Mrs C.A. Loki is now a mom

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
That's the sad part?
Sadder is the fact that they consider people on here as friends. The most important day of their lives and they`re trolling on here, poor kid.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Sadder is the fact that they consider people on here as friends. The most important day of their lives and they`re trolling on here, poor kid.
It's called a TERB addiction.

"Mrs C.A. Loki is now a mom". Mom or man?


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Hello everyone,

I just dropped in to print the thread and the PMs to give them to C.A.
blah blah blah self-aggrandizing bullshit.
How about you spend less time printing copies of terb and more time caring for your new offspring?


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
If they're not real, then who is writing all the comments? Are they VMs? Maybe loki and caloki are skynet's first self aware robots?
Oh, I imagine that they're human (at least one peson, perhaps multiple handles). But they're clearly not real. Only a fool believes otherwise.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003

Get off the Internet.

(Several paragraphs of Extraneous bullshit excised

Well I am off to see my fake wife and pretend son. I have to deliver all the PMs and the print out of this thread.
COME ON!!! For reelz?


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Who said anything about judging their lifestyle?

CA gets cut up because of her posts here. She posts AS A GOLD DIGGER. When someone posts bragging about getting their weight in gold, what do you except people to say. Wow - congrat????? :rolleyes:

You are right we are on a site when men review women they pay to sleep with. You do not think that her posts come off as a huge slap in the face purposely to 90% of the men here. How many times has she made comments about "clients" and how they suck, are fat, ugly, smelly, hated men? How many times has he "spoken on behalf of SPs" when none of them agree with what she is writing. She is a troll and gets what all trolls get. I am sorry but you don't go to a KKK forum as a black man and scream you are a member of the Black Panthers and expect not to get verbally beat down on the regular.

It really has nothing to do with the age difference, the money, the lifestyle or anything. It has to with her postings, her attitude and her judgement of others. These things that people target her with is just easy ammo that she gave people to fire back at her when acts the way she does. It is that simple.

Seriously this is supposed to be a nice positive thread about a nice person that just brought a new life into the world
I don't know what your problem is you always come on threads and bash mrs loki am getting very tired of your shit
if you don't like her block her no one making you look on this thread why are you sooo cold and bitter seriously whats eating you


New member
Dec 19, 2009
There's too much hate in this thread. If you believe them to be a falsity, why does it bother you so much? There are tonnes of men on here who post reviews when they have never actually seen an escort. There are also tonnes of escorts and pimps that post reviews of themselves. There are also many of you who can be called "shills" mainly by each other. If a story about an SP and a former client falling in love, getting married, and having a baby are such a huge concern for you that you need to publicly insult them... what does that say about you? Is it so unbelievable that people could make friends on Terb without having any strings attached aside from the silly anecdotes, griping, and sincere concern shared by real life friends? The announcement about a baby being born does not benefit either of them since they are not profiting - it was simply a joyous occasion to share with those who happen to care. Not everyone has an agenda or some weird complex that urges them to stroke their own egos on Terb by talking about their fantasies as if they had truly happened! Regardless, this seems to be a welcoming open forum for that kind of chatter... So why respond with so much hate?

Anyways, congratulations on the great news! :)

I agree with you 100 percent alona:thumb:

guess I must be seeing things I have personally met and loki a few times and he was very real :thumb:

He's a very good friend so is his wife mrs loki people need to stop being soo bitter on terb geez
tell mrs I cant wait to come see the baby :D


Aug 29, 2001
Sadder is the fact that they consider people on here as friends. The most important day of their lives and they`re trolling on here, poor kid.
If I had oodles of cash, I certainly wouldn't prize a woman who spends all day on a chat board. I also wouldn't prize a woman who speaks with less than half knowledge about every topic that comes up.

But the saddest part of the charade is lording it over the membership here about a ridiculous pretend life. All that money and you still need to entertain yourself in a broom closet on the web?


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Seriously this is supposed to be a nice positive thread about a nice person that just brought a new life into the world
I don't know what your problem is you always come on threads and bash mrs loki am getting very tired of your shit
if you don't like her block her no one making you look on this thread why are you sooo cold and bitter seriously whats eating you

You can take your own advice as well you know.

Love how everyone else can make a comment and it is alright, but I do it and there is issues. LMAO That really is a good one. :thumb:



New member
Dec 19, 2009
You can take your own advice as well you know.

Love how everyone else can make a comment and it is alright, but I do it and there is issues. LMAO That really is a good one. :thumb:

I am not like you and the other terbies that jump into threads to be negative and bitter so how can you tell me to take my own advice

I see you on the board just as much as mrs ca and your usually making rude comments to others or make fun of the threads

maybe you need to eat some sugar cause your bitter as hell guess not even christmas can make you remove the stick you have soo far up your .......:D

:thumb: buy a dildo release some of the that built up anger in you


Jul 29, 2011
You can take your own advice as well you know.

Love how everyone else can make a comment and it is alright, but I do it and there is issues. LMAO That really is a good one. :thumb:
Don't take it so personal. I got shit on this thread for being a jealous ass hole as well.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
You can take your own advice as well you know.

Love how everyone else can make a comment and it is alright, but I do it and there is issues. LMAO That really is a good one. :thumb:

Maybe because you're repeating your same points over and over and over and over again.
We get it, you think she's a troll (which you've been happily feeding and engaging with) but is it necessary to point this out on a congratulations thread for the happy couple?


Jul 27, 2011
Oh my!

Well to start with a status report:

They let me leave the hospital yesterday. The 3rd demands to be fed about every 2 hours. I have no idea how anyone can cope with this schedule without a good support network. My respect for single mom's has taken a huge leap. The Dr says I am not allowed to travel until January 8th.

