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subsidized housing


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Sorry you're in the chair and that surely presents a pile of problems that I can't even dream of, however, at the end of day, your attitude sucks and is clearly one of entitlement. (Your arguement that if you got an entry level job that the cost of repairing your chair would fall to you. Well, that's how the world works.)
Actually, people helping people is how the world works, if it is a world worth living in. I think you are way off base on this. At the end of the day, any one of us might need help, including you.
I am involved with an organisation that helps people. I see quite a number of folk that I feel are abusing assistance, and I am a little to the right of Attila the Hun on the issue. But this is going too far about Irishguy and I am +1 with staggerspool on this. And I guess the same consideration applies to petzel who seems to be in a similarly handicapped position.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You are only justify the 'broken parts' of the economic system. It is reality, but it only works for few.
Healthy profitable companies benefit all Canadians
I guess everyone forgets how much of a mess the auto sector was a couple of years ago
In that sector the employee had his hands in the pie to a greater extent than was economically justified and it resulted in two bankruptcies and 1/3 of the industry wiped out.

The CAW has and still does take the view that their members are ENTITLED to a certain standard of living & they can not grasp the fact that their skills and time have an economic value which is related to the profitability of the business and not the cost of affordable housing


New member
Aug 30, 2012
If the government introduced a graduated system where, if you start out with some beginner job, they'd still cover meds, special needs, and the equip. That would be progressive.
This makes so much sense, it is really hard to believe it is not policy for all benifit recipients.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes, along with potential total loss is the upside of rich deserved profit.
Correct, without the opportunity for richly deserved profit, NO One would risk their capital

Labour is risking more when--all eggs in the capital basket--potential loss of home and family stress
You are joking right?
You think employees risk more, than someone who has spent 20-25 years building a business and usually has 80-99% of their personal wealth invested in that business?

An employee can usually find a new job
Starting a new business after getting your capital wipped out is very difficult

If you honestly think employees risk more, you are a lost cause and will never understand what it takes to start, own and run a business and your opinion on the matter is moot

They are free to sell their skills and labor to the highest bidder


Calling someone a lefty, or a communist is really missing the point that we are all humans and all have equal rights to maximize our assets be it capital or labor.

Not sure this happens much or that I like the your use of the word "lefty" as a pejorative.
#1, I never called anyone a commie, pinko or red menace in this thread, you can check
I stated the system required to support sharing the economic profits of a business requires all businesses in a sector not to compete and that system is communism.
#2 Whether you like or do not my use of the word "lefty" is immaterial to me.
If you do not like what I post , do not Read it


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
In a free market economy they do retain there right to withdraw their labour (unless you are advocating for the re-establishment of slavery or some other market controls).

Go ahead and give me the communist argument (topic deflecting, mud sling).
Employees have that right

However if they withdraw that labor the business should have the right to seek alternative sources of labor


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Actually, people helping people is how the world works, if it is a world worth living in. I think you are way off base on this. At the end of the day, any one of us might need help, including you.

That is a very nice thought, and the world would be a nicer place if everyone acted this way

However, back to reality
Your sentiment and a bus token will get you downtown, but not much further.
Your competition in business does not act in accordance with your "people helping people" principle.

Its a dog-eat-dog world and you do not want to be wearing milk bone underwear.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
That is a very nice thought, and the world would be a nicer place if everyone acted this way

However, back to reality
Your sentiment and a bus token will get you downtown, but not much further.
Your competition in business does not act in accordance with your "people helping people" principle.

Its a dog-eat-dog world and you do not want to be wearing milk bone underwear.
people are binded by the rules of their job that stop them from helping people.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
That is a very nice thought, and the world would be a nicer place if everyone acted this way

However, back to reality
Your sentiment and a bus token will get you downtown, but not much further.
Your competition in business does not act in accordance with your "people helping people" principle.

Its a dog-eat-dog world and you do not want to be wearing milk bone underwear.
But this what is wrong with the world! People helping people does work if everyone does it but when some are selfish, greedy and don't care about others, are completely self absorbed that's when there is problems.
This is what I find depressing about life.


