Spiked Drink Defence Successful


New member
May 2, 2012
The Crown will file an appeal in a heartbeat.



New member
May 2, 2012
The guy even said he planned to drink 3-4 drinks that night (following a 1 drink per hour rule). How about people get a designated driver and don't drink if they know they will be driving from a downtown club to Schomberg following the evening.

I have zero respect for those that drink and drive.

Last edited:


Mar 12, 2004


New member
Apr 7, 2008
I thought Judges were supposed to be neutral. When did the Judges offically become part of the defense team. If they want to be part of the defense maybe we can reduce our deficit by having the defense pay them instead of the taxpayers. Of course the Crown could really get serious and use the "aiding in a commission of a crime" statutes in our Criminal Code and start charging these mental midgets that are on the bench as an accessory to the crime when the individual they are protecting commits his next crime / drunk driving.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Guess you all never had your drink messed with.

I have, you don't know at first you are impaired, it can come on slowly and before you know it you are fuck up. I would had took a cab back to my hotel and enjoyed the buzz if I knew, instead I took the subway and by the time it got to my station to get off I was fuck up. Now I know why the lettering on the signs in the subway are so large and there is pictures to help you out, like so you don't walk in the ladies room by mistake

I don't know what drug it was but it was like LSD but not as strong vision wise. Vision was burly but not as bad as with LSD which I tried long ago. I knew the best way to get rid of the drug was to drink lots of water and piss alot, still I was messed up half the night and shit it was like 2 weeks before i felt 100% normal again - whatever that is, ha ha

All I felt at first was just getting warm, why I left the club to get some fresh air and then it didn't seem to help so I started heading back to my room.

I could see how somebody could start driving and unknowingly drive impaired. Yes, you should then pull over and stop but did i flag down a cab after leaving the subway after I knew I got drugged, nope, I walk 2 blocks the wrong way out of the station before I knew I was going the wrong way, lol

This is why I feel Canada justice is more fair then the US justice...beside did anybody get hurt, that used to mean something


Jun 6, 2009
Appeal definitely. I can't see it making either. It would have to one hell of a spike to get you to 3x the limit. I call BS.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
My guess is, he felt hot also and just had more alcohol drinks to cool off forgetting how many drinks he had.

I just drink soda or water, not in to booze, I like outgrew it in my 20's, I did so much dumb stuff while drinking and then after almost blowing over the limit one night decided not to drink at all for 8 months but after that break I never could enjoy drinking again, I get dizzy and the next day get a mild headache so like no more booze for me, soda taste better anyhow, IMO

Yes if I was to drink everyday for 2 weeks, I likely handle the booze better but why, I can have fun without drinking


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
There's always going to be some story making the papers on one extreme or the other. But just because one judge is an idiot doesn't mean that case is binding on other, more sane judges.

If this case is supported by the Supreme Court of Canada, let me know.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
While I am no fan of drunk driving, having had a few family members seriously hurt by it, I think that IF the guys drink was spiked, then it is probably a legit defence. When people are drunk, they often have impaired judgement (eg driving the wrong way like this guy). They may even not recognize their own intoxication. You all have seen people completely hammered deny they are drunk at all.
So the drunk driving laws oblige us to control our alcohol intake before we get drunk. However if someone poisons you essentially and your actions result in DUI, I can't see how one could be a fault. And with our current laws it is perfectly legal and within ones rights to go out, have a drink or two, stay below impairment and th legal limit, and drive.

Now buddy must have had a great lawyer to pull off that defence!!!


Mar 12, 2004
Maybe a lot of methane gas

Apply enough thrust and pigs fly just fine.
Actually,...they wouldn't be "flying", they would more like projectiles,...but I do get your humour :)

Thanks, FAST


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
let's look at it another way, if a drunk girl is unable to give consent as she isn't responsible, how can a drunk driver be at fault? to me drunk or not, you're the boss. if you made a mistake, tough luck. girl or guy.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
let's look at it another way, if a drunk girl is unable to give consent as she isn't responsible, how can a drunk driver be at fault? to me drunk or not, you're the boss. if you made a mistake, tough luck. girl or guy.
The idea is you start out sober. In your sober state younre responsible to take measures to ensure you don't drink too much if you plan to drive. That is your obligation. If someone drugs you (very unlikely, but theoretically possible with booze or meds) you have been assaulted and the resultant actions may not be your fault.
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