing it won't encourage the darkness to expand, it will shed light on it and make the dark lessen. What it won't change is the demand for women who are still children on the inside, nor will it prevent these women from screwing their lives up in a multitude of ways. Trust me, most indie escorts do an excellent job of that without a pimp involved. With a pimp, it's just a different road to the same city.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
14 and 16 are just too young... Kids need to be allowed to grow up before having to enter this type of profession. Many 18-19 year olds probably lack the maturity to handle such pressures.
ixlr82, I agree. Perhaps I should have given some insight to my thought process... I mentioned in an earlier post about the Walkely Rd bust this past summer; 13 year old girls being trafficked by 17 year old girls. This is why my age range included 14 to 18 year olds. To me trafficking or coersion is wrong in every sense of the word. The 17 year old should be punished, but did they lack the maturity to appreciate what they inflicted upon the 13 year old? Society, at least in Ontario, says the age of majority is 19 and the Young Offender Act considers that you are an adult when you turn 18. It can't be bent to accommodate individuals, it has to be applied globally.
I agree with you; older, intelligent and mature individuals should enter this market of their own free-will. Some will need management skills to be successful. And by management skills I don't mean pimp. They should take a small businsess course or appoint a trustworthy manager or agent. But even artists gets screwed by agents, example: Leonard Cohen and I'm sure there are a lot more.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
I am going to ask the Mod to remove this post as I think it is kind of stupid to use our name in this thread, considering we would have ZERO to do with something like this. Unless you want to do
it yourself. Which would be the appropriate thing.
You mean stupid like running a illegitimate enterprise, and worrying about being associated with the dark side of that same industry... Anyhow. Edited.
Aug 1, 2006
I edited my post (before I see your post) because I thought it may be misunderstood. I meant to say that I oppose unconditional legalization of prostitution ... Yes I know prostitution in Canada is legal (that is why outcalls are legal). On your second point I meant to say that pimping, trafficking and forced prostitution should REMAIN illegal but the laws should not be only in books but enforced. I don't see why the laws in Europe should not be discussed as a viable option but you are entitled to your opinion. The main goal for my post was to clearly and totally oppose any idea for legalization of pimping in any form or shape as I thought it may have been hinted in this thread and that is my opinion.

The reason that the relaxed laws in New Zealand and Australia has not resulted in widespread trafficking like Holland and Germany and sex tourists and unsafe zones is because those countries are Geographycally isolated otherwise it would have and it will in Canada.

My reason for dismissing the European models is because not a single one is functional for voluntary, legal to work in the country, sex workers. As for New Zealand and Australia not having widespread trafficking is because of the geographics, that's nonsense. North America is full of sex workers from the other side of the planet. Do you really think the cost of a plane ticket discourages traffickers from moving women into a country? There are "trafficked" women everywhere there is a demand for sex workers and the majority of those are doing so willingly. I was "trafficked", I signed up willingly and made very good money doing so even tho I was in a lock down illegal brothel. I'm talking about the laws that work for home grown talent who choose to work in the trade where they reside legally.

I will clarify that I do not in any way support or advocate "pimping". I think anyone that works should be paid for the work that they do. What I was stating was that the majority of the young service providers do not have the self discipline or awareness to work in this industry unguided without doing serious damage to themselves in some form. Unfortunately, pimps are often the only ones willing to assume the risk and do the job, the problem is they take all the proceeds. I am also of the opinion that many of the men who choose to see the very young but still legal do so not only because of the firm young body but because the younger girls are easier to manipulate. The one good thing that pimps instill is a sense of awareness in their girls that the men they service may take advantage of them if given the opportunity. It's the 1st rule of pimping, a "trick" was called a trick because clients would try to trick the girls into either doing things for less money or doing things they shouldn't do. I still have occasional guys try it with me now so please don't say it doesn't happen to the young ones. I also see a correlation between the decline of pimps in this industry and the rise of unprotected services. Back in the day if a client pressured for anything BB, there would be a knock on his door after the girl left and the client would have his unsafe service expectations readjusted but that was back when pimps actually earned their keep. Before the 20th Century Hobbyists jump all over me, I'm referring to the Neanderthal Hobbyists who masquarde as enlightened beings on here. I wasn't referring to the gentlemen who are actually are gentlemen...



$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Netherlands has this area, normal people, off work, or out of uni can goto. It's a large area, few city blocks, with a road in a zigzag fashion. Clear glass bus shelters on each side, you drive your car in a long line of cars.. stop pickup anyone you like. There are car stalls at the end. Lots of bouncing cars lol.

