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Afgan women disrupt Rememberance day ceremonies


Jul 27, 2011
Not really, in her mind at least her country was free and although it had problems it was doing more or less ok. Just an act of aggression by cowards from a safe distance.

Not really much sense fighting over it though. It is like the "weapons of mass destruction" that no one other than North America really believed existed. Or the soldiers looting precious incubators for some unknown and insane reason as reported by a diplomats daughter to the press claiming to have seen it. There are always ways to justify violence.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Not really, in her mind at least her country was free and although it had problems it was doing more or less ok. Just an act of aggression by cowards from a safe distance.
Respectfully I would disagree with her. Presuming she is Afghan more or less ok is certainly a matter of opinion to put it mildly. Afghanistan was the hang-out of al Queda, women were routinely stoned to death, thousand year old Buddhist statutes part of the world cultural patrimony were destroyed etc. . .
Further, it was basically only Pashtuns who felt things were so wonderful.


Jul 27, 2011
Respectfully I would disagree with her. Presuming she is Afghan more or less ok is certainly a matter of opinion to put it mildly. Afghanistan was the hang-out of al Queda, women were routinely stoned to death, thousand year old Buddhist statutes part of the world cultural patrimony were destroyed etc. . .
Further, it was basically only Pashtuns who felt things were so wonderful.
Iraq actually. 2003. And as far as she was concerned it was simply an invasion and life went down hill for everyone there. ANd in her mind, the soldiers invading were related to satan.

People do not like being invaded. I suspect that that invasion created terrorists that will keep the cycle going. Violence breeds violence.
Aug 16, 2011

Iraq vs Iran. Iraq vs Kuwait.
Awww too easy. Iraq and our buddy Saddam vs Iran. And then of course we picked oil rich Kuwait vs bad bad (same saddam) Iraq.

Makes alot of sense doesn't it. By the way....wasn't it something watching all those Christians killing each other during WW 1 and 2? Ya I didn’t so either - an innocent person dying whether it's Israel or Palestinean or Rwanda or Canadian is still a shameful loss of life isn't it?
Aug 16, 2011
Thankfully, we have evolved since then. We even gave the Dane Vikings half of Hans Island to pacify them. No violence.
LOL, evolved huh? Were you a chimpanzee before you 'evolved' Mr darwin? Have you ever heard of Northern Ireland? Wait, no need to respond lol I'm sure I can guess what your response would be.

Cheers apeman!


Apr 24, 2005
act of aggression by cowards from a safe distance.
You mean the cowards who fired rockets at Tel Aviv, plant roadside IED's in the dark of night and then run away, walk into a crowded market wearing a suicide bomb vest, etc. Why don't they fight mano a mano?

In other news, IED killed 17 members of a wedding party in Farah, Afghanistan to-day. The dead are all Afghans, guess we should blame the U.S. for their deaths too, eh?


Jul 27, 2011
You mean the cowards who fired rockets at Tel Aviv, plant roadside IED's in the dark of night and then run away, walk into a crowded market wearing a suicide bomb vest, etc. Why don't they fight mano a mano?

In other news, IED killed 17 members of a wedding party in Farah, Afghanistan to-day. The dead are all Afghans, guess we should blame the U.S. for their deaths too, eh?
I deplore that suicide bombers feel driven to use high explosives to indiscriminately kill people. Why do they not fight mano a mano? Well my guess is they cannot jump high enough to wrestle with the pilot of the bombers killing their families? Or maybe they are unable to fly to where the drones were launched and kill the operators before the drones kill their brothers? Or maybe their attack helicopters that they ordered from did not arrive?

Instead of fighting man a mano they embrace death for their cause. They might be fanatics but cowards? IEDs are obviously not the least analogues to land mines or dropped bombs or claymores.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Yes, the Northern Ireland Peace Accord was signed ages ago. Have you heard of Hamas, Syria, Iran, etc.?
So now the argument has become "Muslim's are more bloodthirsty than Christians"?

