Coffee for first date appropriate?


Jul 27, 2011

Coffee at Tim Horton or Starbucks is more of a get together than a date. Coffee at Just Deserts was always wonderful for me and a mini date.

Nothing wrong with either, just do not assume the next time you go out will be considered a "Second Date" by most women. With a stranger that you want to discover if you like, coffee is a great idea. Also safer from a girls point of view. You are not trapped with a boring guy for hrs needed for a dinner.

:). So great idea, but it is a mini date


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001

Coffee at Tim Horton or Starbucks is more of a get together than a date. Coffee at Just Deserts was always wonderful for me and a mini date.

Nothing wrong with either, just do not assume the next time you go out will be considered a "Second Date" by most women. With a stranger that you want to discover if you like, coffee is a great idea. Also safer from a girls point of view. You are not trapped with a boring guy for hrs needed for a dinner.

:). So great idea, but it is a mini date
yes- coffee at a chain coffee shop will sanka any relationship


New member
Jul 14, 2009
It's boring? I guess you're not much of a foodie. Maybe what is boring is you. To coffee people, and there are a number of them, nothing is more pleasant that a good cuppa and if it's with someone interesting, even better.
I was trying to picture a young good looking woman who would want nothing more than a good cuppa and I failed miserably.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Ah, the guy with a car, should have known. DRATS!
The car was a wreck...and a gas guzzler too. But I learned how to fix it on the cheap...with a few tools and parts from Western automotive or the scrap yard...... Could borrow the folks' car too, and Grannie's...If I paid for gas.

Not to be an asshole, but was this not typical growing up in the city, in the 80's? We were far from rich...I thought it was normal.


Jun 6, 2009
The car was a wreck...and a gas guzzler too. But I learned how to fix it on the cheap...with a few tools and parts from Western automotive or the scrap yard...... Could borrow the folks' car too, and Grannie's...If I paid for gas.

Not to be an asshole, but was this not typical growing up in the city, in the 80's? We were far from rich...I thought it was normal.
Ah, the parent's car for the hot date.

I can't say much about the 80's, as high school was well in the rear view mirror and over the horizon by then, but in my small school in the big city there wasn't room to park student cars so guys didn't own them but the weekend cruise down the main street was not unheard of. I remember a memorable short ride in Dodge Signet with push button shifter picking people up, getting to 16, that's 9 in the back and 7 in the front and then going to a party at Capitan's or was it Sudsie's. Ahh, flashbacks. In Mississauga, it was Friday at the Taurus with Frank & Doris.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Ah, the guy with the memories.

Like I wrote: I used my parents car sometimes for dates....Yes I got lucky in the back, and Once a girlfriend left a bra and my mother discovered it in the morning. :)

But still...I suggest taking a woman out for dinner, is NOT that big a deal, coffee (while I love the good stuff...and the freshly roasted is best) is cheap.

Women have enough electronic devices these days, I would suggest that they would feel safe in the most intimate of restaurants.

A first date is more than a quick's about truly getting to know each other and feel any chemistry that is, or is not there.

Guys on the site make women out to be impossible to please. Really, a dinner date is a good start. Don't sweat it so much.


Jun 6, 2009
Ah, the guy with the memories.

Like I wrote: I used my parents car sometimes for dates....Yes I got lucky in the back, and Once a girlfriend left a bra and my mother discovered it in the morning. :)

But still...I suggest taking a woman out for dinner, is NOT that big a deal, coffee (while I love the good stuff...and the freshly roasted is best) is cheap.

Women have enough electronic devices these days, I would suggest that they would feel safe in the most intimate of restaurants.

A first date is more than a quick's about truly getting to know each other and feel any chemistry that is, or is not there.

Guys on the site make women out to be impossible to please. Really, a dinner date is a good start. Don't sweat it so much.
So how long after you told your mom the bras was yours did you have to wear it?

Anyways, back on subject, a coffee date is fine, but you better be a good conversationalist.


Sep 12, 2012
So I ask a girl out on a coffee date that that I met on speed dating since we only knew each other for few minute during that time I figure it would be a little more comfortable for her to get to know me first in a more relax setting. I don't mind taking her out for a nice dinner I just don't want her to feel uncomfortable. I am still waiting for her to confirm a date.

Your thoughts?
great idea, you don't want to be too pushy....


Sep 19, 2008
Since so many terbies are bitching at me for not taking her out for full meal I'll switch to my second choices and will be taking her to brunch at this place Symposium Café Thornhill. It seem like a nice place anyway.

I will report back how it goes, Thanks for the helps


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Don't forget to pull your cell phone out and leave it on the table between you, so that she knows you're 'hip'. And keep checking it, so she knows you have friends and that she should want to compete against all those other friends of yours for your affection.

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