Let's take this argument to its logical conclusion. You're a dumbass if you use stock Android, or the Android that came with your phone. Real men compile Cyanogen from scratch after a Gentoo-esque command-line configuration process that takes 7 hours, then troll through the compiler's debug messages and figure out which offending kernel module broke the compilation process. Then flash the ROM yourself - no sissy third-party tools allowed. After all that, boot your hand-crafted Android and gape in horror as the display driver craps out. Then go back to step one, read the entirety of Android's xorg.conf equivalent, and go through the rigmarole again. Now that's true tech mastery.The fact fanbois are always carping how 'hard' they are only confirms how 'tech challenged' they indeed are!....:eyebrows:
Android is made by a group of engineers who think it's perfectly normal to have a goddamn process manager on a phone, and see nothing wrong with necessitating anti-virus software. On a phone. Utter insanity. I wouldn't trust my text messages, emails, and photos to an Android phone. Not without locking it down like a paranoid NSA agent.