The dark side of hobbying


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002

OTTAWA — A teen girl described how she was shot with a paintball gun and zapped with a stun gun by a 16-year-old boyfriend who was pimping her out as an exotic dancer.

The pretty, petite girl said she was only 16 years old and attending high school when she met the boyfriend, who convinced her they’d be together forever and that she could retire before her 30th birthday to the house they’d buy with the money she made stripping.

She handed over every penny of the $24,000 she made dancing in strip clubs like the Silver Dollar and BareFax over a four-month period beginning in August 2011, the girl testified Wednesday at the boyfriend’s human-trafficking trial.

She got hired at the clubs even though she was underage by first using her older sister’s ID and later with a $600 phoney ID purchased with the money she made dancing.

The boyfriend also bought her shoes with “stripper heals” and paid for her to have her nails done, she said.

The teen testified lap dances cost $20 per song, although she confessed she once had sex with a man as an “extra” for $100 at her boyfriend’s urging to make more money. Another time he pimped her out to a friend for $200 for sex but nothing happened because the friend couldn’t get aroused.

But when she said she wanted out or didn’t work enough, the boyfriend called her a slacker and shot her with the paintball gun.

“(He) told me I needed to be shot because I didn’t work for a week and that’s what I deserve,” she said, describing how she cried after the shot to her hip left a bloody red and blue mark.

He hugged her and told her, “This is what happens when you don’t work”, she said.

It was the second time she had been shot at with the paintball gun. He earlier shot her twice in the backside, solely because another girl who was allegedly pimped out by her boyfriend’s roommate had already had her turn.

Another time he was drunk and shocked her with one of two stun guns he carried as a joke, she said.

She didn’t think it was funny.

He did it again the next day “because of something I said,” the girl testified.

The girl described how she and another girl slept in a sleeping bag on the floor while her boyfriend and his friend shared the bed in a Gatineau house. They also stayed in motels, she said.

The girl described how she got a tattoo on her neck with the boyfriend’s name written in Arabic at his urging.

“He was just saying if I loved him, I should have his name on me,” she said.

It was his idea to write the name in another language “so that guys in the club wouldn’t think I was being pimped out,” she said.

The girl said she spent her 17th birthday in the Silver Dollar strip club. Her boyfriend hit her at least 10 times with an iPhone later that night after she complained about how they weren’t going out for her birthday.

She told him repeatedly he wasn’t a man because a man wouldn’t hit a woman or treat her that way.

The girl, who came from a broken home, described how she once lied and told him her father died so she could spend more than one night away from him. He only wanted to know if there was an inheritance, she said.

When she later told him she couldn’t get the inheritance, he just told her she’d have to start working again.

She told him she didn’t want to.

“He told me I was a slacker and didn’t want a good life, I wanted a bum life,” the girl said.

The girl went back to him again in December 2011 to help her friend, but texted a police detective from a hotel in Toronto pleading for help when it became clear her boyfriend was going to make her dance again.

“I knew it would go back to the way it was and I needed to get out of there,” she said.

The accused, who is now 17 years old, has pleaded not guilty to 16 charges, including human trafficking, living off the avails of a person under 18, assault with a weapon and possession of a weapon. He can’t be identified under provision of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The trial continues Thursday.


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Was actually kind of romantic until he broke out the paintball gun. Who does he think he is, Dog the Bounty Hunter?

I think if he hadn't broke out that paintball gun they might have actually made it. The "be a stripper and retire at 30" plan usually works.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Know lotsa retired strippers do ya? They blow the money on their bfs, pimps, and nose. It's like the strongest most principled girl is the only one to survive. I know one. Crazy business minded, suck a cock for a marble floor tile kinda gal. She worked hard for years. Stacked it all. With her husband's support. Exception. Not the norm.

Was actually kind of romantic until he broke out the paintball gun. Who does he think he is, Dog the Bounty Hunter?

I think if he hadn't broke out that paintball gun they might have actually made it. The "be a stripper and retire at 30" plan usually works.


May 26, 2011
Pk girl was 27 years old with a kid and the Arabic name written was a girl's name so please don't try to deligitimize someone just based on your wild suspicions.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
I don't understand how these young ladies, who haven't even reached the age where they are finished highschool, are immersed in a lifestyle of stripping, pimps, drugs and other activities. Take for example the recent Walkely Road trafficing ring of 16 year olds.. Where do they get these ideas at such a young age ?