Nov 20, 2006
Sorry but you're incorrect. I was on Ontario Works before and now I'm on ODSP and your numbers are wrong and I'm not laughing! I can't make ends meet and by the end of each month I don't have enough $$ to buy groceries. I don't drink or smoke or whore around....haven't seen an SP in years. However I do have one old car since i don't live in the city and am already in Vaughan, and it takes me to all my doc and other medical appts. I constantly have. I worked all my adult life until i became disabled and therefore I contributed into the system. McGunity took away the Ontario lump sum tax refunds and now instead it's paid out in monthly installments that started in July.
You are probably right. I'll ignore what the Wellesley Institute says, they are no doubt a bunch of lying cunts. As well as the various articles in the paper I vaguely remember regarding increases in payments and what my buddy who is currently on the dole as is his roommate.

People I know who work full time on minimum wage can't afford cars, well they could but at the expense of other things. As for the rest of my numbers they are right. That you bring up your ownership of a car tells me that you didn't really read the rest of my numbers very well. If you are gimped up they have those special buses one can use, go to your door and everything. If the wee little shit hole impoverished burg I call home has it, I'd guess so does Vaughan.

It also doesn't change my central argument, one can live fine on even general welfare. Not high on the hog, but you can make a go of it.

Also monthly installments still amounts to the same thing, just easier to budget.

If you arn't on the disability or if you are and utterly can't/won't get a roommate

Or you can starve and bitch about not having enough money. Up to you.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
You are probably right. I'll ignore what the Wellesley Institute says, they are no doubt a bunch of lying cunts. As well as the various articles in the paper I vaguely remember regarding increases in payments and what my buddy who is currently on the dole as is his roommate.

People I know who work full time on minimum wage can't afford cars, well they could but at the expense of other things. As for the rest of my numbers they are right. That you bring up your ownership of a car tells me that you didn't really read the rest of my numbers very well. If you are gimped up they have those special buses one can use, go to your door and everything. If the wee little shit hole impoverished burg I call home has it, I'd guess so does Vaughan.

It also doesn't change my central argument, one can live fine on even general welfare. Not high on the hog, but you can make a go of it.

Also monthly installments still amounts to the same thing, just easier to budget.

If you arn't on the disability or if you are and utterly can't/won't get a roommate

Or you can starve and bitch about not having enough money. Up to you.
What YOU don't understand is that I bought my old car when I used to work full time (above miniumum wage), before I became disabled!
Gimped up? Not a sensitive person are you? What an awful thing to say. However, no! That is not the nature of my disability.
I'm not going to have a stranger living in my house sharing my kitchen etc. cuz then I have to declare that to disability and they'll reduce my benefits. My house, btw which i bought also when I was working full time and am still paying my mortgage off, is well below any amount of apt. rent I'd have to pay!
You're fundamentally lacking any realistic comprehension of the situation.
Last edited:


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Furthermore, I had to cash in and live on the money I had in RRSPs before I could qualify for ODSP. ODSP does not allow applicants to have any sort of assets other than a house if you're already living in it, like i am. If you do have other assets such as jewellery, GICs, RRSP etc. then you won't qualify. So all the money i put aside in RRSPs when I working is now gone. Don't have much to look forward to after i'm 65!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Furthermore, I had to cash in and live on the money I had in RRSPs before I could qualify for ODSP. ODSP does not allow applicants to have any sort of assets other than a house if you're already living in it, like i am. If you do have other assets such as jewellery, GICs, RRSP etc. then you won't qualify. So all the money i put aside in RRSPs when I working is now gone. Don't have much to look forward to after i'm 65!'re awesome. I wish terb had a LIKE button. You get it.
People game the system from all income strata. I don't understand why folks seem to gang up on people that are gaming social supports (not making a comment on you guy's) and give a free ride to people that rig banking systems or avoid taxes with off-shore accounts. Folks that nearly take our whole economy to the brink by their sleazy activities are treated like demi-gods who deseve the government to bow to their desires.

Yet, most of the people supporting un-controlled capital fail to realize they are just WK's and pawns in the ultra-rich world and it is their livelihood that is most at risk when the actions of some un-fettered capitalists want to squeeze the next billion out of the economy and lock-it up (no longer circulating n the economy) in an off-shore tax free location.

Buffet and Gates get it, their money will be in circulation and helping advance/grow society for centuries to come.


