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Canadian arrested for walking his dog near Muslims at Queens park.


Mar 17, 2003
Link for Video:

Canadian arrested for walking his dog near Muslims
Toronto Police Services Arrest Man For Walking His Dog On Al-Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) At Queen's Park, Toronto, August 18, 2102

"I was arrested at the rally for, "offending Islam" by walking in a PUBLIC park with my dog. Apparently, Muslims do not like dogs. I was warned by a few demonstrators not to go near them. Of course I ignored them and reminded them this is Canada, not Pakistan. Well I was assaulted and returned the favor in kind.

At that point I was jumped by four COPS, dragged off and hand cuffed. Oh my the police were so angry! They said I was, "insensitive" and "inciting a riot". 30 minutes later they cut me a big deal. No charges if I left. So I left. Imagine this happening in Canada? Walking a licensed dog on a leash at the park in front of our Provincial Legislature and being arrested for that simple act!"
Dogs, Pigs and Infidels are considered to be unclean in Islam.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I'm not Muslim and I believe in freedom but this guy really sounds like a racist troublemaker. The whole park and he asserts his right to walk through the middle of their demonstration. I hope the cops pounded the shit of this guy. It's his hostile attitude that makes radical Muslim's recruitment job easier.


Apr 14, 2011
I'm not Muslim and I believe in freedom but this guy really sounds like a racist troublemaker. The whole park and he asserts his right to walk through the middle of their demonstration. I hope the cops pounded the shit of this guy. It's his hostile attitude that makes radical Muslim's recruitment job easier.
i agree....maybe during Israel week, i''l go down there with my pet pig and give out free

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
For fucks sake you guys, he was arrested because he was in a fight.

And "Muslims" and "Canadians" are not mutually exclusive.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
I'd like to say I'm surprised by this.. but really, I'm not.
Just think of the debacle in Caledonia.
There seems to be one law for regular people, and another for the special interest groups that the "politically correct" think need to be treated with kid gloves to avoid being seen as "racist".

It's disgusting. This is not Canada any more.


Apr 14, 2011
I'd like to say I'm surprised by this.. but really, I'm not.
Just think of the debacle in Caledonia.
There seems to be one law for regular people, and another for the special interest groups that the "politically correct" think need to be treated with kid gloves to avoid being seen as "racist".

It's disgusting. This is not Canada any more.
you do know that these guys are condemning Israel and not Canandian Jews, right?....big diffference...what the fuck does Israel have to do with Canada?...FOr the most part, the canadian gov't has condemned don't see your point about Canada not being Canada. They have the right to protest...end of story


New member
Sep 5, 2005
you do know that these guys are condemning Israel and not Canandian Jews, right?....big diffference...what the fuck does Israel have to do with Canada?...FOr the most part, the canadian gov't has condemned don't see your point about Canada not being Canada. They have the right to protest...end of story
They have the right to peaceful protest.
They do not have the right to support a banned terrorist organization (Hezbollah, so deemed by the Canadian government).

Likewise.. this guy has the right to walk his dog in a public park. He even has the right to do so as a sort of counter-protest. This does not give anyone the right to harass or assault him.
It looks like, from the video, that he was pushed first. Yet he is the one arrested. Why is this?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Why can't people just get along. It does seems like he instigated but I'd say the protesters have no right to tell anyone who walks their dogs to fuck off. They do not own the park. they may have permit to protest but that doesn't give them full rights and deny other people from doing what they're used to. I have muslim friends and I don't care what their beliefs are. But these types of behavior from other muslims is what tarnishes their reputation. These are the muslims that really don't belong or shouldn't mingle in a multi-cultural country.


Apr 14, 2011
They have the right to peaceful protest.
They do not have the right to support a banned terrorist organization (Hezbollah, so deemed by the Canadian government).

Likewise.. this guy has the right to walk his dog in a public park. He even has the right to do so as a sort of counter-protest. This does not give anyone the right to harass or assault him.
It looks like, from the video, that he was pushed first. Yet he is the one arrested. Why is this?
because the only reason this idiot went to Queen's Park with a mastiff wrapped in the israel flag is to insult and harass a peaceful what if the guy shoved him, it wasn't his protest....if i went to an Israeli support rally with a "jews for jesus" sign. or wrapped a pig in an Israeli flag, would i get punched?...100 per cent i would.


Active member
Oct 30, 2004
Who gives a fuck about morons and their moronic behaviour on both sides?! People will be assholes no matter what side of the fence you sit on, but to bring the dog into it is offensive. I think it's disgusting he involves this dog, (noted as a special needs dog who is gentle) who seems to get a kick in the ass by someone! That's the disgusting part to me.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
because the only reason this idiot went to Queen's Park with a mastiff wrapped in the israel flag is to insult and harass a peaceful what if the guy shoved him, it wasn't his protest....if i went to an Israeli support rally with a "jews for jesus" sign. or wrapped a pig in an Israeli flag, would i get punched?...100 per cent i would.
The old "pig in a blanket trick".


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Why can't people just get along.
You're kidding, right?

Of course, the problem does not lie with the people for whom it is in their nature to "just get along".

These are the muslims that really don't belong or shouldn't mingle in a multi-cultural country.
You're kidding, right?

As a Canadian, you have to learn to just get along with people of different cultures, and with people you don't agree with.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Why doesn't this group protesting go to Isreal and do it? Lets see how they make out.I will even chip in for their plane ticket.I am sick and tired of people here protesting and disrupting ordinary people going about their daily lives.If you want to protest against say,Syria,go their and do it,pick up a gun and fight side by side with the rebels.If you don't like what Iran is doing,go their and do something about it.
Makes me sick we have to spend tax payers dollars on cops to babysit protesters.
I really don't think the Provincal or Fedral government give 2 shits about what the protesters are saying.


Sep 24, 2004
Any religious or ethnic group that is offended by a dog are just a fricken bunch of fucktards. This is Canada. Take your fucked up hates and prejudices and go back where you fucking came from.

They should never have been allowed in Queen's Park to spew their hate toward anybody, including the dog.
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