I think it would be difficult to find a girl willing to spend time with you in your hotel room since they would have to provide identification at the front desk and no respectable jinetera wants her name in any official ledgers :wink:
Renting a "stabbing cabin" or casa is so much more preferable since you can leave all your valuables in your hotel room without worry.
I think that some of the girls also have short term casas as a backup plan. It may not be the most fancy of places, but it should do. You would have to discuss this possibility with them. Many casas also want the girls to sign up when they come in with you. It is not clear to me whether these records stay with the casa owner or go to the government. The casa owner told me it was for my own safety, in case something is stolen.
Sorry, can't help you. I don't keep the girls' numbers, and the casa I had was recommended by the taxi driver. I can't seem to find the address the casa owner gave me. It was also very basic, and I won't go back.