The 6 worst driving behaviours


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
worst in my opinion is making lane changes without looking properly!! so many times have i had to brake hard or switch lanes because some idiot doesn't know how to look, signal and lange change safely

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
It seems like drivers have just gotten way worse. Maybe I'm just driving in rush hour traffic more? I see way more jerks who drive in such a way that only they can or it would be chaos on the roads. Among the worse are exit lane jumpers and turning lane drivers. The exit lane thing on the highway - jumping into the exit lanes or the shoulders and blasting ahead only to cut back into traffic at the end of the exit lane. Pure douchebag.
This is called "Riding the Ramps"

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I believe this graduating licensing is to blame. People learn to drive too late in life.

Oh sure, it reduced teen deaths but it making for lifetime poor drivers. Blame cell phones and that is part of the problem but not all.

I feel I didn't become a very good driver till I was on the road for 15 years..and I start to drive everyday at age 16 by 20 I was a good driver but took too much risks.

Like I was chatting with this 30 year old gal working the cash register 2 years ago about a snowstorm...she was so scared she was on the cell phone with her best friend the whole time, it took her 2 hours to get somewhere that should had took 30 mins.

30 years old --not 17 like I was in my first bad snowstorm and she needed to talk with her friend to stay clam...

But bring on more delay driving...don't let teens drive at night or on the freeways and then wounder why adults can not drive well

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
I started to drive in subdivisions at age 14 with my old man in the passenger seat. He told me age 16 is too late to learn how to drive but that is how the law is.

One day during a bad rain storm he handed me the car keys and said lets go for a ride, I was like its pouring rain outside, he told me that is why your going out there


Jan 31, 2005
We should have a social network for driving. Everything's network connected these days, connect cars, and then implement a system where if you see a guy being a complete douche, you can thumbs down his car in some online system. Like, with a touch of a button on your steering wheel, that scans up his license plate and downgrades him in some social network for cars.

If "enough" people downgrade the same person, they should actually have their license suspended. I don't know what "enough" is, but maybe it should just be the 1% of drivers with the worst ratings get voted off the road. Also, when you're deciding whether or not to let someone into your lane, it would pop up some information telling you whether or not they're a real asshole, or whether they've been nice to others. Then decide whether or not to let them in.

I think it would be much more effective than traffic laws, letting drivers themselves collectively vote the assholes off the road. There's a bunch of details that would have to be thought through to make this work--maybe each driver should only be allowed to rate only one other driver a week, and only ever rate the same other driver once in their life, to prevent everyone from hitting the downgrade over the most minor things, or harassing someone. But I think with some thought it actually could work.

Probably wouldn't even need to have traffic enforcement. Just let other drivers decide what's reasonable road behavior, and what's unacceptable. Police could concentrate on more serious crimes and leave the speeders, unsafe lane changers, etc., up to the driving public to deal with.
Dec 28, 2006
It irritates me when other drivers in a lane I'm moving into speed up as soon as they see me signal. I check to make sure it's clear, turn on the signal, and they react by gunning it to get past me before I move into their lane?


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
The worse is when I see somebody trying to reverse off the on ramp to the highway. HELLO! get ff on next exit and get back on highway????


Active member
Jul 12, 2003
It irritates me when other drivers in a lane I'm moving into speed up as soon as they see me signal. I check to make sure it's clear, turn on the signal, and they react by gunning it to get past me before I move into their lane?
Yeah, I really noticed that when I moved here from B.C. several years ago. If you signal your lane change, as you're supposed to do, other drivers try to block you out. My theory is that is why so many drivers here don't signal their lane changes.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
People who cruise along in the left lane just barely going the same speed as the flow of traffic.
If you're not passing someone, get out of the passing lane!
Do you not notice the big empty space in front of you and the big line up of cars waiting to get by behind you?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It irritates me when other drivers in a lane I'm moving into speed up as soon as they see me signal. I check to make sure it's clear, turn on the signal, and they react by gunning it to get past me before I move into their lane?
Ditto that.

I had a run in on the 401 a while back (and wrote about it on TERB) about how I was signaling to move to the right to exit and some guy sped up to block me out, so I hammered it, made my lane change and then hit the brakes. The guy was being a dick because he saw me with my signal on wanting to move to the right.

The other similar behaviour is when I'm coming up to an interesection and want to make a right and there is a guy stopped in the intersection waiting to make a left and he sees me put my right signal on (so he knows I'm going to slow down) and so he uses that to make his left in front of me. Problem is, I don't know if he's going to turn into his lane or mine, so I end up stopping, or majorly slowing down so we don't collide. Now, when I'm in that situation, I just don't signal my right so he doesn't know if I'm turning or going straight until I turn. Fucked up, but the guy making the right has the right of way over the guy making the left.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Not signalling should be #1 Most common and Worst.
I just hate when some duffus at a standstill pulls out right in front of me forcing me to brake, when there is absolutely no one behind me! I've got the right of way, but they can't even wait a few seconds for me to pass by and all's clear. Happens all the friggin time!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
people that can't figure out you are supposed to accelerate on the on ramp and merge with traffic. not pace traffic and slam on your brakes at the end of the ramp cuz your fucked for space.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I usually drive exactly at the stated speed limit, no more, no less. Other drivers sharing the road with me seem to hate it. I'm torn, is this a good or bad driving behavior? I just want to be decent hard working law abiding citizen.
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