I'm sorry but exactly what research has been provided?
Read the article from The Economist, which is the ONLY sourceI have posted here on this thread so far. It contains several surveys. A couple cited in that article point out that latinos and blacks are MUCH more likely to hold prejudicial views towards one another than whites are, for example latinos are much more likely to believe such myths as "blacks are lazy" than whites. Which basically is what was to be demonstrated. Now that's just one indirect survey cited in an article. I have said I haven't had a lot of time to collect information yet, and I will do that. In the meantime, I *have* provided some data, and it is up against *jack squat* from the other side. The only data we have so far is this data I've provided, which supports my point. Frank posted some unrelated points which I actually agreed with, about minorities being more aware of racism, and modern racism being more subtle--but that doesn't detract from the point that minorities are more prejudiced than whites are.
As for your list of sources, I didn't post anything from stormfront and never would, and I resent even the slightest implication from you that I would. I await your apology. We can continue this discussion when you are less of a cad.
Here's my prediction: Once we start going through the data and sources the reality of inter-minority racism is going to dawn on you, you're going to realize that it's obvious, when you see the forms that it takes. You're then going to try and downplay it, and argue that it isn't all that important or relevant for some reason, or that it's explained by their situation, or whatever. In short, you're going to flip flop. Why is this my prediction? Because it is really bloody obvious that minorities are far more racist than whites, to the point where in poor areas it takes the form of gang violence--people are killed. Prisons divide along racial lines, so do ghettos. Minorities that are somewhat better off nevertheless continue to harbour these deep seated myths. You want racism? Look it up, you'll find stories on the net of asian women who were refused service in asian businesses because the owner found out she had a black husband. It's really blatant racist stuff that happens.
When you begin to realize all this you're going to try and avoid admitting that I'm right by saying it doesn't matter or is a symptom of poverty.
Well there sure are explanations for it. They do include things like poverty, and also as I mentioned up thread, people bringing attitudes with them from their home countries, which are almost universally less tolerant places than Canada or the United States. There isn't anything evil about it--it's just something we have to deal with. But shoving out thumbs up our asses and pretending it doesn't exist won't help anybody.