Chick-Fil-A and Gay Marriage


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Mayor Menino is taking incredible political heat including from Civil Liberties groups about what amounts to extortion and abuse of government power, imagine if the Mayor of say Provo, Utah or Salt Lake City sent a simlar letter to Starbucks (you support Gay Marriage that is against the values of our community therefore I'm going to abuse my power and attempt to shut you down in this city because your CEO exercised his personal First Amendment Free Speech rights).

p.s. anyone who has it in for Mayor Ford, should take a gander at the incredable malapropisms of Mayor "Mumbles" Menino (who got his foot in the door because as the rotating president of the Boston City Council, he by luck of timing became Acting Mayor when then Mayor Raymond Flynn was appointed U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See).


Super Moderator
Feb 18, 2010
Someone doesn't like gay marriage. It's their opinion. Who cares.

I don't like green people. Who cares.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Chick-fil-A have stopped including Jim Henson Company toys in their children’s meals due to a ‘possible safety issue.’
The restaurant appear to have pulled the Jim Henson Creature Shop toys from their meals after the company behind The Muppets severed ties with Chick-fil-A over the eatery’s anti-gay marriage stance.
Good for Chick-fil-A, the Henson company tried to pull the "we're taking our marbles and going home" game, and Chick-fil-A, said fine why wait for next week, how about today.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Good for Chick-fil-A, the Henson company tried to pull the "we're taking our marbles and going home" game, and Chick-fil-A, said fine why wait for next week, how about today.
so you hate gay people then ?


Jan 31, 2005
Aardvark, oddly, I don't recall your reaction being "abuse of power" when elements in New York opposed a mosque near ground zero. It seems you only think it is an "abuse of power" when it's a crack down on an ideology you agree with, but when it's a crack down on an ideology you disagree with, you cheer it on.

Either you support equal rights for all, and you believe people should be able to operate wherever they want, without interference based on politics--or you don't.

Assuming you don't (given your history on that other thread) I also have to wonder how this is an abuse of power. Isn't it part of the mayor's job to stand up against discrimination and prejudice, and fight against those who would limit the freedoms of others?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
What's Big Bird's opinion about all this? Surprised they were associated with Chick-Fil-A in the first place.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Aardvark, oddly, I don't recall your reaction being "abuse of power" when elements in New York opposed a mosque near ground zero.
Was it the Mayor who was one of the "elements"?

I also have to wonder how this is an abuse of power. Isn't it part of the mayor's job to stand up against discrimination and prejudice, and fight against those who would limit the freedoms of others?
You really need to read up on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Even without the protections of the First Amendment, would you find it justified if Mayor Ford decided he didn't like your political views and attempted to shut down activities of your business in Toronto?

Perhaps take another gander at


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
The dead giveaway must have been last night when I was at a dinner party with a Gay couple (I must have leaped across the table to attack them without any of us remembering it). :eyebrows:
wow dude. i don't even have that much hate in me.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Yeh, its a shame especially since the are both such nice people. (the later being absolutely true).
hows this for judging people. my brother has a big bbq every year and invites people over (he is amazing with a smoker) well last year i went and i was having beers and eating and it was good. as i am mingling in the crown like the social butterfly that i am i would get near this gay couple and they would see me coming and move on in their mingling, when i actually noticed it as more than just a "that's odd" type thing i started to see how real it was and sure enough every time i got near them they would move.

well end of the night everyone is saying good bye i just happened to be in the driveway having a smoke while my brother said bye to everyone, the gay couple came walking out and i stopped them and they looked frightened when i did. i asked them why they had been moving away form me all night if i had said something offensive or if i smelled. they both told me that i looked like the people that have harassed them in the past and assumed i would. so i just kinda gave them a sad look and said they would have had a fun night if they had actually spoken to me and that i was sad that someone had done to them exactly what they had done to me. shook both their hands and walked away.

that is something i always wondered about black people hating gays so fiercely (not all black people obviously but the sterotype average) they are hating someone and wanting to deny equal rights to them, just like they fought and are still fighting for. fucking weird, you would think they would want to work together but i guess blacks figure there must be only enough acceptance in their heart for one thing that is different and they want it to be them and not the gays. what a fucking backward ass world we live in.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
What concerns me is a business getting involved in what amounts to a political debate. God knows where this will take us if any business publicly supports a particular political philosophy. If history is any judge this not bode well for us.


Apr 24, 2005
Thank goodness the mayor wasn't trying to shut down a strip club because it clashes with his personal values.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
On the contrary, Bloomberg came out strongly in support of allowing the mosque to go forward. However, I understood at the time that was something you disagreed with.
Oh, so now I'm the Mayor or Governor? You not infrequently have this sort of problem with nuance.

In this case between a private person saying "I don't like" and the Mayor saying "your business which is completely legal, isn't one I want in this city because I don't like you speaking your mind." Isn't this something for individuals to decide, if you don't like the belief's of Starbucks then don't buy coffee at Starbucks, it isn't the Mayor's call to attempt to block Starbucks an action which frankly is begging for a multimillion dollar judgement against the city if he followed through.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Does diversity also include polygamy? Is polygamy still illegal? If yes, why?
What the fuck does this have to do with the topic at hand? Are you trying to best yourself for your stupidest post ever? For fuck's sake.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Does diversity also include polygamy?

Since society does not seem to deem multiple marriage as acceptable
as gay marriage diversity has to exclude polygamy even if it is supposed
to include Mormons and Muslims.

Is polygamy still illegal? If yes, why?
The only excuse for such blatant infringement of our right
to the freedom of choice of the number of spouses one can
have I can think of is that monogamy is needed to safeguard
women from exploitation by men. But then women are also
denied the right to marry more than one man. Perhaps polygamy
is a morality issue to our society. Polygamy is a sin in a politically
correct world.
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