Next to all the people who sent their congratulations thank you. It is nice to belong to cyber communities. Reading all the congratulations made me smile.

To all the people who insist I do not exist, you also make me smile. LOL

To all those who want to inform everyone on how people who are comfortable live, maybe if and when you have a few million in your portfolio you will be able to speak with some intelligence and a bit of knowledge? Once you stop wasting 8 or 9 hours a day with that work stuff you might find you have a lot of spare time to do whatever you want. :)

Ms.Femme, I pretty well do what I want, and when I want it. So I will visit Terb when I choose to do so :). Pretty much same as you do I guess.

Once more thanks to everyone who sent your congratulations.


Jul 27, 2011
I almost forgot, LordLoki asked me to thank all the people who sent him congratulations, and said I should also thank all the people who spoke up for us.



Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I am not like you and the other terbies that jump into threads to be negative and bitter so how can you tell me to take my own advice

I see you on the board just as much as mrs ca and your usually making rude comments to others or make fun of the threads

maybe you need to eat some sugar cause your bitter as hell guess not even christmas can make you remove the stick you have soo far up your .......:D

:thumb: buy a dildo release some of the that built up anger in you
So again, you can comment. Insult, or attempt to anyways, LOL. Others can, but I can not. Makes so much sense......

I pay to be here. My posts gain me business so I would hope you would see me posting all the time. Paying and not posting would make even less sense their your hypocritical views LOL. And yes, my opinions of CA and my posting history with her has gained me quite a lot of business from women who like that this GD is often challenged by me and called out for what I and others believe she is. I am sure that I may have lost business from postings as well but that is okay. I am over booked as it is. I make more then I need. I am lucky to be able to pick and choose my clients. So this works for me. Not you - fine take your own advice and put me on ignore. I really couldn't care either way.

As far as being angry, you are so far off base. People who know me know exactly the way I feel when making posts like this and anger is not it. You may assume that but that is because you don't know me. You don't hear the tones and mannerisms in my text. It is not my fault you assume it is full of anger. Trust me when I say tho, I really could give two shits about these two people. I see a post, I make a comment I move on to the next. Someone quotes me and I comment, it is a simple as that. I close the computer and I don;t even think about it until I come back.

So Good job WK - you said your piece, failed at the insults, and have joined the ranks of those you commend. Bravo. I would clap for you, but you can't hear that either so we can just say I did. LOL

Don't take it so personal. I got shit on this thread for being a jealous ass hole as well.
I know. You disagree with people and you are an asshole, bitch, cunt, jealous, hater, etc etc. So basically everyone is something they are truly not around these parts. I swear I don't take it personally. I think it is funny as well. Someone can call my an ugly cow and I am suppose to be hurt and boo whooing or something. LOL give me a break. I am fucking hottie and know it. LMAO!!! I don't need to be concerned with people's failed attempt at insult when they have never met me. People take this board a little to seriously. For those of us that pay and make a living off this - I get the need for serious, but this is crazy. :D

Maybe because you're repeating your same points over and over and over and over again.
We get it, you think she's a troll (which you've been happily feeding and engaging with) but is it necessary to point this out on a congratulations thread for the happy couple?
Someone new may have joined and not know my feelings on the matter and GOSH DARNIT doesn't everyone have to know???? :Eek:

I do happily feed into it. Won't deny it that. It is fun when we spare. It is a mutual thing.

I do agree I could have stayed out and did intend to at first, but someone called this thread for what is was and I had to agree. I simply liked it and well it took off from there. I did even think about just walking away but when a "mother" of a baby 24 hr old feels the need to to jump into chat here sorry I feel no ways about saying my piece in this "congratulations" thread. LOL I mean posting "while in the hospital" LMAO!!!!! Give me a break.

However, it is coming close to Christmas and I am offline as of later today for the most part, so no worries, you will be free for a while.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Oh my!

Well to start with a status report:

They let me leave the hospital yesterday. The 3rd demands to be fed about every 2 hours. I have no idea how anyone can cope with this schedule without a good support network. My respect for single mom's has taken a huge leap. The Dr says I am not allowed to travel until January 8th.

Next to all the people who sent their congratulations thank you. It is nice to belong to cyber communities. Reading all the congratulations made me smile.

To all the people who insist I do not exist, you also make me smile. LOL

To all those who want to inform everyone on how people who are comfortable live, maybe if and when you have a few million in your portfolio you will be able to speak with some intelligence and a bit of knowledge? Once you stop wasting 8 or 9 hours a day with that work stuff you might find you have a lot of spare time to do whatever you want. :)

Ms.Femme, I pretty well do what I want, and when I want it. So I will visit Terb when I choose to do so :). Pretty much same as you do I guess.

Once more thanks to everyone who sent your congratulations.
I agree with the bold. It is how I live as well. I work but on my own time and when I want. I don't have to anymore either.

I agree with the underlined as well. We just choose what we want very differently.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Well then, "trolling" is the wrong word. You both enjoy terb and have something to say about the world.
My shit is honest, hers is not. I don't do it to incite negative reaction for no reason other then entertainment, she does. I have a reason to be here, I pay to here. She does not. There is a big difference. You don't have to agree and I promise I won't say you are just some jealous hater like others might have if you disagreed with them.

BTW - I never said I think she trolls me. I simple think she is a troll to everyone here.

BTW - the best way to get me to shut up is to not quote or comment to me. You have about of 50% chance that I just won't bother if you don't direct it to me.

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
BTW - the best way to get me to shut up is to not quote or comment to me. You have about of 50% chance that I just won't bother if you don't direct it to me.
Why would I want you to shut up? I like your attitude, even when in repetitive negative mode. :eyebrows:
I don't believe either of you is trolling.
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