BBBJ Deal Breaker?

Is BBBJ a Deal Breaker

  • Yes, will not book with an SP that doesn't offer it.

    Votes: 84 46.7%
  • No, it's Not Important

    Votes: 21 11.7%
  • Would Much prefer, but it would depend on the SP's Looks

    Votes: 56 31.1%
  • Much prefer if she didn't provide the service, but will still consider seeing her.

    Votes: 19 10.6%

  • Total voters

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New member
Dec 30, 2009
I am sure there has been a poll about this Subject.

But for the sake wanting to know, I have posted this Poll. Any additional comments are welcome; like if you were willing to pay extra for it. If you would prefer if it was a service that wasn't offered. Also if CIM was expected or if it was something that would be considered extra. I think this info would be helpful for everyone, both newbies as an SP or Clients.



the general

Active member
Oct 31, 2010
I have to say that I prefer a BBBJ, but depending on everything else about the SP, I would still (and have) booked. As for paying extra, it is my pet peeve paying extra, and I would even less likely visit the lady, if it was offered for a premium.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
I've certainly seen the occasional lady that doesn't offer it but most of the time it's a deal breaker. Even when I do see one that doesn't offer it it tends to be a be a one-time visit. I can think of only two ladies I've ever repeated with that didn't offer it.

I refuse to see any lady that provides any services à la carte (except Greek but I don't care about that). Occasionally I've been with ladies and when this has happened and I've considered it a a money grubbing, low class way to conduct business (they usually didn't last long). I say this in the context of the extra charge coming up in the middle of events. If I was told at the start of the session that these were the ground rules I'd fine (as I'd be heading back out the door).


Location: Ottawa
Jul 4, 2006
I am most likely in a very small minority who voted for the last option (Much prefer if she didn`t provide the service but would still see her as I feel safer to kiss and perform daty it she does not), as most know I don`t partake in this activity as per what I have read about the risk of treatable but yet incurable HIV. I remember however, in a separate poll that I conducted on the other board 3 years ago, BBBJ came first as per services hobbyists required even ahead of Daty by slight margin!!!!!. For me though lack of kissing and Daty is a deal breaker as a session without kissing is not a GFE or enjoyable.

As for CIM, NO WAY to ask or see the one knowingly who provides. At the end what services we receive is a personal choice and depends on our personal risk tolerence level and unfortunately mine is very low and others can be relatively higher
It`s really impossible to know what the SPs do behind closed doors (whatever they might say in their ads or to a particular client) unless they explicitly offer a specific service in their ads. Even if they explicitly state in their ads that they do not offer "A" or "B", who`s to know what actually happens behind closed doors? It`s even more difficult to estimate the clients` track records (2 to 6 different SPs a month perhaps?). I would imagine that the "elite" SPs are particularly careful to look after their sexual health even when they`re knowingly doing risky things but it`s an inherently risky business for everyone involved.

I`m sure we`ve all played the "numbers game", e.g., 4 clients per day, 4 days a week, 35 weeks a year, etc., and I`ll leave you to factor in the ml per cum :Eek:. That`s when it really becomes scary, but it`s a reality. I personally can`t feel anything at all through a condom so for me it`s a BBBJ or nothing. I fully realize that the BBBJCIM ladies are doing exactly the same thing with many other clients but I accept that risk. I`ve never experienced a BBBJCIMSW though (yet).....

Here`s another related poll:


Nov 28, 2011
ive had both bbbj and cbj, and i must say bbbj is MUCH better. also if an SP doesnt offer bbbj & daty, chances are i wont see them. although i have been with some who i wont mention any names, and the bbbj was terrible. but also ive had some that were out of this world.

as for paying extra for bbbj, probably not. the way i see it, if an SP offers daty, she should also offer bbbj, its basically the same thing, but i do understand why some dont offer bbbj, from a male's point of view it should go the same way. im a huge fan of daty, can never get enough of it.

i can also understand an extra charge for greek, not many offer it, but i do understand if its more.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
For me, BBBJ is crucial to proceeding, however, although I really, really, really, really prefer CIM, based on personal relationships, I can well understand why CIM is not for some SP's. I would consider that a personal choice by the Sp, but depending on other factors (looks, general service, etc) CIM may or may not be a deal breaker.