Anyways, the center has showers, medical station, condoms and other prevention stuff dispensed. What's striking is all the people who were there, weren't pros like the Redlight district, or massage places.. But rather everyday guys and girls who just went to make a few extra bucks.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
You mean stupid like running a illegitimate enterprise, and worrying about being associated with the dark side of that same industry... Anyhow. Edited.
With how strict the laws are regarding people who are not of age, using any company or personal names in the same thread let alone post is
Irresponsible at best. I think speaking about this part of the industry is important, keep in mind that less informed individual sometimes frequent these boards and what you said could easily be taken the wrong way. I don't think I'm overreacting as I've seen very simple and seemingly harmless comments end up going sideways and causing a lot of grief for everybody involved. All of that said I'm glad that you took care of it and edit your post. Thanks


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
With how strict the laws are regarding people who are not of age, using any company or personal names in the same thread let alone post is
Irresponsible at best. I think speaking about this part of the industry is important, keep in mind that less informed individual sometimes frequent these boards and what you said could easily be taken the wrong way. I don't think I'm overreacting as I've seen very simple and seemingly harmless comments end up going sideways and causing a lot of grief for everybody involved. All of that said I'm glad that you took care of it and edit your post. Thanks
Yes well I'd normally have said nobody would be stupid enough to confuse what I was saying.. until.. of course two posts later someone confused it.. which meant I was wrong and a reword was in order.
Aug 1, 2006
So may be you can enlighten us as why relaxation of prostitution laws have worked in Australia and New Zealand and has not worked in Holland and Germany? Seriously curious to know if there is something out there that may work for Canada other than what I currently believe as best compromise (the reformed status quo that I have explained in my earlier post). And thank you for clarifying your position on pimping.

Relaxation is not a word I would use with respect to these laws. Legalizing is very different than decriminalizing. Decriminalization works, legalizing doesn't. If you don't know the difference, google it. The New Zealand and Australian models are decriminalized, in Europe it's either criminal or legalized which is why it works in NZ and AU and doesn't in the EU...


John Gilbunni

New member
Jul 8, 2012
The abusive behaviour happens to people in all lines of work. Scummy people taking advantage of those who feel unloved . These stories are just fodder for the judgmental right and patronizing left in this country.
Cate, so glad an sp wrote what you wrote. I dated a dancer a lifetime ago, and it was the ultimate cliche: she was 18 with a boatload of money when she worked. She'd drop 300 bucks on boots and god knows how much partying but her hydro would get cut off because she couldnt pay a bill on time. I tried everything short of stealing her purse to get her to save her cash. She wound up getting shit canned after a million second chances.
Aug 1, 2006
CH, here is a copy in laymans terms of the New Zealand legislation. You can go to the S.P.O.C and POWER websites to explore the difference between legalization and decriminalization...

The Prostitution Reform Act was passed on 25 June 2003. The New Zealand Prostitutes Collective pushed to have these new laws, and designed the new laws over time with input from very many sex workers. The original Bill was changed as it went through a three year Parliamentary debate. As a result, we didn’t get all that we wanted. The Act is designed to:

(a) safeguard the human rights of sex workers and protect them from exploitation;
(b) promote the welfare and occupational health and safety of sex workers:
(c) be conducive to public health:
(d) prohibit the use in prostitution of persons under 18 years of age; and
(e) implements certain other related reforms.

The Act is available online at the New Zealand Legislation: Acts site. In pull down menu, scroll down to "P", open that and scroll down to Prostitution Reform Act 2003.

The old laws meant that you could be fined or imprisoned if you:

  • [*]solicited for the purposes of prostitution (up to $200 fine);
    [*]kept a brothel (up to 5 years in prison);
  • lived on the earnings of prostitution (up to 5 years in prison);
  • procured anyone for the purposes of prostitution (up to 7 years in prison).

These laws were taken away when the Prostitution Reform Act came into effect in 2003. The main points about the Prostitution Reform Act are:

  • You do not have to register with the police, or even contact the police, if you wish to be a sex worker in New Zealand. Under the old laws, Massage parlours were required to keep a register of names, with identifying details, which were to be given to the police for inspection “upon request”. In some areas, people working privately had to register with the police before they could advertise in their local newspaper. This is no longer the case.

  • Operators, clients and sex workers must take all reasonable steps to “ensure a prophylactic sheath (condom) or other appropriate barrier is used if those services involve vaginal, anal, or oral penetration or another activity with a similar or greater risk of acquiring or transmitting sexually transmissible infections”. Failure to do so can mean a hefty fine. This means that everyone should use a condom and/or dental dam for vaginal, oral and anal sex.