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
I don't understand how these young ladies, who haven't even reached the age where they are finished highschool, are immersed in a lifestyle of stripping, pimps, drugs and other activities. Take for example the recent Walkely Road trafficing ring of 16 year olds.. Where do they get these ideas at such a young age ?
Ummm... TV, movies, books, newspapers, friends, school, adults talking, music, commercials, adverts... The better question would be "Where would they NOT get an idea like this?".

And, some how, I'm sure Harper and the NRA are probably partially responsible too though! LOL


May 25, 2008
Just about 2 miles past appropriate
Know lotsa retired strippers do ya? They blow the money on their bfs, pimps, and nose. It's like the strongest most principled girl is the only one to survive. I know one. Crazy business minded, suck a cock for a marble floor tile kinda gal. She worked hard for years. Stacked it all. With her husband's support. Exception. Not the norm.
I just choked on my coffee when I read this.

It's called sarcasm Sheldon. Usually a Dog the Bounty Hunter reference gives it away. I'll make sure to put a smiley on it next time for you so you don't get confused.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Pk girl was 27 years old with a kid and the Arabic name written was a girl's name so please don't try to deligitimize someone just based on your wild suspicions.
Urm. I was referring to the tattoo of someone's name in another language. Nothing to do with the two people being the same.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Usually manipulation is key to how this comes about. Yea normally see guys names in old English on girls, this idea of it being in Arabic is new to me. Correct doesn't mean they're pimped. But i've never met a girl with that kinda tattoo outside of these industries.

I'd much prefer a gal to do this out of their own volition. But i've seen some start this way and end up with a pimp of some kind eventually. Knew girls who didn't have a pimp directly but everything they earned went to their dealers. Who provided a place for them to stay as well. Kinda a stuck position.

Usually young girls (and I have seen many dancers) tattoo their boyfriends or ex bf names somewhere on their bodies. Doesn't mean they are pimped out or the fact that the language was not English or French it doesn't make it more probable that they are pimped out. That said it is very sad that pimping is so widespread that even dancers now are pimped out :(. Sometimes I think of quitting hobbying and go back to dancers as I used to be for many years prior to 2008 when I started hobbying (because of these dark sides like pimping, drugs, forceful prostitution) but I see now that all these have spread to dancers too. Very sad indeed. Maybe we need a tough law on pimping or forcing young girls to prostitution (like mandatory long sentences). What I don't understand (and I have heard it many times) how can these young girls actually believe their boyfriends lies that they love them when they force them to sleep with other guys for money or beat them up when they don't make enough money!!!!!. They are young but they still have brains, no?
Jul 28, 2006
CH, I hate to break it to you but dancers aren't just now being pimped out, not all of them are , but a good number of them are, especially the ones who travel from city to city. This was an issue back when I worked in the business in the 80s and 90s and clearly continues to plague the industry.

As too2shy pointed out these women are usually manipulated into becoming dependant on their pimp, be it for drugs, money or what they perceive to be love, the pimps hold back on giving the girl what she wants and then eventually give it too her and then force them to work to repay their debt or to prove their love back to the pimp. It's not always pretty that's for sure !
Last edited:
Aug 1, 2006
I know I will take flack from some people for my opinion on this topic but here it goes...

While it may come as a shock to some, the majority of sex workers can't cut it in the real world with a real job where they must be consistent in their 40 hours per week. Real world bosses don't drag your ass out of bed to make sure you get to work on time, they just fire you for not showing up. Many of these women NEED handlers, no matter what line of work they are in. They can't handle the day to day responsibilites of life and without someone behind them pushing them, they would end up laying in bed doing nothing until they were homeless. There are mornings that it would be a bonus to have a guy with a paintball gun standing at the end of my bed because I can't get my ass in gear. I have never had a pimp but looking back over my career I think I would have benefited from having someone there to keep me focused when I went off track. It is a rare sex worker that has her shit together and is driven to work day in, day out because this work is hard not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. Without a "boss", it's easy to blow off work if there is enough $ to pay the bills this month when a woman doesn't feel motivated to work and trust me, it's easy to get demotivated in this profession.

