Favorite server kissed and grabbed me


Mar 15, 2012
FYI, I texted her tonight which eventually led to a full phone conversation.

I asked her about her next free night and set up a date. Her very words were: "I'm game for whatever you have planned" and "I'm so glad you called."

There is no fantasy here. I asked a pretty girl out and she said 'Yes'. I worked for it, earned it and played my cards right. I'm looking forward to seeing her outside a work environment. I'm sure I'm not the first man to ever ask his favorite waitress/server out and have her say 'Yes'.

Nothing ventured. Nothing gained.

P.S. I don't base my life upon any fictional characters. It's simply a moniker for use on this board since I doubt anyone at all will use their real name here.

Isn't the point of The Lounge to exchange and discuss information regrading women and our histories with them anyway?

LMFAO!! I love your post......as much as I love them I still say - Stop watching Mad Men dude. You're becoming delusional.

PS. Don't die your hair orange any time soon please.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
LMFAO!! I love your post......as much as I love them I still say - Stop watching Mad Men dude. You're becoming delusional.

PS. Don't die your hair orange any time soon please.
Not as much as enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for the refresher.

Everyone should watch 'Mad Men'. It's one of the great TV moments of our era. The show, good as it is, has nothing to do with my life.

And please, don't you dye your hair orange. I have no clue what that means but I'm sure it makes perfect sense within your head.

While you're figuring that one out, I'll be on a date with a young lady who interests me. Please use your time constructively. I already made my plans.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Never watched an episode of Mad Men. Can't look like that no matter what I do. I'm still watching re-runs of The Sopranos.



Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
So you base your life on a fictional character played by a very handsome man....a man whom 1% of us are lucky to get his looks...and even then women don't just "grab and kiss" these guys.
The op is in a fantasy land and he's starting to lose touch of what's real and what's TV.
Are you saying you've never had a woman come on strong to you:p? Do you spend all your time at Comic Book Stores?


New member
May 8, 2010
Don't know anything about Don, but I find it funny how many people are calling it out when it really is such an innocent story.

Over the years it's probably happened 3 times where some woman showed interest in me and all I wanted to say is something like, "But...you're so gorgeous...and I'm a troll. Why?"

It happens. Enjoy it.


Jun 6, 2009
Not as much as enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for the refresher.

Everyone should watch 'Mad Men'. It's one of the great TV moments of our era. The show, good as it is, has nothing to do with my life.

And please, don't you dye your hair orange. I have no clue what that means but I'm sure it makes perfect sense within your head.

While you're figuring that one out, I'll be on a date with a young lady who interests me. Please use your time constructively. I already made my plans.
Moe's already done that and it didn't work for him, he still got ignored.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Took her out tonight.

She was dressed to the 9's and looked hotter than a burning tree.

We had a great meal, a good conversation and the vibe went on all night.

At one point, when she got up to go to the Ladies Room, another guy in the restaurant came up to me and said: "Buddy, you're not the luckiest guy here. You're the luckiest guy in the whole world!"

Lots of making out in the car when I dropped her off at home. Half an hour later another text from her telling me how much fun she had and a very dignified 'thank you'.

She has legs that would resuscitate a dead man!

She smells great and I can still taste her kisses on my lips.

Taking her out next week. I'll keep those interested posted.

A very good evening to all. I know mine was.

Ciao for now.


New member
Jan 14, 2011

At one point, when she got up to go to the Ladies Room, another guy in the restaurant came up to me and said: "Buddy, you're not the luckiest guy here. You're the luckiest guy in the whole world!"
If you didn't think it was fiction before, you all surely do now. I mean really, who the fuck would actually say something like that to a stranger?


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Ignore these guys don. Its amazing how jealous and narrow minded some are. Congrats for having the cajones to ask her out. Enjoy the ride.

The Saint

New member
Jun 17, 2010
Don,good for you,I don't find it strange at all.I am presently seeing my female Asian barber away from her work.Started off about a year ago I got there,sat in her chair,she asked me "how would you like it" I said long and wet.So she washed it three times and just took a little off the sides. I've been fucking her twice a week ever since.


Jan 4, 2009
Don has his ways of hooking up with beautiful ladies and his ways of proving things. Just keep an eye on his sig pic. You might soon see a lady wearing white stockings and laying down naked with big smile on her face on a red satin sheeted bed. He had already proven that time after time in some of his wonderful Asian girls thread. He is REAL.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
My favorite server at my preferred establishment of wine and spirits kissed me 'farewell' this evening. She kissed me full on the lips, bit my lower lip and did a quick 'groin grab'.

She's still in Uni. Very sweet and cool. Thin, sexy with big eyes and a deep, rich voice. Slim, a little busty and very pretty. It felt good.

I was drunk enough to just go home. Not sure if I want to follow this up. This is my favorite place to drink and hang.

I'm going to ask her out tomorrow. Already have her number. Can't help it.

Anyone have similar experiences?
if there is no evidence like a recording this did not happen


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7

Isn't the point of The Lounge to exchange and discuss information regrading women and our histories with them anyway?

So Don, I take it you are still single after all these years. Why is that anyway ? Perhaps you'd like to share that bit of history.

I think the point other posters are making is that this thread is regarded as a thinly veiled attempt to pat yourself on the back.You know, the 'I'm so suave that younger women kiss me and grab my crotch in public" bit. Usually that doesn't happen unless you are not getting positive feedback elsewhere.


Apr 27, 2008
Don..that sounded like a pretty good night to me. Looking forward to hearing about your next date.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Don..that sounded like a pretty good night to me. Looking forward to hearing about your next date.
Well, for those interested and wondering how it went: it went well.

I took her out again last Thursday. I took her to a great little place with great Paella and live Flamenco dancing. She mentioned she liked rice so this was a no-brainer to me.

She was all dressed up to the 9's again and this time it was a lot more romantic than the first date. She was constantly hanging on to my arm, holding my hand and her body language was totally geared towards me. It was lovely. She was very impressed with the Flamenco and more so with the food.

After dinner, I suggested watching a movie at my place and she was totally willing. A few drinks later, there was no more watching the movie but rather some pretty heavy kissing on my couch. This led to the bedroom and the rest you all know. Needless to say, she spent the night. I made her some croissants and coffee in the morning and took her home. I gave her a little bag of books, DVD's and music. She was delighted. So was I.

Sunday morning I took her to the train station. Back to Uni for her. We'll keep in touch but I'm sure it'll gradually fade. I might see her at Christmas though.

So, for those of you flirting with you favorite waitress/server: follow it up. You have nothing to lose.

I hope I see her again, although if I don't, those memories are great and all mine.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Don. Very important detail you left out.

Which movie?
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