  • A brothel is a place that is habitually used by just one sex worker or more for commercial sex activities with clients. All brothels must display health promotion messages. There are some posters that have been published by the Ministry of Health that spell out the requirements for safer sex practices. These are available from NZPC and are free.

  • Operators are required to have “Operators Certificates”. An operator is any person who has any form of control over a sex worker. This includes owners, directors of companies, managers, and may include receptionists. Check section 5 of the Prostitution Reform Act if you are unsure if this affects you, or ring NZPC. There is a form you send to the Registrar at the Auckland District Court. The forms are available from the Ministry of Justice website. There is also further information about applying for the certificate here and here. The cost of applying is currently $247.70 including GST. There are some people who may not be able to get an Operators Certificate if they have previous convictions for violence, sexual offences, or certain drug related offences. However, people can appeal against this on several grounds. It is worth checking this out if you have been refused an Operators Certificate.

  • Sex workers can work with any convictions.

  • Up to four sex workers can work together and do not need an Operators Certificate, so long as no one is in charge of anyone else, or working as a boss. If there are more than four sex workers working together, as equals, one will have to apply for an Operators Certificate.

  • Councils have the right to make bylaws affecting the signage and location of brothels, but cannot ban brothels outright. Some councils have zoned brothels to certain areas. Some councils also have home based-occupation rules affecting anyone who works from home. It is important to be aware of any bylaw that may affect you if you are thinking about establishing a brothel or working from home or apartments in certain areas.

  • A sex worker is “at work” for the purposes of OSH when they are providing sexual services. There are Occupational Safety and Health guidelines have been developed by OSH in consultation with NZPC, sex workers and brothel operators. These guidelines are available from the OSH website.

  • If you are a sex worker who wishes to leave sex work, you can go onto a benefit without any extra stand down being imposed for voluntary unemployment.

  • You can be a sex worker in New Zealand provided you are a New Zealand citizen.

  • If you are thinking of coming to New Zealand to work as a sex worker; or to own, open, or invest in, a brothel or other business of prostitution, your visa can be refused. If you hold a temporary visa, or if your permanent residency carries a special condition, you can be deported if you own a brothel or other business of prostitution, or if you are working in the sex industry.

  • If you are a brothel operator, or a client, you can be fined or imprisoned if you hire a sex worker who is under 18. It is also illegal to receive money from a sex worker under the age of 18. It is not illegal to be a sex worker if you are younger than 18. However, if you hire a sex worker under 18 to work in your brothel, or if you are a client who hires a sex worker under 18 to provide you with sexual services, you are breaking the law.

  • Many newspapers require photo ID before allowing adverts for sex workers in the adult entertainment columns. This is to ensure that they do not “cause, assist, facilitate, or encourage a person under 18 years of age to provide commercial sexual services to any person”, which also carries a prison sentence.

  • Some brothel operators have already been found guilty of hiring people under the age of 18 to work as sex workers. In one case, it appears the brothel operator did not check ID to ensure the person was over 18, but as the law allows no defence to the charge, they were found guilty. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from being prosecuted, NZPC recommends that all brothel operators view photo ID of people they are hiring to ensure they are over 18.

This is what we need in plain and understandable language. Comparisons to the other models are out there but far too lengthy to post...


Aug 1, 2006
Thank you for the copy in laymans terms of the New Zealand legislation Cat. I like what is there and see it as a relatively advanced legislation (specially the part on going onto benefits for sex workers wishing to leave sex work and the incalls for sex worker working together and the provisions for underage) but hate to see also what is apparently not there and that is to clearly punish pimping or forcing/deceiving someone into prostitution. The old laws lived on the earnings of prostitution and procured anyone for the purposes of prostitution were taken away but from what I read here were not replaced. Maybe it is written somewhere else I have to look further to see what they are not here.

There are provisions to prevent trafficking which is good but one may argue if prostitution is a legal profession then why only a citizen have the right to engage in it but I agree to what is in there. Also note that the law prohibits anything bare even oral which in my view may go a bit too far as since then it is proven that vaginal oral at least is a very low risk activity but this is my view and both debatable and minor. Regardless I think it is something that should be proposed as alternative (with added provisions for pimping/forcing someone which I don't see here as only voluntary sex work should be decriminalized) to what the conservative Manitoba MP is promoting to become prostitution law in Canada (the Swedish model)
In an environment where workers are either equal or someones name is on the Operators License, there isn't a problem with forced prostitution as the sex worker has venues to report the abuse. When it is legal for someone to manage sex workers and get paid for it, there is no need for violence as it attracts people who are professional. With legislation like this in place there is little to no room for pimps. Boyfriends who won't work might be common but the abusive predators can't get a foothold. If you go to the actual legislation there is strong laws against any sex worker being forced to perform services she doesn't want to (up to 14 years I think) so if she doesn't want to be there in any way shape or form then the law applies as well. Forced prostitution will never be decriminilized in any developed country imo. Procuring follows suit as well. If you can't force someone to be a prostitute then all it is is a job offer. After a decade of these laws being in place in New Zealand, pimping has all but disappeared with prostitutes. I can't speak for other sex workers but I would assume it runs the same.

