French magazine to publish more Mohamed cartoons


Jul 27, 2011
Is there not something really ironic about the idea that it is okay to depict their prophet in a negative way, but demonstrations against the film are banned?
No, the idiotic thing would be killing them because of their prophet and not expecting to be killed back.

Or imagining a prophet of god needs or cares about people protecting his image.

Or that making a film saying "silly guy" is in any way comparable to blowing people up for making a film.

Or even just blocking our access to dinner because some american made a film. Our escargots needed us. The French do have their good points. Especially shoes and escargots.


Jul 27, 2011
So I am not sure what your argument is. Are you saying that both depictions are bad or good?
dahhhhhh Arabs feel free to insult other religions and races, but feel justified in punishing and using violence when they feel they were insulted or their religion insulted?

Or maybe that muslin countries are infinitely more insulting to other faiths?

I know. As Muslims you have a right to because you have a monopoly on truth.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Changing the subject a bit. Are you gaining weight?


Apr 24, 2005
Maybe there is hope after all. I was watching CTV NEWS and they showed a French iman(sp) urging his flock to "stay calm" and further said "we are not animals". We will see.
Sep 8, 2011
All you have to look at is who is inciting all this violence in an already fragile state. First a Jew makes some fucked up movie now a French Jewish magazine pushes another button. But the minute you make a comment/cartoon/speech... whatever you are anti-semetic. Please lets not all fall for this propaganda.


Jul 27, 2011
Changing the subject a bit. Are you gaining weight?
Yes and I had to buy my first set of 2 inch heels. And I am soon going to have to only wear flats. And I am starting to waddle a little. Soon if I wear black and white people will mistaken to for a penguin.


Jul 27, 2011
All you have to look at is who is inciting all this violence in an already fragile state. First a Jew makes some fucked up movie now a French Jewish magazine pushes another button. But the minute you make a comment/cartoon/speech... whatever you are anti-semetic. Please lets not all fall for this propaganda.

You are kidding, right?


New member
Oct 12, 2010
He's saying the muslims are massive hypocrits because they do their own fair amount of cartoon publishing.

Really surprising rld, that you need that spelled out for you
I thought it might be prudent to understand what the poster was saying before commenting. I'm trying something new.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
dahhhhhh Arabs feel free to insult other religions and races, but feel justified in punishing and using violence when they feel they were insulted or their religion insulted?

Or maybe that muslin countries are infinitely more insulting to other faiths?

I know. As Muslims you have a right to because you have a monopoly on truth.
I am a muslim? Wow. that is news to me.

The post, and cartoon strike me as having an ambivilent message. Is the cartoonist (and/or poster) saying that free speech should allow both forms of expression, or is it saying both forms of expression should be discouraged. I suspect the former.

But the underlying message is not a reasonable one. There is no doubt that people find such evil depiction of jews offensive and many would argue such depictions should be banned. The only difference is what actions people take over such depictions.


Jul 27, 2011
I am a muslim? Wow. that is news to me.

The post, and cartoon strike me as having an ambivilent message. Is the cartoonist (and/or poster) saying that free speech should allow both forms of expression, or is it saying both forms of expression should be discouraged. I suspect the former.

But the underlying message is not a reasonable one. There is no doubt that people find such evil depiction of jews offensive and many would argue such depictions should be banned. The only difference is what actions people take over such depictions.

Are you agreeing that murdering people to stifle free speech is not a desirable trait?


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
There is no doubt that people find such evil depiction of jews offensive and many would argue such depictions should be banned.
Many others would not argue that.

Sadly, the lesson to be taken from the duplicity of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and much of the news media is that if you want things that offend you to be banned, you must engage in violence.
Sep 8, 2011
You are kidding, right?
why would I be kidding, it's not my fault these are the facts
Federal authorities confirmed to the AP news agency that Nakoula was indeed connected to the persona of "Sam Bacile", a man who had initially claimed to the AP that he was the film's writer and director.

But Bacile turned out to be a false identity, and the AP traced a cellphone number Bacile used to a southern California house where it located and interviewed the real Nakoula.

Bacile first said he was Jewish and Israeli, but Israeli officials said they had no records of such a citizen. Others involved in the film said his statements were contrived, as evidence mounted that the film's key player was an Egyptian-American Copt with a checkered past.é

His article and cartoons in the magazine Charlie Hebdo relating to Jean Sarkozy's marriage to Jessica Sebaoun-Darty, the Jewish heiress, touched off a controversy, after journalist Claude Askolovitch described them as anti-Semitic.[2] The magazine's editor, Phillipe Val, ordered Siné to write a letter of apology or face termination. The cartoonist said he would rather "cut his own balls off", and was promptly fired.[3] Both sides subsequently filed lawsuits, and in December 2010, Siné won a 40,000-euro court judgment against his former publisher for wrongful termination.[4]

Maurice Sinet also reported a death threat posted on a site run by the Jewish Defence League. The text said "20 centimeters of stainless steel in the gut, that should teach the bastard to stop and think".[5]


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Maurice Sinet also reported a death threat posted on a site run by the Jewish Defence League. The text said "20 centimeters of stainless steel in the gut, that should teach the bastard to stop and think".[5]
Even if the film was produced by a vast Jewish conspiracy, the release of a controversial movie (at least online) doesn't meet the test of "inciting" anything.

The blame still rests with militant Islamists.
Sep 8, 2011
Even if the film was produced by a vast Jewish conspiracy, the release of a controversial movie (at least online) doesn't meet the test of "inciting" anything.

The blame still rests with militant Islamists.
If someone throws a stone first without provocation and hurts you or your family, are you just gonna sit down and wait til they murder the rest of your family and you?


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Muslims get away with the violence and outlandish childish behaviour because of the fear they instill in the rest of the population. If you criticize Islam or the actions of a Muslim terrorist, you're next on the hit list, not by the average Muslim citizen, but by the extremists. Free speech is trying to be muzzled by the them.

I think it's sad that we tolerate this behaviour in Western society. In muslim countries they're free to act how they want... it's their country, their rules, and their laws, but when they come here and act this way I think they're crossing a line and it should not be tolerated. If they want to mistreat women and engage in violent acts in muslim countries, we can frown upon that here, but we shouldn't be telling them how to live in their countries or try to change them, just as how they should not try to change western civilization.
Sep 8, 2011
Muslims get away with the violence and outlandish childish behaviour because of the fear they instill in the rest of the population. If you criticize Islam or the actions of a Muslim terrorist, you're next on the hit list, not by the average Muslim citizen, but by the extremists. Free speech is trying to be muzzled by the them.

I think it's sad that we tolerate this behaviour in Western society. In muslim countries they're free to act how they want... it's their country, their rules, and their laws, but when they come here and act this way I think they're crossing a line and it should not be tolerated. If they want to mistreat women and engage in violent acts in muslim countries, we can frown upon that here, but we shouldn't be telling them how to live in their countries or try to change them, just as how they should not try to change western civilization.
Explain why Western civilization went to Iraq and Afghanistan to change their way of life?
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