I wouldn't go there Rockslinger.. It's a losing battle.


Apr 24, 2005
Iraq actually. 2003. And as far as she was concerned it was simply an invasion and life went down hill for everyone there. ANd in her mind, the soldiers invading were related to satan.
Was her family a member of the Iraqi oppressor class (Sunnis) or a member of Saddam's inner circle? Doubt she is Kurdish as they certainly didn't view the American soldiers as relatives of Satan.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Because it is b********** to throw acid in schoolgirls faces or shoot a 15 year old girl in the head.
Okay, that acid throwing nonsense is not unique to Afghanis or even Muslims.

Killing a loved one because they dishonoured your family is not unique to Afghanis or even Muslims.

Your argument is quickly becoming that because some people out of a culture are nasty, that the rest of the culture should sit tight and shut the fuck up while we bomb there asses into eternity...


Jul 27, 2011
So now the argument has become "Muslim's are more bloodthirsty than Christians"?

I wouldn't go there Rockslinger.. It's a losing battle.
Actually it is also "our culture is right, theirs is wrong", and "our god is right and theirs is a false god" and "we have a divine right to force them to see the truth or kill them all if they will not see the light" and "capitalism is best" and "democracy or death !".

One of my friends asked me about democracy in US. They were confused why the guy who had fewer people vote for him got to be president this time. And why a few years ago the judges appointed by the administration ruled who would be president instead of recounting the votes. I was not wise enough to know the answers. I said "because it is gods will that really counts in North America. :) They got the message though :)


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Actually it is also "our culture is right, theirs is wrong", and "our god is right and theirs is a false god" and "we have a divine right to force them to see the truth or kill them all if they will not see the light" and "capitalism is best" and "democracy or death !".

One of my friends asked me about democracy in US. They were confused why the guy who had fewer people vote for him got to be president this time. And why a few years ago the judges appointed by the administration ruled who would be president instead of recounting the votes. I was not wise enough to know the answers. I said "because it is gods will that really counts in North America. :) They got the message though :)
He must have been watching another election as Obama won with a majority of the popular vote...


Jul 27, 2011
Because it is b********** to throw acid in schoolgirls faces or shoot a 15 year old girl in the head.
When I was in Hong Kong on my honey moon we spent a lot of time with my family. Apparently 30 years has changed the shocking idea of my mom marrying a European :). The point being I met a sweet lady from Vietnam working there. When she was a baby she was badly burnt with napalm. I guess many people have scars from violence done to them by others.

But the worse for me is trying to make a clear black and white line between Canadians wanting to punish girls for demonstrating on remembrance day and Moslem fanatics trying to shut up a girl for flaunting their beliefs? I can see a lot of similarity. Same motive, same desire to punish, same fanatical attitude, same need to force people to respect what they think of as sacred. I guess the protesters were less extreme and consistent in their message, and I guess the fanatics were more vicious in their actions. But it seems so similar.

But what do I know. I am just a dumb female who does not know her place. Or according to some I must be a guy since I am so opinionated. ;) and 'real women never make a fuss


Apr 24, 2005
He must have been watching another election as Obama won with a majority of the popular vote...
I think they are referring to the election of the first term of George Bush II. Maybe they prefer the last election of Saddam who got 99% of the popular vote.


Apr 24, 2005
The point being I met a sweet lady from Vietnam working there. When she was a baby she was badly burnt with napalm. I guess many people have scars from violence done to them by others.
No doubt. Don't know why the Americans stepped when the French were smart enough to leave. Anyway, the violence was actually worse after the Americans left (also see Cambodia).


Jul 27, 2011
He must have been watching another election as Obama won with a majority of the popular vote...
I will report that. :)

So current results are over 122 million out of 311,591,917 voted in the election, and Obama got a little under 61 million ?

And that means he has it :) got it.
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