As for the health risk, zero risk tolerance is mandatory if the government is involved. Sorry if you want to take the risk but in my entire life I've only met 5 providers who actually want to perform or receive bareback oral with clients. The rest of us do it because it's considered a risk we have to take to make a living. I think its a step in the right direction to ensure the health of sex workers. If we catch something, we don't get paid sick days while we can't work so why should we put our livelihoods at risk? Is the person that infected us going to pay our bills that month? I don't think he will. We offer bb services because we have to in order to remain competitive, not because we want to. Be very clear on that. Until I came to Canada, I had never had sex with a client without using a barrier, that was 19 years of my career. It still isn't something I'm comfortable with unless I know someone well but there are times when I have to make the choice between paying my bills or my health...

Aug 1, 2006
CH, I'm sorry to say but there are no guarantees in this world...ever. There will always be men who talk their girlfriends into working in the sex trade but with the right legislation in place these girls won't be isolated and they will learn really quickly what is acceptable and what isn't. Yes, there will always be survival sex workers because in essence we all work to survive. Drug addiction is a problem within itself, sex work to support the habit happens and is unavoidable. Until society deals with why addictive drugs are so rampant, there will always be women who sell sex to support their habit. With a functional legal system in place it will allow us to give support to women who don't want to be involved due to outside influence and abuse. As our legal system stands, it doesn't.

As for government legislated health and safety measures, it is a "Suck it up Buttercup" moment. Either we validate this profession and give the sex workers the same legal right to a safe work experience in the way every other professional is entitled to or you keep the status quo; pimps and all. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Construction workers legally must wear hard hats and steel toed work boots, high rise window washers wear safety lines, medical professionals wear gloves and goggles and cops get flack jackets and weapons. Every profession has health and safety standards that must be enforced for THE WORKERS PROTECTION. By passing legislation to allow us to work without criminal stigma, the government is acknowledging that we deserve the same security as any other profession and STD/STIs are the publics main concern. This legislation won't float in the public opinion polls if there isn't strict enforcement of safe practices.

CH, what I hear you are saying is that you want the women (note the plural as you are not monogamous) you eat to be protected from a pimp that beats her and takes her $ but she should let herself be vulnerable to a client with an orally transmitted STD/STI demanding an unsafe service because he feels the risk of transmission is negligible and I see no logic in your reasoning. Risk is risk. Giving oral to your partner is suppose to be a selfless, giving act shared by two people but if you insist on doing it unprotected and she leaves your session worried about her health, then it is simply a self centered act on your part because she will not enjoy the experience if she's worried about her ability to continue to work. What I wonder is why any client would want to make a woman experience something she can't enjoy because of the health risk she might be exposed to? How is that any different than a pimp forcing her to be a sex worker? I realize it differs in magnitude but isn't her right to choose removed in both situations? You may not be infected but she can't tell if someone is sick by looking at them and she is expected to choose whether it's on the menu or off for one and all. Where is her right to work safely there? Sex workers need legislation to protect them from ALL PREDATORS, not just pimps.

Will business drop initially? Maybe but not for long. Back in the '80s when AIDS hit there was a noticeable drop in business but it always comes back. Becoming comfortable with using barrier methods is simply a matter of conditioning. The loud supporters of bb services will either get use to being covered, get an SO, stock up on lube and kleenex, abstain from using sex workers or become a very good client that has an excellent relationship with his provider and she waives the dental dam. Then it becomes a trust bond between the two of you. Making safe sex a legal requirement will allow us to defuse the arguments presented by those who want these services with the single answer "No, it's illegal", end of discussion. And trust me, it will happen en mass, we are just waiting for the legislation to back up what we already want but can't afford to do.

I would also like to tip my hat to the gentlemen here on TERB for being so tolerant of my ramblings on this thread. I know I come across online as being a bossy old bitch at times. In reality, I'm a very live and let live kind of girl who genuinely likes to have fun in the most indulgent and devious ways. I am an advocate for covered services because I know for a fact that if a barrier is applied skillfully, most clients wouldn't even know they have one on. I regularly have new guests that stop me mid coitus, they think I've mounted them bareback because they didn't realize I had put a condom on already. I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade or preach; I respect everyones right to make decisions for their own peace of mind. A genuine and heartfelt thank you all for letting this discussion happen, it's been an exceedinly fun distraction from things I should have been doing but didn't because there was no one here to tell me to get my ass back to work ...