Last night I had a conversation with a young provider that I mentor. She hasn't worked in over a week because she has her head up her ass emotionally and has been screwing around for almost a month wasting time and not taking care of herself. She didn't go to school this week, she isn't answering her phone or taking appointments because she has a small stash and knows she is ok for her bills this month. It is her perogative to take a "mental health break" but in reality she can't afford to take a week off of work financially. She answers to no one and has a hard time seeing that the only person she is hurting is herself by not taking responsibility for her financial future by not working. Financial stability comes from consistent earning and saving and when a young woman works in the sex trade she thinks she has plenty of time to make up the lost earnings but in reality she doesn't. The problem is that she is too young to fully realize the gravity of her mistake at this point. This is where a handler comes in. They help us push thru the tough times. In the real world you can't take off 2 or 3 weeks of the month because you don't feel like working because of your personal life. There are times when this girl acts like a 12 year old and I want to treat her like a 12 year old and turn her over my knee to straighten her out but that isn't allowed in this day and age. The scary thing is that by industry standards, this girl is light years ahead of most providers her own age.

Today I see the problem in that girls mature physically at a younger age but emotionally don't mature until much later than in the past. Gone are the days of all 22 year olds being independent. They want to act independent but they don't have the inner resources to actually be independent and self reliant. The maturity doesn't seem to happen until their late 20's or early 30's. It is a rare young lady in her teens and early 20's that turns herself out and decides to become a sex worker in the traditional sense unless she is in school and has the maturity to think it thru, devise a plan and put it into action. It is why I think that younger providers should work for an agency or at least have an agent that can handle the business end of things until they earn their stripes and become skilled at handling the challenges they face working in this business. Once they develop the self discipline required to maintain consistent work ethics they can go out on their own but they shouldn't do so before they are ready. It's a recipe for a disastrous life that I have watched unfold more times than I care to count in the last 25 years. When they finally walk away from the business they struggle because in the real world they can't work a week out of the month and pay their bills. These women don't have the fortitude to buckle down and work for $10-15/hr for a full week let alone a lifetime and they don't have the education to do anything that pays more.

The problem is when the handler is a predator. They take all the money and waste it the same as the girl does when she has control of it. Pimps don't set up savings plans or put a future together for the woman. Pimps consistently take and leave nothing to show for the hard work that a woman puts in. The only people that want to handle these high maintenance women are pimps. I have known many men who try and help these women with their business with no financial compensation and it hardly ever works. To me it seems that if there isn't an element of accountability, these young women don't take their work or lives seriously and for many the only accountability that works is physical fear. They don't seem to respect, honor or acknowledge authority unless it is backed with muscle. The industry has changed dramatically over the last 15 years with the internet but what hasn't changed is the fact that most little girls don't grow up wanting to be prostitutes; someone turns them out. For those that prefer the under 25 provider, know that the potential is strong that she has a handler of some sort. It may not be a traditional pimp but there is probably someone in the background pulling the strings and making sure she shows up for work regularly. Whether or not the handler is doing right by the provider and ensuring the $ isn't being wasted on nonsense is another story. I'm not saying that all the young providers have a handler but don't assume if she says she doesn't that she's telling the truth...


p.s. As for "what gives them the idea?", everything in the media that depicts our industry. Once interest is peaked, there is a mountain of resources at their finger tips by way of books written by independents on how to become an escort. The independent girls and the pimps simply need to google "How to become an Escort" and there it is...


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
You may take flack for your conclusion but I, for one, certainly admire how you laid out your argument. As a guy I can speculate on your experiences only so it's good to get your insight. I am very satisfied with the over-25 providers in town.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Fuck are you ever sexy Cat. I for one certainly appreciate your reply.

It's easy to see how it goes wrong.

It's a lot of money for very It's little work. In the traditional sense. We aren't talking bricklaying.. If the money were managed properly, it'd be insane. The girls in nyc, lv, la who get a few k a client. Or even the 700+ for a session. That's real money even in those cities.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Cat, you are absolutely bang-on re work ethic. I agree, we all need someone who can constructively channel our energies for our own betterment.
There is however, a level at which responsible management crosses the line into an abusive relationship. Why does prostitution seem to attract the scum? There are preditors in all lines of work - I'm sure we've all experienced that in some shape or form. I'm not trying to diminish the human harm in abusive pimping, but why should prostitution somehow attract all the bottom feeders?