Mar 7, 2004
I am involved with an organisation that helps people. I see quite a number of folk that I feel are abusing assistance, and I am a little to the right of Attila the Hun on the issue. But this is going too far about Irishguy and I am +1 with staggerspool on this. And I guess the same consideration applies to petzel who seems to be in a similarly handicapped position.
I also know people who are gaming the system, and don't have any sympathy for them either. I just want to make sure that those who DO really need help to have a decent life aren't lumped in with the ASSHOLES who take their hand out and then put their hand out again, and again.... I have stories I'll try to put up here later...


Nov 25, 2005
agreed....there is legit need. It's a shame many lose sight of what's right and put a drain on the system. I


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
But this what is wrong with the world! People helping people does work if everyone does it but when some are selfish, greedy and don't care about others, are completely self absorbed that's when there is problems.
This is what I find depressing about life.
One can be a kind, helpful and very giving in their private life.
Corporations also encourage and provide support for a lot of charitable cause, including employees paid time and cash donations

However when it comes to competing to provide your customer with the highest quality service / product @ a competitive price, there is no room for sentiment or for excessive or irrelevant costs.

This thread strayed off topic when someone expressed their expectation companies to pay a wage which makes housing affordable.

The cost of housing is not an economic input into 99.9% of all businesses, so it is not relevant

The extreme case is where the company has difficulty hiring quality people due to the cost of living or access to a remote region, then the corp must take additional action
Oil companies flying crews into fort fro a 3-4 week shift Mac as an example
But it is not relevant in the GTA


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I think there are now more billionaires in Asia than in North America or Europe. Why? Because they are smarter and willing to work harder.

With economic wealth, human rights and respect for the environment will follow. BTW: The PRC is no longer a true communist state (it is getting closer to the "Singapore and Hong Kong model.)
There are also more people in Asia. So naturally there should be more billionaires than in North America. Having more direct access to a cheap labour force also probably helps these people become billionares as well.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

People on social assistance or who rely on the Ontario Child Benefit are already struggling to survive. Single people on OW receive $599 per month and single people on ODSP, who usually have higher living costs, receive only $1,064 per month. A freeze in increases to these already meagre rates is effectively a cut, and this cut will be felt by those who are already amongst the most vulnerable in Ontario.

Those numbers don't include the various tax rebates, health card, change of life payments and any other goodies you can scam.

Split a two bedroom, move outside of Toronto and other high rent area. Ditch the cars, cigs, booze, drugs and whores and you will do fine.
Get on disability and you are laughing. Carless a grand a month would do me fine living by myself. Or you can move to Newfoundland, they pay more and don't actually expect you to even look for work.
If you insist on your "right" to live in the downtown core and have a fancy life, I have no sympathy for you.

I can't believe how hard "they" make it to find out how much the dole pays. It shouldn't be a state secret.
The assumption here though is that people using a subsidized housing are also collecting disability or welfare. I'm sure there are people with jobs living in subsidized housing as well.

And you are right that you can get by on government handouts.... they are designed to do that. However, if you are happy living a borderline lifestyle where you are just scraping by more power to you. That's not me. I think most people would not like to live a no car, no vices, bare bones life.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
People game the system from all income strata. I don't understand why folks seem to gang up on people that are gaming social supports (not making a comment on you guy's) and give a free ride to people that rig banking systems or avoid taxes with off-shore accounts. Folks that nearly take our whole economy to the brink by their sleazy activities are treated like demi-gods who deseve the government to bow to their desires.

Yet, most of the people supporting un-controlled capital fail to realize they are just WK's and pawns in the ultra-rich world and it is their livelihood that is most at risk when the actions of some un-fettered capitalists want to squeeze the next billion out of the economy and lock-it up (no longer circulating n the economy) in an off-shore tax free location.

Buffet and Gates get it, their money will be in circulation and helping advance/grow society for centuries to come.
Great points. People are quick to point out that there are poor people playing the system while ignoring people who work cash jobs and claim less than what they make, or seasonal workers who collect EI in the off season, or wealthier people who hide their assets, or people who write off things as part of their business when in fact it's not. Putting income under the name of a dependent who makes less money than you etc. And these are just some of the simple scams I'm sure there are plenty more.

Why not be more concerned about the people living a good lifestyle who are cheating the system?

I think more people would be upset if they realized that they are in fact not middle class
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