college degree a waste of money?


Dec 11, 2011
no hun. Books present you with informations, if you are lucky with facts buried in there. And the first time you create a paper at the university level you start to learn that there is a process to thinking. A process to sift the facts, get rid of preconceptions, organize them, and produce something solid.

If they have never been trained in that, how can we expect rational thought from someone? They spout out nonsense and think it is knowledge. They cannot tell that a book is a repository of information, and that teasing out wisdom is a learned skill.

but your lack of even basic logic skills is at least now easier to understand. :)
Thats a load of nonsense, all the stuff you are rambling about does not prepare you for the real world, and its definitely not worth 5-10k a year in tuition.


Dec 11, 2011
there are radio shows that teach you real life skills that are free to listen too, and cheap paperback books.....give me a break.


Jul 27, 2011
lol that story sounds like complete bs. No company would offer an employee a 75% pay cut to keep their job who is gonna accept that. obviously if you can command 140k for your position in canada, there are other companies that need your obviously skilled labour in canada and throughout the world that will pay the same or close enough.
Pesky HR issues allowing the compensation to be adjusted to match a new location? If they did not offer him the new location for his job, would it impact on constructive dismissal? Not an area I have any expertise in, but I remember one person being told his job had been relocated to the NWT and him screaming it was just trying to get rid of him.


Jul 27, 2011
there are radio shows that teach you real life skills that are free to listen too, and cheap paperback books.....give me a break.
Sorry hun, your posts have proven over and over and over you lack even poorly developed skills. So maybe you should go listen to the radio more?


Jul 27, 2011
Don't say it, as most on here familiar with your work in the P&IA forum know you make stuff up, show us.

Here a char t of the employability of all age groups with various levels of education. It should answer any question of the importance of an education.

Note that the rate for a high school grad is 3x's that of a degree grad, pretty simple. It's not even close.
Thats a load of nonsense, all the stuff you are rambling about does not prepare you for the real world, and its definitely not worth 5-10k a year in tuition.
Well if you went to school and had a degree you would have glanced at the charts provided above and understood them. You would even have been able to calculate how many years on the average it took to make enough money to start showing a profit from your degree. You would even be able to post on here and be considered to have intelligent and well thought out posts. :)

Basically you would not be so ignorant.

Feel free to now claim I am a man because no woman would have been so rude and said the things about you I did :)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
there are radio shows that teach you real life skills that are free to listen too....
Bet you spend all your time listening to the daily radio rants of El Rushbloe, along with the rest of the mind numbed dildoeheads!....:rolleyes:


Sep 12, 2007
Trying to explain statistics to someone who only believes empirical evidence (and selective empirical evidence at that) is pointless. But let's give it a try anyway.

There are some people who will make $X regardless of whether they get a university degree or not. (Group A)
There are some people who will make more money if they don't get a university degree vs getting a university degree. (Group B)
Then there are some people who will make more money if they get a university degree vs not getting a university degree. (Group C)

Group C outnumbers Groups A + Group B by a very, very large margin. As in, quadruple or more.

Does that mean a university degree is for everyone? Of course not. But it's a pretty good bet. It's the safe bet, which is why so many parents push it. Most parents are less interested in their child becoming the next Bill Gates (a low chance event anyway) than they are worried their child will be a McDonald's fry cook at 30, living in their basement (a pretty high probability event, compared to becoming the next Bill Gates).

Now, are university educations (in the US, at least) ridiculously overpriced? Totally. Federally guaranteed student loans have pushed the cost of a university education up at an unprecedented rate, on the assumption that pushing kids who may not be suited for university life into universities will somehow mak3 things all better. You're still getting a pretty good product that's worth the money if you know what you're doing, but if you're getting an underwater basketweaving degree you're just throwing money away. I know Theatre majors who are working kiosks at 3rd rate dirt malls in rural towns of less than 5,000 people. For that person, their university degree was money thrown away.

