Yeah...I saw coverage (60 minutes, if I remember correctly) on this about 8 months ago - the various counties look like ghost towns as well! Lots of flow on businesses and those earning indirectly form the program have also been hurt!
Space workers along with cuts to NASA have become just another casualty of GLOBALISM that is destroying America.
The US Gov no longer has monies to fund the research the Space Program once did. This is what happens when tens of millions of great jobs are shipped out or the USA so the top 1% can get fat & happy while the remaining 99% see their way of life and the American Dream vanish.
OTOH Commie RED China NOW HAS a thriving Space Program never thought possible just a few years ago!
All made possible by Pinko American Corporations who assumed the role of Judas and screwed their workers and pulled their operations out of America and moved everything to those commies they pal around with!
Perhaps those USA Space workers who lost their jobs should move to RED China where their Space jobs are now located....:eyebrows:
I predict in 50 years one of the greatest embarrassments of the 21rst century will be the U.S's shuttling of the space program.I've never ever bought the official story.
In reading the article, the one worker with 33 years of service and 62 years of age who was earning in excess of $100K near the end of his career, should easily be able to retire with his government pension.
In reading the article, the one worker with 33 years of service and 62 years of age who was earning in excess of $100K near the end of his career, should easily be able to retire with his government pension.