It's the young one who are most vulnerable to these exploitive pricks. Misplaced trust - can't protect the world from innocence.
Just saying my $0.02.
Aug 1, 2006
Gntlmn and too2shy, thank you! Jabba, you are correct in your perception of this industry attracting the bottom feeders. I think it's because of the social stigma attached to making a profit off of a woman who is providing sexual services. Those who would handle it ethically and have the business accumen to do the job properly are not inclined to get involved. The headaches and heart wrench involved in managing the younger work force is enormous and there is a systemic dysfunction amongst us that most don't realize. Agencies here really only run younger providers. When I had my agency I wore so many hats I thought I had multiple personality disorder at times. Business manager, life planner, mother, counsellor, confidant, financial planner, rules enforcer, landlord, taxi driver and sometimes babysitter. Literally, we would babysit for girls who were stuck for a sitter on their shifts; sometimes the little ones would sleep at my house for days at a time when a woman was in crisis.

Here in Canada the problem is that there is a gray area when it comes to managing sex workers. Anyone who controls a sex workers $ is legally vunerable, if they don't then they are safe. In the States where I had my agency everything is illegal so I figured if I was in for a penny, in for a pound. I did control the finances of the girls that worked for me to a large degree as a condition of employment. I held a portion of their $ for the goals they had set for themselves until they either left or achieved their goals. Here in Canada, that's illegal. As a matter of fact, most of my rules and regulations are illegal here in Canada. I pushed them to invest in the things that allowed them to have an exit strategy. School, a car and a house were all priorities and easily achievable in the first year they worked. Success is the most addictive drug there is. I told them when their impulses to spend their hard earned disposable cash was allowed. I would actually drive them back to a store to return something they had purchased that wasn't practical or realistic. I mandated when they worked and what services were provided which is also illegal here. How are we suppose to teach work ethics if we can't implement typical employment standards? The problem is we can't, all an agency can do is stop representing the girl; then she just goes to another agency.

Was I a control freak? Absolutely but I also had a list of girls who waited to come to work for me. Was I a pimp? According to the US Government I was and I would be by Canadian standards as well. Who wants to take on the responsiblity if there is legal liability and social stigma attached? The only people I know that will are those that don't care about the law and run in circles that abuse and predatory behavior is acceptable. I have often thought I would like to open another properly run, sex worker friendly agency but I really question if it's worth it here in Canada...


Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
...Maybe we need a tough law on pimping or forcing young girls to prostitution (like mandatory long sentences)...
CH, I hear what you are saying. However I suggest this idea to you, respectfully. A long sentence isn't possible, the culprits in this article are under young offenders. The age of majority needs to be lowered. But then, some young offenders are their own worst enemy; at 14 years old, at 16 years old, at 18 years old. Some young offenders will benefit from not having an adult record and I think this is the goal of the young offenders act. Others will become habitual offenders and go on to deal with the consequences of the adult world. This is an argument that has and will be debated in politics and legal circles for some time to come. I suppose 18 is the age that best serves society and the individual.
Just my thoughts.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
A hard-nosed catholic nun, who'll drag you out of bed and beat you until you get out of bed yourself without her help?
Thanks, whitey. I just thought of another social group on the other board. :biggrin1:
Aug 1, 2006
There are stiff laws on the books for pimping and when it's used, it has teeth. The problem is getting the girls to testify. The police are more than willing to lay the charges but then the court day arrives and the girl doesn't show up most of the time...



$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Making it legal fixes this. Having someone like Cat run them. Huge difference. Literally can be a life changer. A girl could take two years. Bank the house and the tuition. And set for life.

There's long sentences for murder. Drugs blah blah. Still happens. Jail is not the solution. Fix the problem. Legalize.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
PK has a chick with arabic writing on her.. makes a bit more sense now.
I am going to ask the Mod to remove this post as I think it is kind of stupid to use our name in this thread, considering we would have ZERO to do with something like this. Unless you want to do
it yourself. Which would be the appropriate thing.
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