On the other hand, I know people who earned degrees in as "wild shot" of fields as Theatre who are working great jobs in their chosen fields. But the odds are generally against you. msog's attitude, from my scan on this thread, seems to be the equivalent of me saying "Well, my friend has a job as the sound engineer for TV Show A so that music technology degree is a GREAT degree!", which is crazy talk.

If you can afford it, and if you have a young person in your life, encourage them to spend some time after high school doing something else. A few years at a real job, or even a stint in the military, can teach them things that university will never teach them. Then send them off to college and they'll be more prepared for it and much less daunted by the "workload", which often seems so difficult before you see what real work is like.


Sep 12, 2007
LOl yes, in part thanks to great legs and a university education
That's one of the other things that universities exist for: to bring smart, young (and sometimes poor) people into the vicinity of rich dilletantes who don't necessarily need to be there to make their crazy money. At many schools, it's called getting your "MRS" degree. It's one of the unspoken reasons that even the most exclusive, expensive, and traditional universities have always made room for really smart but poor students: to get some more brains into the family gene pool.

The odds of random positive occurrences go up if you attend university, just as the odds of bad things happening to you increase if you live in a bad neighborhood. Meeting that pretty girl with the rich dad in the industry you're interested in, meeting the professor who likes your idea for a new business idea and helps you with it, or even your family being desperate because they're sending two kids off to expensive universities so they open a business and end up rich because of that desperation, positive random chances go up when you're surrounded by people a socioeconomic status.

Bill Gates wouldn't have been able to leave Harvard if he hadn't known Paul Allen. He met Allen when they were both students at an exclusive prep school. The difference between an exclusive prep school and a university is an artificial one: the same reasons to send your kid to an exclusive prep school are the same reasons to send your kids to a great university.

Are there any guarantees? Of course not. But life is about increasing your odds of success, not guaranteeing results.


Jul 27, 2011
That's one of the other things that universities exist for: to bring smart, young (and sometimes poor) people into the vicinity of rich dilletantes who don't necessarily need to be there to make their crazy money. At many schools, it's called getting your "MRS" degree. It's one of the unspoken reasons that even the most exclusive, expensive, and traditional universities have always made room for really smart but poor students: to get some more brains into the family gene pool. .

Some one told me money marries bright making the rich brighter. But gorgeous is tempting to rich so you also get a lot of rich gorgeous kids thrown in.

Another few generations and we get a few rich-bright-gorgeous people and...... well the other people.

Pick your genes <=== mostly a joke


New member
Jul 14, 2009
That's one of the other things that universities exist for: to bring smart, young (and sometimes poor) people into the vicinity of rich dilletantes who don't necessarily need to be there to make their crazy money. At many schools, it's called getting your "MRS" degree. It's one of the unspoken reasons that even the most exclusive, expensive, and traditional universities have always made room for really smart but poor students: to get some more brains into the family gene pool.

The odds of random positive occurrences go up if you attend university, just as the odds of bad things happening to you increase if you live in a bad neighborhood. Meeting that pretty girl with the rich dad in the industry you're interested in, meeting the professor who likes your idea for a new business idea and helps you with it, or even your family being desperate because they're sending two kids off to expensive universities so they open a business and end up rich because of that desperation, positive random chances go up when you're surrounded by people a socioeconomic status.

Bill Gates wouldn't have been able to leave Harvard if he hadn't known Paul Allen. He met Allen when they were both students at an exclusive prep school. The difference between an exclusive prep school and a university is an artificial one: the same reasons to send your kid to an exclusive prep school are the same reasons to send your kids to a great university.

Are there any guarantees? Of course not. But life is about increasing your odds of success, not guaranteeing results.
Post of the day.


Sep 12, 2007
Some one told me money marries bright making the rich brighter. But gorgeous is tempting to rich so you also get a lot of rich gorgeous kids thrown in.

Another few generations and we get a few rich-bright-gorgeous people and...... well the other people.

Pick your genes <=== mostly a joke
If all rich people got their money through heredity, you'd have a point. Luckily, most people actually earn their wealth (though you wouldn't know it, to hear some people talk). "Rich" is relative, of course, but most "rich" people in first- and second-world nations come from, at best, upper-middle class backgrounds.

