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Bringing your own pop to fast food places


Oct 1, 2011
Considering how much I like to eat out (and don't go to actual restaurants) and am always buying $1.75 pop with each meal, I'm considering saving money and bringing my own pop, which costs about 25 cents from cases of 24. I know I sound like a cheap bastard, but this really saves a lot of money in the long run, especially since I drink pop almost everyday. Do you think this is a good idea? How many frowns will I get really? I usually eat alone at these places anyway, including during lunch at work.


Well-known member
I've done it before.It's mostly kids working there.I doubt they give a shit.Worse case scenario tell them you have bad acid reflux or someother bullshit and need your own"special beverage."


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Don't drink pop, it's not healthy, but I understand what you're saying. When I get fast food I never order a drink. I either do takeout and drink water with it when I get back to the office, my house, or wherever, or I'll just eat at the place without drinking until I get back, I heard it's better for digestion to drink after your meal as opposed to with it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I think you need to give the poor bastard who owns the place a break and buy his damn pop.

Most guys who are fast food franchise owners are not rolling in dough. Money comes tough and hard. They don't make a dime on selling you the burger - they make it on selling you the pop and fries. Capitalism is supposed to be about the fair exchange of goods and services for a fair price and reasonable profit. You buy your happy meal at a reasonable price and in return your expectation is a good product and the satisfaction that comes with receiving a fair trade.

If you want to be a complete dumb-ass as you are describing I suggest you order your burger and fries (only) to go and eat it in your car.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I think you need to give the poor bastard who owns the place a break and buy his damn pop.

Most guys who are fast food franchise owners are not rolling in dough. Money comes tough and hard. They don't make a dime on selling you the burger - they make it on selling you the pop and fries. Capitalism is supposed to be about the fair exchange of goods and services for a fair price and reasonable profit. You buy your happy meal at a reasonable price and in return your expectation is a good product and the satisfaction that comes with receiving a fair trade.

If you want to be a complete dumb-ass as you are describing I suggest you order your burger and fries (only) to go and eat it in your car.
I have a water filter at home and at the office, so I do not have to buy bottled water. There is less plastic water bottles if I filter my own water. In the summer if I have to hit the road, I carry a small cooler full of half frozen water bottles. When I get thirsty, I reach into the back seat for a cold drink. If I have to eat fast food, I eat in the car and listen to the news and business report at the same time. So I do not have to risk someone giving me shit for bringing in outside products.


New member
May 28, 2011
If you are eating inside the establishment and want a drink with the meal, buy the drink from there. If you don't want to buy their drink, bring your own and eat outside.
May 8, 2010
If you are eating inside the establishment and want a drink with the meal, buy the drink from there. If you don't want to buy their drink, bring your own and eat outside.
This seems like the proper etiquette.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
You're definitely not obligated to buy a drink, or fries. If you want to only buy the burger, then only buy the burger, you should not feel guilty about it, even if the biggest profit they make is on the fries and pop. You should also not feel guilty about using a coupon since the owners of the place put the coupon out, and actually paid money to have it published and distributed.

If you bring your own food/drinks that's not really nice, although I see many high school kids do it when they want to eat lunch with their friends.

Bottom line, just buy the burger and eat it there without drinking anything, or take the burger outside and have it with your own drink.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If you are lookingto save money why are you eating out at fast food places?!!!!????

Make you own meal and bring it with you.

IF the pop wasn't bad enough the fast food will ensure that you will be fat in no time.


Oct 1, 2011
Well, I just came back from Taco Bell. Had their tacos and brought a can of pop in my pocket. They didn't even notice when I was eating. I just saved $1.50. I could save over $50 every month, or $600 every year like this.


New member
Jan 26, 2004
Well, I just came back from Taco Bell. Had their tacos and brought a can of pop in my pocket. They didn't even notice when I was eating. I just saved $1.50. I could save over $50 every month, or $600 every year like this.
If you're eating at restaurants 30+ times more a month you can save yourself a fuck of a lot more money than $50 if you make some meals at home ahead of time to take with you.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If you're eating at restaurants 30+ times more a month you can save yourself a fuck of a lot more money than $50 if you make some meals at home ahead of time to take with you.
No kidding.
Plus you'll be saving a bundle on future health care costs.

I don't think saving money on your drink is your biggest problem.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
McDs will give you an empty paper cup if you take a combo meal, you can fill the cup as many times as you like. They are saving on the manpower to serve you that drink. The cup cost them more than the contents. A was told that even a large serving of Coke cost the establishment $0.18

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Grab used cups from the bin, fill them at the coke dispensing machine and sell them to other people in the restaurant for 25 cents. Do this a thousand times each day and you'll earn enough to see a top escort every night. :thumb:


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
I always bring my own water into restaurants that don't serve it. I ordered a green tea at a hotel restaurant the other day and it was $2.75. I was like WTF!


Oct 31, 2004
If they allow the homeless to dig through the garbage and sit and eat the contents of what they find in the restaurant I don't think they will care if you bring in your own drink after purchasing a burger.


Oct 1, 2011
If it's a food court, they won't care or even notice. If they have their own premises, I still don't think they will care because it's not a restaurant.
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