Name That Historical Person


Oct 1, 2011
Forgot the guy's name but isnt this the formula for calculating the possibility of extraterestial life?
Yes, but we need the scientist who came up with this formula. He's not that famous, but his formula is. Basically, we've exhausted all the very famous historic people with known faces (I think), so we are down to the less famous ones or famous ones with unknown faces. It makes more sense to identify these remaining people by their work rather than their faces. Hence the paintings, poems, formulas, .... That is basically the phase of the game we've gone into now.


Oct 1, 2011
Yup, its called the "Drake equation" named after Frank Drake

One of the remaining ones is a very famous mathematical theorem that was until recently the biggest unsolved problem in mathematics for centuries. Its proof has been attempted more than any other theorem and also has had the most incorrect proofs as well. The person who finally proved it still remains to be the only person who has come up with a correct proof, and he had worked on it in secrecy for years. When he finally presented it, a flaw was found, and then he struggled for some time to fix it and finally did. His proof is so long and complicated that only a handful of mathematicians around the world can actually confirm that it is correct.


Oct 1, 2011
By the way today is Alan Turning's birthday. He has recently been named to a list of the 50 most important people of the Twentieth Century.

By the way every single one of us reading this owes him a tremendous gift of gratitude!
Former world chess champ Garry Kasparov recently played chess against Turing's original chess computer program. Though Turing made great contributions to computers, his chess program still needed some fine tuning, but was probably the best chess program in his day. The Turing chess program takes 15 minutes to think of each move, but on today's hardware it is just a fraction of a second per move:

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