That does leave a lot of poor, ugly, dumb people in the world, though.

Doing what I do for a living, I bump into a fair number of that sort. Meeting a 25 year old woman who looked like she was 40 (both age and IQ) made me very happy for my parents. Then again, her huffing problem didn't help her look or think any better.


Jan 4, 2009
In real life, it's a little bit of what you know and a lot of who you know to get ahead in life. Street smarts always do better than book smarts even tho' some education is needed to be able to read write see things fom different perspectives of lives. In my days, lots of wealthy families sent their kids to high class world famous well known schools just to meet the quality people and build net works. I think the world still function this way in upper societies.


Sep 12, 2007
Post of the day.
Even with my terrible proofreading? Thanks.

Seriously, if you're a young, pretty girl who just wants to be taken care of for the rest of her life, go to an SEC school (other than Vanderbilt). Pick a church (Southern Baptist or Methodist), and get hunting. The campuses are crawling with pretty girls hunting a rich young man who will let them drop out of college and spend the rest of their life bossing the help around.

In real life, it's a little bit of what you know and a lot of who you know to get ahead in life. Street smarts always do better than book smarts even tho' some education is needed to be able to read write see things fom different perspects of lives. In my days, lots of wealthy families sent their kids to high class world famous well known schools just to meet the quality people and build net works. I think the world still function this way in upper societies.
It's the way the world functions, period. Poor people network. Rich people network. It's how human society works. There isn't a one of us here who didn't get a job, meet a girl, buy a car, or whatever without knowing someone who knew someone. It's why antisocial jerks tend to do badly in life, unless they coverup their jerk personalities until they're too powerful to screw with. Or inherit their positions.

The trick is to figure out how to go up a few rungs on the ladder of success.


Jul 27, 2011
In real life, it's a little bit of what you know and a lot of who you know to get ahead in life. Street smarts always do better than book smarts even tho' some education is needed to be able to read write see things fom different perspectives of lives. In my days, lots of wealthy families sent their kids to high class world famous well known schools just to meet the quality people and build net works. I think the world still function this way in upper societies.

Well it does in the C suites at the big companies, and in the 'middle wealthy', and apparently in at least some old money families. I guess it is true all over.


Jun 6, 2009
In real life, it's a little bit of what you know and a lot of who you know to get ahead in life. Street smarts always do better than book smarts even tho' some education is needed to be able to read write see things fom different perspectives of lives. In my days, lots of wealthy families sent their kids to high class world famous well known schools just to meet the quality people and build net works. I think the world still function this way in upper societies.
Actually you basically get paid for what you can do and what you know. Everything else is a variation on that. If street smarts trumps book smart how is it that so few dropouts make the big bucks?


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I have a college diploma in Architecture Technology but I've never worked in the field. The time was not wasted however as the course definitely provided honing of several skills that translates to many jobs. Critical thinking, research, design, self-sufficiency... The fact I had a diploma gave me the edge in getting in the door, even though a post-secondary education was not part of the job requirement in my last couple of jobs.


Jul 27, 2011
I have a college diploma in Architecture Technology but I've never worked in the field. The time was not wasted however as the course definitely provided honing of several skills that translates to many jobs. Critical thinking, research, design, self-sufficiency... The fact I had a diploma gave me the edge in getting in the door, even though a post-secondary education was not part of the job requirement in my last couple of jobs.
I must admit pretty much the same sort of for me. I am not in the field I studied for. But if I could not maintain a university level conversation I would not be where I am now :)


Jun 6, 2009
I have a college diploma in Architecture Technology but I've never worked in the field. The time was not wasted however as the course definitely provided honing of several skills that translates to many jobs. Critical thinking, research, design, self-sufficiency... The fact I had a diploma gave me the edge in getting in the door, even though a post-secondary education was not part of the job requirement in my last couple of jobs.
Somebody gets it.

This whole thread is basically MSOG trying to justify the fact he doesn't have or couldn't get a degree. It's almost unanimous with everyone who posted that he's wrong, but being a true contrarian, he doesn't listen.
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