Dec 5, 2001
On the right
I don't understand how these young ladies, who haven't even reached the age where they are finished highschool, are immersed in a lifestyle of stripping, pimps, drugs and other activities. Take for example the recent Walkely Road trafficing ring of 16 year olds.. Where do they get these ideas at such a young age ?
Rap hip hop lyrics. Example 1:

Get Rich or Die tryin

(Chorus 2x)
I don't know what u heard about me
But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perms u can't see
That I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P

Now shorty she in da club, she's dancing for dollars
She got a thing for that gucci, that Fendi, that Prada
That BCBG, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana
She's feeding fools fantasies they pay her cuz they want her
I spit a little G man and my game got her
A hour later had her ass up in the Ramada
Them trick niggas in they ear saying they think about her
I got the bitch by the bar trying to get a drink up out her
She like my style, she like my smile, she like the way I talk
She from the country, think she like me cuz I'm from New York
I aint that nigga trying to holla cuz I want some head
I'm that nigga trying to holla cuz I want some bread
I could care less how she perform while she in the bed
Bitches that try catch a date and come and play the kid
Look baby this is simple u cant see
U fucking with me u fucking with a P-I-M-P

(Chorus 2x)

(Verse 2)
I'm by my money u see, girl u can holla at me
If you fucking with me, I'm a P-I-M-P
Not what u see on TV, no Cadillac, no greasy
Head full of hair bitch I'm a P-I-M-P
Come get money with me, if you curious to see
How it feels to be with a P-I-M-P
Roll in the Benz with me, you could watch some TV
From the backseat of my V, I'm a P-I-M-P
Girl we could pop some champagne, and we could have a ball
We could toast to the good life, girl we could have it all
We could really splurge girl, and tear up the mall
If ever you need some one, I'm the one u should call
Ill be there to pick u up if ever u should fall
If you got problems I could solve them, they big or they small
That other nigga u be with aint about shit
I'm your friend, your father, your confidant, BITCH

(Chorus 2x)

(Verse 3)
Shorty I told u fools before, I stay with the twos
I keep a Benz, some rims, and some jewels
I holla at a hoe till I got a bitch confused
She got on payless, me I got on gator shoes
I'm shopping for Chinchillas, in the summer they cheaper
Man this ho, you could have her when I'm done I aint gonna keep her
Man bitches come and go, every nigga and pimp they know
They say mystique but you aint gotta keep it on the low
Bitch tutor me how u strippin in the street
Put my other hoes down u get your ass beat
Now lick my bottom bitch, u always come up with my bread
The last nigga she was with put stitches in her head
Get your hoe outta pocket I put a charge on the bitch
Cuz I need 4 TVs and they Mgs for a 6
Hoe make the pimp rich, I aint payin bitch
Catch a dick, such a dick shiiiiiit...trick

(Chorus 2x)

Yea, In Hollywood they say there's no business like show business
In the hood they say there's no business like ho business
U know
See I talk a little fast, but if u listen real fast
I aint gotta slow down for u 2 catch up BITCH
Hahaha, Yea

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Jan 31, 2006
I have wanted to chime in on this tread for some time now, but simply could not get a round tuit. Apologies for being late to the party on this debate. My comment relates to whether or not decriminalization will in fact lead to less pimps/coercion and trafficking – I know this has been a bit divisive and I am not trying to take sides, just provide my opinion.

I do believe that decriminalization will reduce that element of this industry; it will not eradicate it, but reduce it. If you look at how SP’s need to operate today, it is a culture that breeds a dependent relationship of some form. Basic things that most people take for granted like getting a mortgage, getting a loan to buy a car, signing a lease, getting a credit card or even insurance are simply out of reach for most SP's (at least this is my understanding), and this is due to their profession not being one that is legitimized in our society. As a result, many SP’s turn to BF’s, pimps in order to “live” in our society. It may sound glamorous to live life on a cash only basis, but most cash businesses (like the drug industry) use elaborate mechanisms to “clean” or launder money, again, completely out of reach for SP’s (probably a good thing).

Unfortunately, many “handlers” of SP’s do take advantage of their “GF’s”, and sadly abusive relationships exist even outside of the sex industry, and even people in abusive relationships (outside of the sex industry) have many means for recourse...many do not, and often the abuse escalates. What I am saying is will decriminalization eradicate abusive, of course not, but those SP’s in those abusive relationships will have recourse options that simply do not exist today due to the nature of their profession.
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