Angry Quebecois goes apeshit over asian people speaking English in public in Montreal


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
The title should be, 'Idiot Quebecois who voted the separatist back in Goes .......... '.

I corrected your sentence. Hope you don't mind.

This chap actually represents the average Quebecker.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Do I care what language the people next to me are speaking - only if it hurts my ears cause its unpleasant to hear, lol


New member
Jul 6, 2008
most of the times I have been to Quebec either for business or pleasure I have seen or experienced discrimination for both being asian and/or not speaking french fluently. I always try to start my conversations with bonjour or asking parlez vouz anglais but the majority of the times I get some derogatory comment.

I hope now they get their wish to separate and live with their language as long as they don't suck up any of my taxes as they do today.

no, I'm not a racist, just fed up with so much non-sense from les quebecoises


Mar 25, 2006
The asian brothers showed so much self control. A loud, drunk, obnoxious, ignorant person does not deserve that much self control.

I also hope the french would just leave canada and stop yapping about it.


Jan 31, 2005
The asian brothers showed so much self control.
Really? The whole time I was thinking, "why don't these idiots just walk away". Both sides were looking for a confrontation, and it looks bad on both of them. Certainly the french guy was a dickhead, but why go toe to toe with him?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
This behaviour in Quebec has been handed down generation by generation since Wolfe defeated Montcalm. The chip on the shoulders of many Quebecois past and present will never go away. It is not their fault but the fault of the British colonial masters who rightly or wrongly did not impose assimilation on Quebec from the beginning. Witness Louisiana as an example, the Americans do not have this problem with French language do they?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Calm down :p its a couple of hot heads. While I believe that the flavour of the moment is some of that famous Quebec intolerence due to the election it will settle down.


Jun 6, 2009
This behaviour in Quebec has been handed down generation by generation since Wolfe defeated Montcalm. The chip on the shoulders of many Quebecois past and present will never go away. It is not their fault but the fault of the British colonial masters who rightly or wrongly did not impose assimilation on Quebec from the beginning. Witness Louisiana as an example, the Americans do not have this problem with French language do they?
WTF! Give your head a shake mate.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
I was waiting for the Frenchman to poke his own eye out with his rapid hand gestures.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
This sort of thing happened much more often 20 years back, but almost never happens today. Separatist in Quebec are most often the age of Pauline Marois. There are some young ones but mostly they are the lower class gimme gimme I am entitled to everything for free crowd.
The student protest for free university tuition does not help. ( Marois backing the students will blow up in her face, but that is another story )
When I was going to university in Montreal 20 years (+) back, English speaking people drank on St. Catherine Street and French people drank on St. Denis Street. Even the drinking places were segregated.

The loud Jean-Guy Asshole is yelling over and over, you have to speak french in you are in Quebec, speak french, speak french and does not say much more than that. The guy doing the video is French and Jean guy tells him that it is not you I have a problem with. ( buzz off if you are not arguing on my side ) It seems a crowd is gathering behind the guy taking the video and Jean-Guy took off in the cab.

You do not see that sort of thing much these days. The new PQ government in Quebec is bringing out the low life separatist scum, young and old. I think this is the best thing for Quebec, bring these scum out into the daylight where we can see them make fools of themselves and this sort of thing will shrivel up and die. As for Marois, she won the election by making a lot of promises that she can not deliver on. The minority PQ government is set up to fall and there will be another election withing 18-24 months. Pauline Marois is a cheap imitation of Jacques Parizeau

I think videos like this are extremely effective at discrediting the sovereignty movement.
Jean-Guy ( jerk in the video ) hurt his cause severely. He can mouth off all he wants, it was caught on video for all the world to see. I am sure all his friends and family do not think he is a hero. This video has hurt his reputation.

I corrected your sentence. Hope you don't mind.

This chap actually represents the average Quebecker.
I do not agree, this sort of behavior in young people is very rare today. They are very accommodating when it comes to speaking English and they try to speak English as often as possible. Many young people know that this is the way to expand beyond the borders of Quebec.

Oddly I've not had such problems. I was in Quebec City twice this summer, spoke some French (not too fluently at all) and had French people switch to English - and they were all really nice.

In the 80's and 90's things were a lot more tense language wise. However this asshole who did the shooting will set things back severely
I do not think that the election of the PQ in Quebec will be much of a problem, the Canadian dollar hardly flinched. The story of the mad gunman killing a person at the PQ victory speech was played down by the media ( French and English ) The Gunman obviously feels that he does not want to go through all this separatist bill shit again, many people in Quebec anglo and Francophone do not want to go through all this again ( as do the rest of Canada ) Marois will get a huge surprise if she starts to push separatism down the throats of Quebecers. She had better govern correctly or she will be out sooner that she thinks.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Oddly I've not had such problems. I was in Quebec City twice this summer, spoke some French (not too fluently at all) and had French people switch to English - and they were all really nice.
It's so simple, this is all it takes, a little effort to say even one word in French and you'll have no issue. Never had a problem in over 35 years in visiting Quebec. The two guys in the video are both idiots.


Apr 24, 2005
It is not their fault but the fault of the British colonial masters who rightly or wrongly did not impose assimilation on Quebec from the beginning.
There is some history behind this. The Brits needed the French and Indian support in case the U.S. attacked Canada. On the other hand, the French Canadians would have starved to death after the conquest and after the French nobility left for France if not for the Brits.
Witness Louisiana as an example, the Americans do not have this problem with French language do they?
Also, have you noticed how people in New England with French sounding names who don't speak a word of French? These are descendants of French Quebecers who found work in the mills of New England in the 1840's.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
Well using vous is very formal and typically something that is only done in Paris. Quebec french is more casual and they us a lottttt of slang. Depending where abouts you are, using vous would piss them off more than just speaking english. Lol. Very touchy people.
french girls are hottt ;) lool .. time to call mirage :D lmaoo


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
I worked in Montreal and they hated everyone that was an immigrant, even if you were born there. The french teachers use to tell the kids to go throw stones at english schools. But I agree that the french chicks are hot !
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