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Gunfire on Morningside!


New member
Jul 4, 2011
WHY are there no fathers? Is it a cultural thing? Religious thing? Poor attitude? Is it genetic? There has to be a logical reason why there are no fathers.
Because many of them are raised not learning morals and they become amoral or immoral. I read that in many African countries lying and thieving are consisdered normal and even virtues. It's a society with a differet value system and a mentality which lacks structure.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Because many of them are raised not learning morals and they become amoral or immoral. I read that in many African countries lying and thieving are consisdered normal and even virtues. It's a society with a differet value system and a mentality which lacks structure.
What so african culture is transferable to jamiaca? And the values of most of the continent of africa is consistant? I find that hard to believe.

As for lying as a virtue. I'd say north american politics is rife with it and we allow it. For example, years back the liberals were caught in a scandal invovling stolen money yet they still won the next election.

Big business is pretty much conducted in a two face manner (one face for the public and the real face for profit)

US law seems to be based on suing people...... not sure if Canadian law is the same but often winning a case involves some bending of the truth.

Heck we even have a term for good lies (white lies)

And theiving...... that's how the whites got north america in the first place

As they say.... the winner gets to write the history books :D

Take a look at north american culture..... paris hilton, the kardashians and snooki are probably more recognizable then the mayor and primeminister

Divorce rates are around 50%

I'm not saying that black culture is not without problems but white culture is pretty fucked up too.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
I'll be interested to see how much cooperation the police get from the those that were there, from the community. Will witnesses come forward? The grandfather of the slain girl is asking them to.

“This child should be an eye-opener, a wakeup for the whole community,” he said, calling for witnesses to speak out and end the culture of silence surrounding gang shootings.

“No more hiding,” said Charles. “Come forward so my granddaughter’s death won’t be in vain.”

I hope they do


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i'm sure these programs do help some kids, but these programs I would argue they benefit the public sector bureaucracy who gets a paycheque much more. Private charities like Big Brother etc are far more effective, these kids need a father figure who actually donates his time cuz he gives a fuck. broken homes is the major cause, most of these kids come from homes with no fathers and their mothers work two jobs and can't raise them. their young minds also get brainwashed by the propaganda thats in the black community that says your black and worthless being victimized by white oppression, plus the gangsta rap culture in the black community doesnt help, you have fake gangsta's in the media glorifying a lifestyle to sell records and these kids eat it all up. if youve been ignorant all your life, once you become a young adult you have no knowledge, nothing going for you in your life. there is perpetual poverty in these neighbourhoods and the govt doesnt want them to get out of poverty, the more ppl dependent on govt cheques means guaranteed votes for those who supply the gravy
I'd agree that a committed volunteer may well be more effective than government handouts. And committed parents will do better than a single parent with volunteer help, and, … and, ….

We do what we can with what we have. It's obviously not doing enough, and what we're doing is not good enough. But doing nothing is not an option.


Jun 6, 2009
I'd agree that a committed volunteer may well be more effective than government handouts. And committed parents will do better than a single parent with volunteer help, and, … and, ….

We do what we can with what we have. It's obviously not doing enough, and what we're doing is not good enough. But doing nothing is not an option.
Som'dy gets it.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Anyone going to argue with Fuji that it is not a cultural issue in the black community.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Because many of them are raised not learning morals and they become amoral or immoral. I read that in many African countries lying and thieving are consisdered normal and even virtues. It's a society with a differet value system and a mentality which lacks structure.

To expand on this, i personally know a black family where this is the case. The mentality and value system is passed down from one generation to the next, so they never learn any different. It's sad but true in a lot of cases.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
I'll be interested to see how much cooperation the police get from the those that were there, from the community. Will witnesses come forward?
Am surprised the police have not announced who they are looking for. Although in the Eaton Center shooting, think the police knew who the shooter was, but did not announce it until he was caught.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
To expand on this, i personally know a black family where this is the case. The mentality and value system is passed down from one generation to the next, so they never learn any different. It's sad but true in a lot of cases.
Of course you're thoroughly familiar with the Donnelly story.