As for paying more for BBBJ (or MSOG for that matter), no fu*$ing way!!! LOL


Well-known member
I'm good either way...I have a fav out here in the D/R...ultra safe CBJ...but I cant get enough of her in CG..rides awesome...
I have been with others who offer BBBJCIMSW...awesome also....I think BBBJ is highly over-rated ..its enjoyable...but not a deal breaker for me.....


New member
Aug 20, 2006
Its a deal breaker for me. I would never book a girl for a cbj.. cimsw is not a deal breaker for me though.


Mar 11, 2012
It is not a deal breaker for me although I enjoy BBBJ more. I have a regular who provides only CBJ and yet I still see her multiple times. As for paying extra, no, I'll not be interested.


Aug 5, 2012
CBJ isn't a deal breaker for me in the slightest - I'm normally such a horn dog that it slows me down enough to enjoy things. To be honest, I prefer a CBJ with an SP - call me paranoid, but being covered gives me piece of mind.


Dec 12, 2010
Prefer a bbbj but willing to put up with cbj as long as the service is great. Robotic service is a NO REPEAT from me.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Will not pay extra and not visit the lady if she is asking for extras. The only extra I would pay would be for greek since it is a PITA (pun intended) for some girls. I don't understand why a lady asks for extas for BBBJ: it's the same effort with or without condom. If it is for a health reason then the lady should not offer BBBJ period. Asking for extras for BBBJ reveals the greedy character of the girl and that is exactly why I avoid girls asking for extras for regular stuff like BBBJ, DATY...etc.


Will not pay extra and not visit the lady if she is asking for extras. The only extra I would pay would be for greek since it is a PITA (pun intended) for some girls. I don't understand why a lady asks for extas for BBBJ: it's the same effort with or without condom. If it is for a health reason then the lady should not offer BBBJ period. Asking for extras for BBBJ reveals the greedy character of the girl and that is exactly why I avoid girls asking for extras for regular stuff like BBBJ, DATY...etc.
My sentiments exactly. I had paid extra here and there only to be disappointed every time.

No BBBJ is not a deal breaker, if an SP gets rave reviews and does a very good CBJ I may go for it. I prefer BBBJ and if all else is equal will go to the BBBJ SP. But when girls start asking extra for what most others are including, it sends off alarms. IME, girls who ask for extra usually do not provide very good service, extra or not. Greedy girls usually provide lousy service.

I'll go to an SP who is upfront and all inclusive, it greatly increases the odds of a great encounter. If all is "on the table" (including the envelope on the desk) then the time is spent enjoying each other, not haggling over money. The encounter goes smoothly and no stress to spoil things.

What's worse than a SP who asks for extra? One who makes you stop and get the cash before they will continue.


Oct 19, 2008
I had a rule of thumb (or it that "a rule of dick?") No BBBJ; No Boner
I don't pay extra for basic services and DATY is a must.

I say had cause I'm out of the game at the moment,,,,but you never know.....


Dec 12, 2010
I see on the other boards the limp dicks are saying bbbj doesn't matter.....fucking liars

lol. Afterall that is a shit board mate ;) May be it really doesnt matter to them even with the service henceforth some of us have to put up with the shit spewed on the other board in recommendations. Majority of the people there live in a fucking fairy land . Seriously glad that something like terb existis


New member
May 7, 2012
Actually the other boards' poll results are also coming down in favour of the bbbj. I much prefer the bbbj, but the poll question is "is it a deal breaker" and for me, with one of my favourites it is not, as I find her company intoxicating, FS very exciting, and her cbj skill is great+ other toys are fun too...If I was seeing many SPs with little repeating then it would be required. As far as it being an extra, I agree that is ridiculous...either they do it or dont.
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