Culture does matter and it's hard to change, but we do all adapt over time. Refusing to spend money to speed that along and try to replace a culture that's dangerous and disfunctional here with a Canadian model that works (in its most basic form that'd be Citizenship classes) is a recipe for more of the same. It sends the message thir culture had it right; ours doesn't give a shit nor matter.

What truly does not matter is whose culture it is, every immigrant group was once tarred with that bigoted brush. What matters is what our culture is.


Jun 6, 2009
I'll be interested to see how much cooperation the police get from the those that were there, from the community. Will witnesses come forward? The grandfather of the slain girl is asking them to.

“This child should be an eye-opener, a wakeup for the whole community,” he said, calling for witnesses to speak out and end the culture of silence surrounding gang shootings.

“No more hiding,” said Charles. “Come forward so my granddaughter’s death won’t be in vain.”

I hope they do
It's beeen reported that there is a real hesitancy in people coming forward. It's hard to blame them but it is in their hands.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Anyone going to argue with Fuji that it is not a cultural issue in the black community
No doubt there's a violent gun problem in Black community. I just dont think its fair to hold the entire Black community responsible for it. There are plenty of Black guys who abhor this violence as well, probably the majority actually


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
There is something wrong I just think culture is the wrong word. But not worth arguing over what the right words is to describe the source of the problem.

But using fuji's idea of culture..... what's wrong with white culture that it is more likely to produce sex offenders, drug related, sex trade and panhandler? As opposed to blacks who are more likely to be invovled in gangs, guns. homocides?

http://media.thestar.topscms.com/acrobat/dd/49/f22a053a43cd98df18c4650f56d7.pdf seee page 8

Maybe this just shows that white are pussies. :D JOKING

But whites need to answer for their culture of diddlers, druggies, pimps/pros, and moochers.

Or another way to look at things what is the asian community doing such that the percentage of prison population is half of what their population in canada is. That is quite remarkable as blacks and aboriginals are over represented and white are about even.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
There is something wrong I just think culture is the wrong word. But not worth arguing over what the right words is to describe the source of the problem.

But using fuji's idea of culture..... what's wrong with white culture that it is more likely to produce sex offenders, drug related, sex trade and panhandler? As opposed to blacks who are more likely to be invovled in gangs, guns. homocides?

http://media.thestar.topscms.com/acrobat/dd/49/f22a053a43cd98df18c4650f56d7.pdf seee page 8

Maybe this just shows that white are pussies. :D JOKING

But whites need to answer for their culture of diddlers, druggies, pimps/pros, and moochers.

Or another way to look at things what is the asian community doing such that the percentage of prison population is half of what their population in canada is. That is quite remarkable as blacks and aboriginals are over represented and white are about even.
The difference is that the vast majority of white people would have no probem reporting those actions to the authorities.


Jan 31, 2005
But using fuji's idea of culture..... what's wrong with white culture that it is more likely to produce sex offenders, drug related, sex trade and panhandler?
This is a lie. The only evidence we have--US data--is that blacks are more likely than whites to commit sex offenses and drug offenses, in fact, that they are more likely to commit almost all kinds of crimes than whites are. There are many good reasons to believe that Canadian whites are culturally similar to American whites, and ditto for at least the portion of the black community in Toronto that is responsible for the gun crime. Now I acknowledge that applying US data to Canada is problematic, but you are simply making this up. You have absolutely no basis for this statement, which is just invented racist anti-white propaganda.

Let's deal in facts please.

Back up your claim that whites are, per capita, more likely to commit sex offenses of apologize for posting made up statements.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
This is a lie. The only evidence we have--US data--is that blacks are more likely than whites to commit sex offenses and drug offenses, in fact, that they are more likely to commit almost all kinds of crimes than whites are. There are many good reasons to believe that Canadian whites are culturally similar to American whites, and ditto for at least the portion of the black community in Toronto that is responsible for the gun crime. Now I acknowledge that applying US data to Canada is problematic, but you are simply making this up. You have absolutely no basis for this statement, which is just invented racist anti-white propaganda.

Let's deal in facts please.

Back up your claim that whites are, per capita, more likely to commit sex offenses of apologize for posting made up statements.
I provided a link i guess the Toronto star is in on the lie.
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